+100% & , +0% | 5 Hr 23 Min
19:26 PM (Night)
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Twigged Path Click to see this route's zone global map. This is the best way of finding your path Click to see all zones (1-19) world map image. Big size image
Average Level: 75
Average EXP: 2877
Average Gold: 143
Different Pokémon: 74
Ultra Rare Pokémon: 8
Legendary Pokémon: 6
Shiny Pokémon: 5
Route Order 505
The Reachable Maps From This Map
NPC Trainers found on this Map
Mixed Trainer
1,255,856 EXP
62,792 Gold
1 x Quick Weapon
1 x Furious Weapon
Name Class Level Held Item
Shiny-Swadloon Shiny 101 Grass Orb
Name Class Level Held Item
Shiny-Clamperl Shiny 102 Evasion Armor
Name Class Level Held Item
Shiny-Medicham Shiny 108 Psychic Orb
Name Class Level Held Item
Shiny-Furfrou-Pharaoh Shiny 109 Superior Weapon
Mixed Trainer
89,236 EXP
4,461 Gold
1 x Ultimate Potion
1 x Move Relearner
Name Class Level Held Item
Shiny-Togepi Shiny 100 Epic Hammer
Name Class Level Held Item
Shiny-Unown-X Shiny 105 SpDefense Armor
Mixed Trainer
6,475,420 EXP
323,771 Gold
1 x Amulet Coin
1 x Escape Rope
Name Class Level Held Item
Shiny-Altaria Shiny 101 SpAttack Weapon
Name Class Level Held Item
Shiny-Trubbish Shiny 102 Caster
Name Class Level Held Item
Shiny-Piloswine Shiny 105 Sword and Shield
Name Class Level Held Item
Shiny-Genesect-Chill Shiny 107 Gale Force Boots
Walking On The Map (Grass, Clouds Surface, Cave Surface)
Name Class Min Level Max Level Average EXP Average Gold EV Reward Appear Chance Have Event
Noibat Common 72 72 1008 50 Speed: 1 7.21%
Applin Common 72 72 1069 53 Def: 1 7.09%
Chewtle Common 72 72 1172 58 Atk: 1 7.09%
Galarian-Woobat Common 72 72 1296 64 Speed: 1 7.09%
Sandygast Common 72 72 1316 65 Def: 1 7.09%
Riolu Common 72 72 1481 74 Atk: 1 7.09%
Swablu Common 72 72 1522 76 SpDef: 1 7.09%
Meditite Common 72 72 1872 93 Speed: 1 7.09%
Aron Common 72 72 1974 98 Def: 1 7.09%
Exeggcute Common 72 72 2016 100 Def: 1 7.09%
Galarian-Slowpoke Common 72 72 2036 101 HP: 1 7.09%
Spinda Uncommon 74 74 3594 179 SpAtk: 1 1.65%
Hisuian-Growlithe Uncommon 74 74 3848 192 Atk: 2 1.65%
Pidgeotto Uncommon 74 74 4778 238 Speed: 2 1.65%
Koffing Uncommon 74 74 4820 241 Def: 1 1.65%
Furret Uncommon 74 74 4905 245 Speed: 2 1.65%
Bibarel Uncommon 74 74 4905 245 Atk: 2 1.65%
Eelektrik Uncommon 74 74 6004 300 Atk: 2 1.65%
Machoke Uncommon 74 74 6173 308 Atk: 2 1.65%
Metang Uncommon 74 74 6469 323 Def: 2 1.65%
Cherrim Rare 77 77 10230 511 SpAtk: 2 0.51%
Venomoth Rare 77 77 10626 531 Speed: 1 0.51%
Aromatisse Rare 77 77 12474 623 HP: 2 0.51%
Galarian-Fearow Rare 77 77 12474 623 Speed: 2 0.51%
Furfrou-Dandy Rare 77 77 12694 634 Speed: 1 0.51%
Sawsbuck-Autumn Rare 77 77 12782 639 Atk: 2 0.51%
Oricorio-Pom-Pom Rare 77 77 12848 642 SpAtk: 2 0.51%
Drampa Rare 77 77 13090 654 SpAtk: 2 0.51%
Copperajah Rare 77 77 13464 673 Atk: 1 0.51%
Talonflame Rare 77 77 13464 673 Speed: 3 0.51%
Victreebel Rare 77 77 14696 734 Atk: 3 0.51%
Unfezant-F Rare 77 77 16544 827 Atk: 3 0.51%
Hatterene Rare 77 77 19624 981 SpAtk: 1 0.51%
Buzzwole Ultra Rare 80 80 13028 651 Def: 2 0.08%
MrRime Ultra Rare 80 80 20800 1040 SpAtk: 1 0.08%
Aerodactyl Ultra Rare 80 80 23085 1154 Speed: 2 0.08%
Crobat Ultra Rare 80 80 23314 1165 Speed: 3 0.08%
Genesect-Shock Legendary 85 85 42621 2131 Speed: 1 0.04%
Zarude Legendary 85 85 47357 2367 Atk: 3 0.04%
Shiny-Larvesta Shiny 90 90 6480 324 Atk: 1 0.01%
Using Old Rod Item
Name Class Min Level Max Level Average EXP Average Gold EV Reward Appear Chance Have Event
Wooper Common 72 72 1069 53 HP: 1 39.25%
Dewpider Common 72 72 1110 55 SpDef: 1 39.22%
Tentacool Uncommon 74 74 4440 222 SpDef: 1 9.14%
Mantyke Uncommon 74 74 4566 228 SpDef: 1 9.14%
Gastrodon-West Rare 77 77 13552 677 HP: 2 2.84%
Aurorus Ultra Rare 80 80 11885 594 HP: 2 0.16%
Cloyster-Pirate Ultra Rare 80 80 23200 1160 Def: 2 0.16%
Manaphy Legendary 85 85 33927 1696 HP: 3 0.04%
Kyogre Legendary 85 85 34412 1720 SpAtk: 3 0.04%
Shiny-Staryu Shiny 90 90 9540 477 Speed: 1 0.01%
Using Good Rod Item
Name Class Min Level Max Level Average EXP Average Gold EV Reward Appear Chance Have Event
Chewtle Common 80 80 1302 65 Atk: 1 22.79%
Tympole Common 80 80 1348 67 Speed: 1 22.74%
Carvanha Common 80 80 2011 100 Atk: 1 22.74%
Chinchou Common 80 80 2057 102 HP: 1 22.74%
Pyukumuku Uncommon 80 80 6582 329 SpDef: 2 5.3%
Mantine Rare 80 80 13440 672 SpDef: 2 1.64%
Relicanth Rare 80 80 15840 792 Def: 1 1.64%
Basculegion Ultra Rare 80 80 25142 1257 HP: 2 0.32%
Rayquaza-Glacier Legendary 90 90 36771 1838 SpAtk: 1 0.08%
Shiny-Ducklett Shiny 90 90 2340 117 HP: 1 0.01%
Using Super Rod Item
Name Class Min Level Max Level Average EXP Average Gold EV Reward Appear Chance Have Event
Dewpider Common 80 80 1234 61 SpDef: 1 32.41%
Chinchou Common 80 80 2057 102 HP: 1 32.38%
Mantyke Uncommon 80 80 4937 246 SpDef: 1 7.55%
Corsola Uncommon 80 80 5165 258 SpDef: 1 7.55%
Poliwhirl Uncommon 80 80 5988 299 Speed: 2 7.55%
Azumarill Uncommon 80 80 6994 349 HP: 3 7.55%
Simipour Rare 80 80 13920 696 Speed: 2 2.34%
Poliwrath Rare 80 80 14788 739 Def: 3 2.34%
Tauros-Ice Ultra Rare 80 80 37714 1885 Speed: 1 0.32%
Shiny-Galarian-Lilligant Shiny 90 90 25920 1296 SpAtk: 2 0.01%
Walking On The Water (Hyper Surf Move Required)
Name Class Min Level Max Level Average EXP Average Gold EV Reward Appear Chance Have Event
Dewpider Common 72 72 1110 55 SpDef: 1 26.65%
Carvanha Common 72 72 1810 90 Atk: 1 26.59%
Krabby Common 72 72 2365 118 Atk: 1 26.59%
Wailmer Uncommon 74 74 5793 289 HP: 1 6.2%
Alolan-Houndour Uncommon 74 74 6342 317 SpAtk: 2 6.2%
Lanturn Rare 77 77 12012 600 HP: 2 1.92%
Seaking Rare 77 77 13090 654 Atk: 2 1.92%
Arctozolt Rare 77 77 13618 680 Atk: 1 1.92%
Wailord Rare 77 77 15862 793 HP: 2 1.92%
Manaphy Legendary 85 85 33927 1696 HP: 3 0.08%
Shiny-Poliwag Shiny 90 90 2957 147 Speed: 1 0.01%
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