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+100% & , +0% | 3 Hr 46 Min
15:15:39 PM (Day)
Oyun Dilini Türkçeye Çevir
Is Playing Games Waste of Time
Draco Valley Click to see this route's zone global map. This is the best way of finding your path Click to see all zones (1-19) world map image. Big size image
Average Level: 73
Average EXP: 2969
Average Gold: 148
Different Pokémon: 76
Ultra Rare Pokémon: 8
Legendary Pokémon: 7
Shiny Pokémon: 5
Route Order 432
The Reachable Maps From This Map
NPC Trainers found on this Map
Dragon Trainer
647,354 EXP
32,367 Gold
1 x Attractive Player
1 x Horrifying Player
Name Class Level Held Item
Salamence Ultra Rare 92 Survival Armor
Name Class Level Held Item
Appletun Rare 95 Grass Crystal
Dragon Trainer
1,497,621 EXP
74,881 Gold
1 x Critical Weapon
1 x Life Drain
Name Class Level Held Item
Dragonair-Icy Rare 90 Dragon Orb
Name Class Level Held Item
Kingdra Ultra Rare 90 Dragon Orb
Name Class Level Held Item
Altaria Rare 92 Quick Weapon
Name Class Level Held Item
Shiny-Druddigon Shiny 93 Vampiric Weapon
Dragon Trainer
3,254,171 EXP
162,708 Gold
1 x Exp Share
1 x Epic Hammer
Name Class Level Held Item
Giratina-Origin Legendary 90 Lava Walker
Name Class Level Held Item
Druddigon Rare 92 Brutal Weapon
Name Class Level Held Item
Kyurem Legendary 93 Poisonous Weapon
Walking On The Map (Grass, Clouds Surface, Cave Surface)
Name Class Min Level Max Level Average EXP Average Gold EV Reward Appear Chance Have Event
Noibat Common 67 69 952 47 Speed: 1 8.28%
Applin Common 67 69 1010 50 Def: 1 8.17%
Jangmo-o Common 67 69 1165 58 Def: 1 8.17%
Goomy Common 67 69 1165 58 SpDef: 1 8.17%
Deino Common 67 69 1165 58 Atk: 1 8.17%
Surskit Common 67 69 1224 61 Speed: 1 8.17%
Gible Common 67 69 1301 65 Atk: 1 8.17%
Smoochum Common 67 69 1690 84 SpAtk: 1 8.17%
Bagon Common 67 69 1729 86 Atk: 1 8.17%
Omanyte Uncommon 69 71 3960 198 Def: 1 1.9%
Plusle Uncommon 69 71 4800 240 Speed: 1 1.9%
Drifloon Uncommon 69 71 5080 254 HP: 1 1.9%
Gloom Uncommon 69 71 5280 264 SpAtk: 2 1.9%
Shelgon Uncommon 69 71 5760 288 Def: 2 1.9%
Gabite Uncommon 69 71 5760 288 Atk: 2 1.9%
Fraxure Uncommon 69 71 5760 288 Atk: 2 1.9%
Drakloak Uncommon 69 71 5760 288 Speed: 1 1.9%
Hakamo-o Uncommon 69 71 5880 294 Def: 2 1.9%
Dragonair-Icy Rare 72 74 10512 525 Atk: 2 0.59%
Hisuian-Sliggoo Rare 72 74 11534 576 SpDef: 3 0.59%
Sliggoo Rare 72 74 11534 576 SpDef: 2 0.59%
Wormadam Rare 72 74 11596 579 SpDef: 2 0.59%
Crawdaunt Rare 72 74 11742 587 Atk: 2 0.59%
Pelipper Rare 72 74 11972 598 Def: 2 0.59%
Heliolisk Rare 72 74 12264 613 Speed: 1 0.59%
Druddigon Rare 72 74 12410 620 Atk: 2 0.59%
Appletun Rare 72 74 12410 620 HP: 1 0.59%
Dubwool Rare 72 74 12556 627 Def: 1 0.59%
Gourgeist-Large Rare 72 74 12618 630 Def: 2 0.59%
Pangoro Rare 72 74 12618 630 Atk: 2 0.59%
Shiftry Rare 72 74 13202 660 Atk: 3 0.59%
Altaria Rare 72 74 13724 686 SpDef: 2 0.59%
Toucannon Rare 72 74 15914 795 Atk: 3 0.59%
Pheromosa Ultra Rare 75 77 12377 618 Speed: 3 0.08%
Absol-Null Ultra Rare 75 77 21280 1064 Atk: 3 0.08%
Kingdra Ultra Rare 75 77 22474 1123 SpDef: 1 0.08%
Salamence Ultra Rare 75 77 23668 1183 Atk: 3 0.08%
Giratina-Origin Legendary 80 82 33094 1654 HP: 3 0.04%
Kyurem Legendary 80 82 44665 2233 SpAtk: 1 0.04%
Shiny-Druddigon Shiny 85 87 25062 1253 Atk: 2 0.01%
Using Old Rod Item
Name Class Min Level Max Level Average EXP Average Gold EV Reward Appear Chance Have Event
Galarian-Petilil Common 67 69 1088 54 SpAtk: 1 35.96%
Ducklett Common 67 69 1185 59 HP: 1 35.92%
Frillish Uncommon 69 71 2680 134 SpDef: 1 8.37%
Amaura Uncommon 69 71 2880 144 HP: 1 8.37%
Pyukumuku Uncommon 69 71 5760 288 SpDef: 2 8.37%
Crabominable Rare 72 74 12180 609 Atk: 2 2.6%
Vaporeon Ultra Rare 75 77 21280 1064 HP: 2 0.32%
Phione Legendary 80 82 24809 1240 HP: 1 0.04%
Galarian-Thundurus Legendary 80 82 39250 1962 SpAtk: 3 0.04%
Shiny-Palkia Shiny 85 87 48651 2432 SpAtk: 3 0.01%
Using Good Rod Item
Name Class Min Level Max Level Average EXP Average Gold EV Reward Appear Chance Have Event
Feebas Common 77 79 1359 67 Speed: 1 35.96%
Finneon Common 77 79 2005 100 Speed: 1 35.92%
Frillish Uncommon 79 80 3043 152 SpDef: 1 8.37%
Snover Uncommon 79 80 5951 297 Atk: 1 8.37%
Castform-Rainy Uncommon 79 80 6587 329 HP: 1 8.37%
Lanturn Rare 80 80 12480 624 HP: 2 2.6%
Cloyster-Pirate Ultra Rare 80 80 23200 1160 Def: 2 0.32%
Kyurem-Black Legendary 90 90 49628 2481 Atk: 3 0.04%
Kyurem Legendary 90 90 49628 2481 SpAtk: 1 0.04%
Shiny-Seaking Shiny 90 90 26228 1311 Atk: 2 0.01%
Using Super Rod Item
Name Class Min Level Max Level Average EXP Average Gold EV Reward Appear Chance Have Event
Wingull Common 80 80 1462 73 Speed: 1 18.4%
Shellos-West Common 80 80 1668 83 HP: 1 18.34%
Carvanha Common 80 80 2011 100 Atk: 1 18.34%
Barboach Common 80 80 2102 105 HP: 1 18.34%
Krabby Common 80 80 2628 131 Atk: 1 18.34%
Staryu Uncommon 80 80 4845 242 Speed: 1 4.27%
Clawitzer Rare 80 80 8000 400 SpAtk: 2 1.32%
Seadra Rare 80 80 12388 619 SpAtk: 1 1.32%
Pelipper Rare 80 80 13120 656 Def: 2 1.32%
Shiny-Poliwrath Shiny 90 90 28542 1427 Def: 3 0.01%
Walking On The Water (Hyper Surf Move Required)
Name Class Min Level Max Level Average EXP Average Gold EV Reward Appear Chance Have Event
Tympole Common 67 69 1146 57 Speed: 1 65.43%
Alolan-Houndour Uncommon 69 71 6000 300 SpAtk: 2 15.24%
Whiscash Rare 72 74 11534 576 HP: 2 4.73%
Basculin Rare 72 74 11742 587 Speed: 2 4.73%
Poliwrath Rare 72 74 13494 674 Def: 3 4.73%
Alolan-Houndoom Rare 72 74 14600 730 SpAtk: 2 4.73%
Milotic Ultra Rare 75 77 23125 1156 SpDef: 2 0.16%
Lapras-Frost Ultra Rare 75 77 23777 1188 HP: 2 0.16%
Keldeo Legendary 80 82 39250 1962 SpAtk: 3 0.08%
Shiny-Poliwrath Shiny 85 87 27274 1363 Def: 3 0.01%
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