+300% & , +30% | 24 Hr 5 Min
+57.5% & , +5.75% | Info
23:54 PM (Night)
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Frozen Town Click to see this route's zone global map. This is the best way of finding your path Click to see all zones (1-19) world map image. Big size image
Average Level: 37
Average EXP: 1284
Average Gold: 64
Different Pokémon: 40
Ultra Rare Pokémon: 4
Legendary Pokémon: 2
Shiny Pokémon: 1
Route Order 141
The Reachable Maps From This Map
NPC Trainers found on this Map
Ice Trainer
67,323 EXP
3,366 Gold
1 x Accuracy Serum
1 x Attack Serum
Name Class Level Held Item
Spheal Common 38 Mystical Weapon
Name Class Level Held Item
Smoochum Common 39 Survival Armor
Name Class Level Held Item
Snover Uncommon 40 Razor Weapon
Name Class Level Held Item
Sneasel Rare 43 Sleeping Weapon
Name Class Level Held Item
Arctovish Rare 45 Wise Warrior
Ice Trainer
86,895 EXP
4,344 Gold
1 x Accuracy Serum
1 x Attack Serum
Name Class Level Held Item
Snorunt Common 39 Epic Hammer
Name Class Level Held Item
Galarian-Darumaka Common 40 Sleeping Weapon
Name Class Level Held Item
Castform-Snowy Uncommon 41 Critical Weapon
Name Class Level Held Item
Amaura Uncommon 42 Speed Armor
Name Class Level Held Item
Umbreon-Frozen Ultra Rare 46 Ice Crystal
Ice Trainer
69,655 EXP
3,482 Gold
1 x Accuracy Serum
1 x Attack Serum
Name Class Level Held Item
Galarian-MrMime Rare 43 Wise Warrior
Name Class Level Held Item
Eiscue-Noice Rare 45 Sword and Shield
Name Class Level Held Item
Eiscue Rare 45 Party Exp Share
Walking On The Map (Grass, Clouds Surface, Cave Surface)
Name Class Min Level Max Level Average EXP Average Gold EV Reward Appear Chance Have Event
Snom Common 37 37 391 19 SpAtk: 1 5.75%
Galarian-Meowth Common 37 37 613 30 Atk: 1 5.61%
Tympole Common 37 37 623 31 Speed: 1 5.61%
Combee Common 37 37 666 33 Speed: 1 5.61%
Galarian-Darumaka Common 37 37 666 33 Atk: 1 5.61%
Dwebble Common 37 37 687 34 Def: 1 5.61%
Dratini Common 37 37 708 35 Atk: 1 5.61%
Snorunt Common 37 37 782 39 HP: 1 5.61%
Spheal Common 37 37 792 39 HP: 1 5.61%
Oddish Common 37 37 824 41 SpAtk: 1 5.61%
Alolan-Diglett Common 37 37 856 42 Speed: 1 5.61%
Smoochum Common 37 37 919 45 SpAtk: 1 5.61%
Galarian-Meditite Common 37 37 962 48 Speed: 1 5.61%
Shedinja Common 37 37 1004 50 HP: 2 5.61%
Hippopotas Common 37 37 1004 50 Def: 1 5.61%
Amaura Uncommon 39 39 1604 80 HP: 1 1.3%
Sableye Uncommon 39 39 2184 109 Def: 1 1.3%
Koffing Uncommon 39 39 2540 127 Def: 1 1.3%
Snover Uncommon 39 39 2919 145 Atk: 1 1.3%
Nuzleaf Uncommon 39 39 3142 157 Atk: 2 1.3%
Clamperl Uncommon 39 39 3164 158 Def: 1 1.3%
Castform-Snowy Uncommon 39 39 3231 161 HP: 1 1.3%
Vivillon-Meadow Uncommon 39 39 4122 206 Def: 2 1.3%
Vivillon-Tundra Uncommon 39 39 4122 206 Def: 2 1.3%
Eevee-Partner Rare 42 42 2724 136 SpDef: 1 0.4%
Sneasel Rare 42 42 5544 277 Speed: 1 0.4%
Galarian-MrMime Rare 42 42 6756 337 Speed: 1 0.4%
Eiscue-Noice Rare 42 42 6924 346 Speed: 1 0.4%
Eiscue Rare 42 42 6924 346 Def: 1 0.4%
Durant Rare 42 42 7092 354 Def: 2 0.4%
Comfey Rare 42 42 7140 357 SpDef: 2 0.4%
Oranguru Rare 42 42 7224 361 SpDef: 2 0.4%
Arctovish Rare 42 42 7428 371 Def: 1 0.4%
Buzzwole Ultra Rare 45 45 7328 366 Def: 2 0.08%
Kartana Ultra Rare 45 45 7328 366 Atk: 3 0.08%
Duraludon Ultra Rare 45 45 12021 601 SpAtk: 1 0.08%
Umbreon-Frozen Ultra Rare 45 45 12664 633 SpDef: 2 0.08%
Silvally-Ice Legendary 70 70 21840 1092 HP: 3 0.04%
Kyurem-White Legendary 70 70 38600 1930 SpAtk: 3 0.04%
Shiny-Totodile Shiny 55 55 4667 233 Atk: 1 0.01%
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