08:04 AM (Morning)
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Abbas Town Click to see this route's zone global map. This is the best way of finding your path Click to see all zones (1-19) world map image. Big size image
Average Level: 62
Average EXP: 3074
Average Gold: 153
Different Pokémon: 74
Ultra Rare Pokémon: 11
Legendary Pokémon: 7
Shiny Pokémon: 4
Route Order 316
The Reachable Maps From This Map
NPC Trainers found on this Map
Fighting Trainer
1,425,375 EXP
71,268 Gold
1 x Exp Share
1 x Epic Hammer
Name Class Level Held Item
Passimian Rare 62 Brutal Weapon
Name Class Level Held Item
Mienshao Rare 64 SpDefense Armor
Name Class Level Held Item
Hariyama Rare 64 Burning Weapon
Name Class Level Held Item
Lucario Ultra Rare 67 Confusing Weapon
Name Class Level Held Item
Zamazenta Legendary 73 Caster
Fighting Trainer
135,450 EXP
6,772 Gold
1 x Accuracy Serum
1 x Attack Serum
Name Class Level Held Item
Buzzwole Ultra Rare 66 Paralyzing Fang
Name Class Level Held Item
Shiny-Monferno Shiny 75 Epic Hammer
Fighting Trainer
203,875 EXP
10,193 Gold
1 x Extreme Ball
1 x TM001
Name Class Level Held Item
Hisuian-Lilligant Rare 63 Grass Crystal
Name Class Level Held Item
Falinks Rare 63 Gale Force Boots
Name Class Level Held Item
Toxicroak Rare 63 Fighting Orb
Walking On The Map (Grass, Clouds Surface, Cave Surface)
Name Class Min Level Max Level Average EXP Average Gold EV Reward Appear Chance Have Event
Tyrogue Common 56 56 1456 72 Atk: 1 6.73%
Toxel Common 56 56 768 38 SpAtk: 1 6.65%
Venipede Common 56 56 832 41 Def: 1 6.65%
Pidove Common 56 56 848 42 Atk: 1 6.65%
Impidimp Common 56 56 848 42 SpAtk: 1 6.65%
Zubat Common 56 56 864 43 Speed: 1 6.65%
Sandile Common 56 56 928 46 Atk: 1 6.65%
Flabebe-Yellow Common 56 56 976 48 SpDef: 1 6.65%
Clobbopus Common 56 56 992 49 Atk: 1 6.65%
Machop Common 56 56 1200 60 Atk: 1 6.65%
Sandshrew Common 56 56 1488 74 Def: 1 6.65%
Voltorb Common 56 56 1648 82 Speed: 1 6.65%
Crabrawler Uncommon 58 58 2253 112 Atk: 1 1.55%
Scraggy Uncommon 58 58 2320 116 Atk: 1 1.55%
Pancham Uncommon 58 58 2320 116 Atk: 1 1.55%
Mienfoo Uncommon 58 58 2320 116 Atk: 1 1.55%
Koffing Uncommon 58 58 3778 188 Def: 1 1.55%
Gurdurr Uncommon 58 58 4706 235 Atk: 2 1.55%
Hakamo-o Uncommon 58 58 4872 243 Def: 2 1.55%
Weepinbell Uncommon 58 58 5004 250 Atk: 2 1.55%
Medicham Uncommon 58 58 5070 253 Speed: 2 1.55%
Shuckle Rare 61 61 4880 244 SpDef: 1 0.48%
Hisuian-Sneasel Rare 61 61 8052 402 Speed: 1 0.48%
Alolan-Muk Rare 61 61 9568 478 Atk: 1 0.48%
Ribombee Rare 61 61 9882 494 Speed: 2 0.48%
Falinks Rare 61 61 10056 502 Atk: 1 0.48%
Breloom Rare 61 61 10056 502 Atk: 2 0.48%
Crustle Rare 61 61 10126 506 Def: 2 0.48%
Hisuian-Lilligant Rare 61 61 10248 512 Atk: 2 0.48%
Passimian Rare 61 61 10492 524 Atk: 2 0.48%
Mienshao Rare 61 61 10910 545 Atk: 2 0.48%
Toxicroak Rare 61 61 11032 551 Atk: 2 0.48%
Hariyama Rare 61 61 11224 561 HP: 2 0.48%
Buzzwole Ultra Rare 64 64 10422 521 Def: 2 0.08%
Flareon Ultra Rare 64 64 18102 905 Atk: 2 0.08%
Lucario Ultra Rare 64 64 18651 932 SpAtk: 1 0.08%
Togekiss Ultra Rare 64 64 20114 1005 SpDef: 1 0.08%
Reshiram Legendary 70 70 39780 1989 SpAtk: 3 0.04%
Zamazenta Legendary 70 70 43540 2177 Speed: 2 0.04%
Shiny-Monferno Shiny 74 74 13510 675 Speed: 1 0.01%
Using Old Rod Item
Name Class Min Level Max Level Average EXP Average Gold EV Reward Appear Chance Have Event
Chewtle Common 55 56 903 45 Atk: 1 33.17%
Corphish Common 55 56 1760 88 Atk: 1 33.14%
Amaura Uncommon 57 58 2365 118 HP: 1 7.72%
Staryu Uncommon 57 58 3482 174 Speed: 1 7.72%
Mantyke Uncommon 57 58 3548 177 SpDef: 1 7.72%
Pyukumuku Uncommon 57 58 4731 236 SpDef: 2 7.72%
Huntail Rare 60 61 10769 538 Def: 1 2.4%
Lapras-Frost Ultra Rare 63 64 19866 993 HP: 2 0.32%
Manaphy Legendary 70 70 27940 1397 HP: 3 0.08%
Shiny-Palkia-Origin Shiny 73 74 41580 2079 SpAtk: 3 0.01%
Using Good Rod Item
Name Class Min Level Max Level Average EXP Average Gold EV Reward Appear Chance Have Event
Poliwag Common 66 66 1452 72 Speed: 1 36.9%
Finneon Common 66 66 1697 84 Speed: 1 36.89%
Amaura Uncommon 68 68 2797 139 HP: 1 8.6%
Poliwhirl Uncommon 68 68 5090 254 Speed: 2 8.6%
Palpitoad Uncommon 68 68 5206 260 HP: 2 8.6%
Cloyster Ultra Rare 74 74 21460 1073 Def: 2 0.16%
Milotic-Icy Ultra Rare 74 74 22517 1125 SpDef: 2 0.16%
Galarian-Thundurus Legendary 80 80 38765 1938 SpAtk: 3 0.04%
Kyurem Legendary 80 80 44114 2205 SpAtk: 1 0.04%
Shiny-Bruxish Shiny 84 84 23904 1195 Atk: 2 0.01%
Using Super Rod Item
Name Class Min Level Max Level Average EXP Average Gold EV Reward Appear Chance Have Event
Goldeen Common 76 76 2410 120 Atk: 1 51.99%
Poliwhirl Uncommon 78 78 5838 291 Speed: 2 12.11%
Pyukumuku Uncommon 78 78 6418 320 SpDef: 2 12.11%
Azumarill Uncommon 78 78 6819 340 HP: 3 12.11%
Dragonair-Icy Rare 80 80 11520 576 Atk: 2 3.76%
Arctovish Rare 80 80 14148 707 Def: 1 3.76%
Ludicolo Rare 80 80 14468 723 SpDef: 3 3.76%
Aurorus Ultra Rare 80 80 11885 594 HP: 2 0.16%
Kingdra Ultra Rare 80 80 23657 1182 SpDef: 1 0.16%
Suicune Legendary 90 90 35922 1796 SpDef: 2 0.04%
Kyurem-Black Legendary 90 90 49628 2481 Atk: 3 0.04%
Walking On The Water (Hyper Surf Move Required)
Name Class Min Level Max Level Average EXP Average Gold EV Reward Appear Chance Have Event
Feebas Common 56 56 976 48 Speed: 1 56.77%
Snover Uncommon 58 58 4341 217 Atk: 1 13.23%
Alolan-Houndour Uncommon 58 58 4971 248 SpAtk: 2 13.23%
Dragonair-Icy Rare 61 61 8784 439 Atk: 2 4.11%
Slowbro Rare 61 61 10004 500 Def: 2 4.11%
Swanna Rare 61 61 10126 506 Speed: 2 4.11%
Huntail Rare 61 61 10858 542 Def: 1 4.11%
Kingdra Ultra Rare 64 64 18925 946 SpDef: 1 0.16%
Milotic-Icy Ultra Rare 64 64 19474 973 SpDef: 2 0.16%
Shiny-Psyduck Shiny 74 74 2537 126 SpAtk: 1 0.01%
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