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Oyun Dilini Türkçeye Çevir
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Version 7.4.0
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Oyun Dilini Türkçeye Çevir
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Pokemon Pets free online MMO RPG Pokémon game profile avatars.
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Avatars ID between 1-425 made by
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1 - Darkrai
2 - Alakazam
3 - Dusknoir
4 - Shaymin_Land_Form
5 - Shaymin_Sky_Form
6 - Infernape
7 - Tyranitar
8 - Lucario
9 - Charizard
10 - Dialga
11 - Palkia
12 - Empoleon
13 - Mew
14 - Haunter
15 - Phione
16 - Shiftry_Shining
17 - Shuckle
18 - Spiritomb
19 - Torterra
20 - Gardevoir
21 - Swampert
22 - Celebi
23 - Wartortle
24 - Giratina
25 - Ninetails
26 - Tangela_Shining
27 - Happiny
28 - Raichu
29 - Garchomp
30 - Gyarados
31 - Shaymin_Land_Form_2
32 - Pikachu_2
33 - Delibird_2
34 - Milotic
35 - Machamp
36 - Gliscor
37 - Politoed
38 - Flygon
39 - Leafeon
40 - Flareon
41 - Jolteon
42 - Glaceon
43 - Vaporeon
44 - Eevee
45 - Espeon
46 - Espeon_2
47 - Umbreon
48 - Umbreon_2
49 - Groudon
50 - Manectric
51 - Manectric_2
52 - Raikou
53 - Raikou_2
54 - Latias
55 - Latias_2
56 - Rayquaza
57 - Rayquaza_2
58 - Lickitung
59 - Lickitung_Psychic
60 - Lickilicky
61 - Giratina_Origin
62 - Giratina_Origin_2
63 - Giratina_2
64 - Kingdra
65 - Duskull
66 - Mewtwo
67 - Mudkip
68 - Surskit
69 - Treeko
70 - Weavile
71 - Arcanine
72 - Slowking
73 - Yanmega
74 - Abomasnow
75 - Mesprit
76 - Turtwig
77 - Dialga_2
78 - Furret
79 - Barboach
80 - Gulpin
81 - Swablu
82 - Wynaut
83 - Ho-Oh
84 - Ho-Oh_2
85 - Ludicolo
86 - Magikarp
87 - Magikarp_2
88 - Manaphy
89 - Suicune
90 - Feraligatr
91 - Regigigas
92 - Garchomp
93 - Garchomp_2
94 - Garchomp_3
95 - Chimchar
96 - Ledian
97 - Piplup
98 - Roserade
99 - Mantine
100 - Kyogre
101 - Gliscor_2
102 - Heatran
103 - Froslass
104 - Buneary
105 - Mr. Mime
106 - Totodile
107 - Croconaw
108 - Electivire
109 - Glaceon_2
110 - Glaceon_3
111 - Swampert
112 - Rotom_Wash_Form
113 - Lugia
114 - Mew_2
115 - Mew_3
116 - Pichu
117 - Pichu_2
118 - Pichu_3
119 - Giratina_3
120 - Dialga_3
121 - Palkia_2
122 - Dragonite
123 - Dragonite_2
124 - Gallade
125 - Gallade_2
126 - Salamence
127 - Salamence_2
128 - Azelf
129 - Uxie
130 - Pixies
131 - Rhyperior
132 - Entei
133 - Raikou_3
134 - Suicune_2
135 - Legendary_Dogs
136 - Ho-Oh_3
137 - Damos
138 - Gishin
139 - Masquerain
140 - Whiscash
141 - Chikorita
142 - Cyndaquil
143 - Chik_Cynd_Toto
144 - Pikachu
145 - Jirachi
146 - Shroomish
147 - Piplup_2
148 - Rotom_Heat_Form
149 - Gastrodon
150 - Deoxys_Normal_Form
151 - Cresselia
152 - Deoxys_Defense_Form
153 - Deoxys_Defense_Form_2
154 - Zapdos
155 - Banette
156 - Arceus_Normal_Form
157 - Arceus_Bug_Form
158 - Arceus_Dark_Form
159 - Arceus_Dragon_Form
160 - Arceus_Electric_Form
161 - Arceus_Fighting_Form
162 - Arceus_Fire_Form
163 - Arceus_Flying_Form
164 - Arceus_Ghost_Form
165 - Arceus_Grass_Form
166 - Arceus_Ground_Form
167 - Arceus_Ice_Form
168 - Arceus_Poison_Form
169 - Arceus_Psychic_Form
170 - Arceus_Rock_Form
171 - Arceus_Steel_Form
172 - Arceus_Water_Form
173 - Arceus_Unknown_Form
174 - Charmeleon
175 - Ivysaur
176 - Arceus_2
177 - Shiftry_2
178 - Lugia_2
179 - Meganium
180 - Ditto
181 - Entei_2
182 - Darkrai_2
183 - Lanturn
184 - Mime Jr.
185 - Porygon-Z
186 - Murkrow
187 - Feebas
188 - Feebas_2
189 - Shinx
190 - Luxio
191 - Articuno
192 - Smeargle
193 - Dragon_Trio
194 - Latios
195 - Latios_2
196 - Raikou_4
197 - Raikou_5
198 - Jolteon_2
199 - Jolteon_3
200 - Magmortar
201 - Rayquaza_3
202 - Rayquaza_4
203 - Metagross
204 - Metagross_2
205 - Shaymin_Land_Form_3
206 - Ariados
207 - Kadabra
208 - Farfetchd
209 - Sableye
210 - Staraptor
211 - Kabutops
212 - Rampardos
213 - Bidoof
214 - Manectric_3
215 - Mewtwo_2
216 - Burmy_Plant_Form
217 - Combusken
218 - Gyarados_2
219 - Walrein
220 - Dusknoir_2
221 - Scizor
222 - Mamoswine
223 - Lopunny
224 - Treeko
225 - Politoed_2
226 - Celebi_2
227 - Seviper
228 - Zangoose
229 - Zangoose_2
230 - Blaziken
231 - Tauros
232 - Spinda
233 - Ho-Oh_4
234 - Lugia_3
235 - Groudon_2
236 - Venusaur
237 - Chansey
238 - Golbat
239 - Magby
240 - Drowzee
241 - Muk
242 - Deoxys_Attack_Form
243 - Jynx
244 - Machoke
245 - Flygon_2
246 - Gliscor_3
247 - Crobat
248 - Tyranitar_2
249 - Manaphy_2
250 - Kyogre_2
251 - Huntail
252 - Exploud
253 - Stantler
254 - Cacnea
255 - Pelipper
256 - Wailord
257 - Absol
258 - Ampharos
259 - Infernape_2
260 - Suicune_3
261 - Suicune_Shiny
262 - Milotic_2
263 - Togepi
264 - Skarmory
265 - Skarmory_2
266 - Typhlosion
267 - Shaymin_Sky_Form_2
268 - Shaymin_Sky_Form_3
269 - Aerodactyl
270 - Heracross
271 - Hitmonchan
272 - Tentacool
273 - Meditite
274 - Gengar
275 - Kingdra_2
276 - Golduck
277 - Hoppip
278 - Luvdisc
279 - Relicanth
280 - Charizard_2
281 - Charizard_3
282 - Pidgeot
283 - Armaldo
284 - Pachirisu
285 - Lucario_2
286 - Spiritomb_2
287 - Alakazam_2
288 - Pokemon Z
289 - Pokemon Z_2
290 - Zorua
291 - Zoroark
292 - Ninetales
293 - Lapras
294 - Lapras_2
295 - Rapidash
296 - Rapidash_2
297 - Feraligatr_2
298 - Ninetales_2
299 - Ninetales_3
300 - Gardevoir_2
301 - Gardevoir_3
302 - Scyther
303 - Mewtwo_3
304 - Mewtwo_4
305 - Bibarel
306 - Gyarados_3
307 - Tangrowth
308 - Zoroark_2
309 - Zorua_2
310 - Suicune_4
311 - Entei_3
312 - Raikou_6
313 - Steelix
314 - Tyrogue
315 - Honogouma
316 - Sceptile
317 - Sceptile_2
318 - Bulbasaur
319 - Charmander
320 - Squirtle
321 - Wartortle_2
322 - Blastoise
323 - Psyduck
324 - Hypno
325 - Marowak
326 - Flareon_2
327 - Azumarill
328 - Wooper
329 - Wooper_2
330 - Sneasel
331 - Entei_4
332 - Lugia_4
333 - Celebi_3
334 - Gardevoir_4
335 - Gardevoir_5
336 - Sharpedo
337 - Altaria
338 - Torterra_2
339 - Chimchar_2
340 - Empoleon_2
341 - Luxray
342 - Cranidos
343 - Shieldon
344 - Buizel
345 - Floatzel
346 - Hippowdon
347 - Croagunk
348 - Leafeon_2
349 - Gallade_3
350 - Gallade_4
351 - Uxie_2
352 - Dialga_4
353 - Palkia
354 - Giratina_Origin_3
355 - Arceus
356 - ArceusMan
357 - Tsutaaja
358 - Pokabu
359 - Mijumaru
360 - Minezumi
361 - Miruhoggu
362 - Chillarmy
363 - Gigaiasu
364 - Swana
365 - Shikijika
366 - Moguryuu
367 - Doryuuzu
368 - Kurumiru
369 - Mamanbou
370 - Kibago
371 - Ononokusu
372 - Rankurusu
373 - Rankurusu_2
374 - Reshiram
375 - Zekrom
376 - Victini
377 - Victini_2
378 - Koromori
379 - Gochiruzeru
380 - Munma
381 - Musharna
382 - Wargle
383 - Hihidaruma
384 - Mamepato
385 - Gear
386 - Meguroko
387 - Shimama
388 - Zoroark_3
389 - Zoroark_4
390 - Yanappu
391 - Tamagetake
392 - Desukaan
393 - Swalot
394 - Shellos
395 - Jalorda
396 - Enbuoh
397 - Daikenki
398 - Choroneko
399 - Baoppu
400 - Baokkie
401 - Hiyappu
402 - Roobushin
403 - Darmanitan
404 - Zuruzukin
405 - Aaken
406 - Dasutodasu
407 - Emonga
408 - Denchura
409 - Ononokus_2
410 - Tsunbear
411 - Kojondo
412 - Kuitaran
413 - Sazandora
414 - Ulgamoth
415 - Cobalon
416 - Voltolos
417 - Reshiram_2
418 - Zekrom_2
419 - Kyurem
420 - Keldeo
421 - Meloetta
422 - Meloetta_2
423 - Genesect
424 - Genesect_2
425 - Genesect_3
426 - Hissoil
427 - Pythamp
428 - Terracoil
429 - Chikiddie
430 - Hawkite
431 - Reagle
432 - Dracby
433 - Seagon
434 - Bermudrac
435 - Yokelby
436 - Wallacuff
437 - Gengharoo
438 - Bulkaff
439 - Rubbull
440 - Bistone
441 - Tiktik
442 - Tokroach
443 - Klactipede
444 - Impoz
445 - Grezlin
446 - Zogre
447 - Alpacure
448 - Llamyth
449 - Kelblis
450 - Arctle
451 - Jolteta
452 - Drakosukus
453 - Chlorotops
454 - Odonasma
455 - Submakarb
456 - Tempteras
457 - Hyreigna
458 - Korrosvat
459 - Augurix
460 - Anglare
461 - Cragantula
462 - Gigerath
463 - Mastice
464 - Jaghoul
465 - Grythin
466 - Vesuverex
467 - Korrodo
468 - Goritaur
469 - Vydral
470 - Gigoliath
471 - Aturion
472 - Grasilisk
473 - Ugoyle
474 - Aurorile
475 - Orogond
476 - Erdegon
477 - Serperor
478 - Dracorpio
479 - Decesile
480 - Sarcuda
481 - Chromaul
482 - Engiron
483 - Betamma
484 - Gampha
485 - Scortorch
486 - Martiaya
487 - Curscreech
488 - Titanife
489 - Nekitten
490 - Phanternal
491 - Nufo
492 - Monue
493 - Chimernue
494 - Terrarth
495 - Dualit
496 - Janusplit
497 - Voodoll
498 - Psychick
499 - Symbird
500 - Worca
501 - Smosea
502 - Beelet
503 - Meteoid
504 - Lunardian
505 - Alaclipse
506 - Venopal
507 - Akhuluit
508 - Alielian
509 - Bavante
510 - Colecoil
511 - Cursnake
512 - Cursuit
513 - Dimagem
514 - Eion
515 - Fightengu
516 - Flolz
517 - Fuzzap
518 - Haloudelou
519 - Hydevil
520 - Invion
521 - Ironate
522 - Jekyllight
523 - Jetegin
524 - Kelvice
525 - Kingnite
526 - Kuraimi
527 - Lambus
528 - Larvitle
529 - Masagon
530 - Masgras
531 - Miroushon
532 - Moniyon
533 - Plasspark
534 - Polnorso
535 - Poltevil
536 - Ruffial
537 - Salapad
538 - Shocoon
539 - Solord
540 - Spiralaxy
541 - Stellack
542 - Symbird
543 - Teslectric
544 - Tighost
545 - Titanine
546 - Tsunidle
547 - Volcaurus
548 - Yetee
549 - Zonench
550 - Wargile
551 - Stromeleon
552 - Cielon
553 - Albinus
554 - Prysma
555 - Quensea
556 - Dimagem
557 - Glamvas
558 - Haloudelou
559 - Urbai
560 - Alta
561 - Potasinite
562 - Socilec
563 - Caesidote
564 - Monason
565 - Terrire
566 - Inferror
567 - Ahuiver
568 - Ahuizouth
569 - Vladepes
570 - Annaboo
571 - Eerobert
572 - Kiriron
573 - Spirin
574 - Murkrypt
575 - Dracloud
576 - Aquatish
577 - Anciench
578 - Ruffial
579 - Terrake
580 - Terragon
581 - Rufoast
582 - Puppin
583 - Gathread
584 - Metyke
585 - Barkel
586 - Agapup
587 - Loveen
588 - Servire
589 - Prinsinge
590 - Chompup
591 - Chomperro
592 - Torchomp
593 - Horava
594 - Chlorulk
595 - Chloreck
596 - Chloroot
597 - Pyrool
598 - Pyrain
599 - Lilard
600 - Kimodrown
601 - Beeroth
602 - Beetall
603 - Padark
604 - Pandrive
605 - Pandamic
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606 - Gliling
607 - Fendark
608 - Goulio
609 - Volshii
610 - Ironate
611 - Jomonker
612 - Monjestor
613 - Whivie
614 - Veroceti
615 - Shariond
616 - Dicaccio
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Version 7.4.0
- Last Version Update 23 October 2022 |
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