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New Blossom Path Click to see this route's zone global map. This is the best way of finding your path Click to see all zones (1-19) world map image. Big size image
Average Level: 75
Average EXP: 2907
Average Gold: 145
Different Pokémon: 75
Ultra Rare Pokémon: 12
Legendary Pokémon: 7
Shiny Pokémon: 5
Route Order 497
The Reachable Maps From This Map
NPC Trainers found on this Map
Mixed Trainer
3,673,695 EXP
183,684 Gold
1 x Amulet Coin
1 x Escape Rope
Name Class Level Held Item
Shiny-Comfey Shiny 100 Burning Weapon
Name Class Level Held Item
Shiny-Suicune Shiny 104 Life Drain
Name Class Level Held Item
Shiny-Marowak Shiny 107 SpAttack Weapon
Name Class Level Held Item
Shiny-Silvally-Dragon Shiny 107 Razor Weapon
Mixed Trainer
2,507,147 EXP
125,357 Gold
1 x Escape Rope
1 x Rare Candy
Name Class Level Held Item
Shiny-Araquanid Shiny 100 Bug Orb
Name Class Level Held Item
Shiny-Binacle Shiny 105 Epic Hammer
Name Class Level Held Item
Shiny-Galarian-Landorus Shiny 105 Quick Weapon
Name Class Level Held Item
Shiny-Panpour Shiny 109 Critical Weapon
Mixed Trainer
2,261,173 EXP
113,058 Gold
1 x Escape Rope
1 x Rare Candy
Name Class Level Held Item
Shiny-Stonjourner Shiny 103 Rock Crystal
Name Class Level Held Item
Shiny-Rhyhorn Shiny 105 Life Drain
Name Class Level Held Item
Shiny-Arceus-Fighting Shiny 105 Critical Weapon
Walking On The Map (Grass, Clouds Surface, Cave Surface)
Name Class Min Level Max Level Average EXP Average Gold EV Reward Appear Chance Have Event
Burmy-Sandy Common 72 72 1254 62 SpDef: 1 5.75%
Applin Common 72 72 1069 53 Def: 1 5.61%
Petilil Common 72 72 1152 57 SpAtk: 1 5.61%
Galarian-Zigzagoon Common 72 72 1152 57 Speed: 1 5.61%
Blitzle Common 72 72 1213 60 Speed: 1 5.61%
Klink Common 72 72 1234 61 Def: 1 5.61%
Vulpix Common 72 72 1296 64 Speed: 1 5.61%
Alolan-Paras Common 72 72 1440 72 Atk: 1 5.61%
Riolu Common 72 72 1481 74 Atk: 1 5.61%
Shellos-West Common 72 72 1501 75 HP: 1 5.61%
Hoppip Common 72 72 1522 76 SpDef: 1 5.61%
Stunky Common 72 72 1625 81 Speed: 1 5.61%
Makuhita Common 72 72 1789 89 HP: 1 5.61%
Houndour Common 72 72 2345 117 SpAtk: 1 5.61%
Teddiursa Common 72 72 2550 127 Atk: 1 5.61%
Unown-P Uncommon 74 74 2579 128 SpAtk: 1 1.3%
Deerling-Autumn Uncommon 74 74 2833 141 Speed: 1 1.3%
Stufful Uncommon 74 74 2875 143 Atk: 1 1.3%
Omanyte Uncommon 74 74 4186 209 Def: 1 1.3%
Magby Uncommon 74 74 4947 247 Speed: 1 1.3%
Charjabug Uncommon 74 74 5920 296 Def: 2 1.3%
Galarian-Yanma Uncommon 74 74 6216 310 SpAtk: 2 1.3%
Medicham Uncommon 74 74 6469 323 Speed: 2 1.3%
Vivillon-Meadow Uncommon 74 74 7822 391 Def: 2 1.3%
Morpeko Rare 77 77 11770 588 Speed: 1 0.4%
Wormadam-Sandy Rare 77 77 12232 611 Def: 2 0.4%
Cryogonal Rare 77 77 13090 654 SpDef: 2 0.4%
Gourgeist-Super Rare 77 77 13310 665 Def: 2 0.4%
Toxtricity-Amped Rare 77 77 13552 677 SpAtk: 1 0.4%
Dracozolt Rare 77 77 13618 680 Atk: 1 0.4%
Bellossom Rare 77 77 14168 708 SpDef: 3 0.4%
Scizor Rare 77 77 15400 770 Atk: 2 0.4%
Tauros Rare 77 77 16236 811 Speed: 1 0.4%
Pheromosa Ultra Rare 80 80 13028 651 Speed: 3 0.08%
Hisuian-Avalugg Ultra Rare 80 80 20571 1028 Def: 3 0.08%
Dhelmise Ultra Rare 80 80 20685 1034 Atk: 2 0.08%
Slaking Ultra Rare 80 80 24000 1200 HP: 3 0.08%
Shaymin-Sky Legendary 85 85 10102 505 HP: 3 0.04%
Phione Legendary 85 85 26034 1301 HP: 1 0.04%
Shiny-Panpour Shiny 90 90 2417 120 Speed: 1 0.01%
Using Old Rod Item
Name Class Min Level Max Level Average EXP Average Gold EV Reward Appear Chance Have Event
Seel Common 71 72 2042 102 SpDef: 1 37.14%
Buizel Common 71 72 1532 76 Speed: 1 37.11%
Wailmer Uncommon 73 74 5754 287 HP: 1 8.65%
Lombre Uncommon 73 74 5922 296 SpDef: 2 8.65%
Bruxish Rare 76 77 12699 634 Atk: 2 2.68%
Arctozolt Rare 76 77 13529 676 Atk: 1 2.68%
Seismitoad Rare 76 77 17201 860 HP: 3 2.68%
Cloyster-Pirate Ultra Rare 79 80 23055 1152 Def: 2 0.32%
Manaphy Legendary 84 85 33727 1686 HP: 3 0.08%
Shiny-Arctozolt Shiny 89 90 27156 1357 Atk: 1 0.01%
Using Good Rod Item
Name Class Min Level Max Level Average EXP Average Gold EV Reward Appear Chance Have Event
Carvanha Common 80 80 2011 100 Atk: 1 41.9%
Buizel Common 80 80 1714 85 Speed: 1 41.87%
Mantyke Uncommon 80 80 4937 246 SpDef: 1 9.76%
Golduck Rare 80 80 13920 696 SpAtk: 2 3.03%
Dewgong Rare 80 80 14080 704 SpDef: 2 3.03%
Lapras-Frost Ultra Rare 80 80 25028 1251 HP: 2 0.16%
Basculegion Ultra Rare 80 80 25142 1257 HP: 2 0.16%
Kyurem-White Legendary 90 90 49628 2481 SpAtk: 3 0.04%
Kyurem-Black Legendary 90 90 49628 2481 Atk: 3 0.04%
Shiny-Ducklett Shiny 90 90 2340 117 HP: 1 0.01%
Using Super Rod Item
Name Class Min Level Max Level Average EXP Average Gold EV Reward Appear Chance Have Event
Marill Common 80 80 1325 66 HP: 2 28.77%
Dewpider Common 80 80 1234 61 SpDef: 1 28.73%
Shellos-West Common 80 80 1668 83 HP: 1 28.73%
Amaura Uncommon 80 80 3291 164 HP: 1 6.69%
Azumarill Uncommon 80 80 6994 349 HP: 3 6.69%
Arcanine-Sabertooth Ultra Rare 90 90 11700 585 Atk: 1 0.1%
Aurorus Ultra Rare 90 90 13371 668 HP: 2 0.1%
Cloyster-Pirate Ultra Rare 90 90 26100 1305 Def: 2 0.1%
Kyurem-White Legendary 90 90 49628 2481 SpAtk: 3 0.08%
Shiny-Bruxish Shiny 90 90 25611 1280 Atk: 2 0.01%
Walking On The Water (Hyper Surf Move Required)
Name Class Min Level Max Level Average EXP Average Gold EV Reward Appear Chance Have Event
Clauncher Common 72 72 1357 67 SpAtk: 1 37.14%
Krabby Common 72 72 2365 118 Atk: 1 37.11%
Lombre Uncommon 74 74 5962 298 SpDef: 2 8.65%
Castform-Rainy Uncommon 74 74 6131 306 HP: 1 8.65%
Quagsire Rare 77 77 10538 526 HP: 2 2.68%
Basculin-Blue Rare 77 77 12386 619 Speed: 2 2.68%
Arctozolt Rare 77 77 13618 680 Atk: 1 2.68%
Vaporeon Ultra Rare 80 80 22400 1120 HP: 2 0.16%
Wishiwashi-School Ultra Rare 80 80 24800 1240 HP: 1 0.16%
Kyogre Legendary 85 85 34412 1720 SpAtk: 3 0.08%
Shiny-Poliwag Shiny 90 90 2957 147 Speed: 1 0.01%
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