For Pokémon GO information on this species, see the game's section. |
This article is about the species. For a specific instance of this species, see Makuhita (disambiguation). |
Guts Pokémon |
Makunoshita |
#296 |
Images on the Bulbagarden Archives |
Thick Fat or Guts |
Sheer Force
Hidden Ability |
Gender ratio
Catch rate
Base experience yield
Leveling rate
EV yield
Total: 1 |
HP |
Atk |
Def |
Sp.Atk |
Sp.Def |
Speed |
Pokédex color
Base friendship
External Links
- On Smogon Pokédex:
- Generation III
- Generation IV
- Generation V
- Generation VI
- Generation VII
- Artwork on Bulbagarden Archives
Makuhita (Japanese: マクノシタ Makunoshita) is a Fighting-type Pokémon introduced in Generation III.
It evolves into Hariyama starting at level 24.
Makuhita is a bipedal Pokémon with a bulky build. Most of its body is yellow, but it has a black marking on its chest that extends around its neck. Its round hands resemble black boxing gloves, but its feet are yellow with two visible toes. On its cheeks are red, ring-shaped markings, and it has slit-like eyes. On top of its head is a knot, which causes it to resemble a punching bag.
Makuhita is very gutsy and never gives up, no matter how many times it is knocked down. Energy is built into its body each time it rises back up. Broken trees often surround its nest, because it trains by slapping and slamming into them. It is known to mistake Exeggutor for a tree, and gets flung away as a result. This Pokémon eats lots of food and gets plenty of sleep. Its rigorous training and lifestyle give it a sturdy body able to withstand any attack. It is the only known Pokémon to know the move Smelling Salts. It is found living and training in mountainous areas. Although initially brought from another region to Alola, Makuhita found in Alola are more famous than its region's counterparts.
In the anime
Main series
Major appearances
Brawly's Makuhita
Makuhita debuted in Brave the Wave, under the ownership of Brawly. During Brawly's Gym battle with Ash, Makuhita evolved into a Hariyama.
In Cheer Pressure, a Makuhita was part of Sheridan's cheering squad along with a Roselia, Vileplume, and Shroomish. He later assigned it to heal James's Cacnea and Jessie's Seviper with Helping Hand.
In Pinch Healing, a Makuhita was being babysat by a Poké-Sitter named Matt. At the Pokémon Center, May tried to comfort it by playing with it.
In A Battle by Any Other Name!, the Berrybaker kids' Makuhita helped them in getting through the preliminary round of the Poké Puff Contest. It eventually also helped them win the competition.
In a flashback in A Timeless Encounter!, Hala's Makuhita defeated an Ace Trainer's Alolan Sandslash in a grand trial.
Minor appearances
A Trainer's Makuhita appeared in Delcatty Got Your Tongue.
A Makuhita appeared in A Fan with a Plan.
A Coordinator's Makuhita appeared in Deceit and Assist.
In Queen of the Serpentine!, a Makuhita was one of Lucy's pets.
A Trainer's Makuhita appeared in Spontaneous Combusken!.
In Camping It Up!, the Pokémon Summer Academy gave Kendall a Makuhita to train.
A Makuhita appeared in Ghoul Daze!.
In Opposites Interact!, a Makuhita was at the Sinnoh Grand Festival.
In An Old Family Blend!, two Makuhita owned by the same Trainer competed in the Lily of the Valley Conference. Multiple others were wild.
A Makuhita appeared in a flashback or a fantasy in The Forest Champion!.
Multiple Makuhita appeared in Mega Evolution Special III, including some that belonged to Trainers.
In A Giga Battle with Mega Results!, a Trainer's Makuhita received treatment at the Pokémon Center.
Three Trainers' Makuhita appeared in Alola to New Adventure!.
Two Trainers' Makuhita appeared in A Shocking Grocery Run!.
A Trainer's Makuhita appeared in That's Why the Litten is a Scamp!.
In Racing to a Big Event!, a Trainer's Makuhita competed in the Pokémon Pancake Race.
A Trainer's Makuhita appeared in They Might Not Be Giants!.
Two Trainers' Makuhita appeared in Crystal-Clear Sleuthing!.
Four Trainers' Makuhita appeared in One Journey Ends, Another Begins....
Three Trainers' Makuhita appeared in Getting the Band Back Together!.
Five Trainers' Makuhita appeared in A Glaring Rivalry!. One of them reappeared in a flashback in A Masked Warning!.
A Trainer's Makuhita appeared in Faba's Revenge!.
A Trainer's Makuhita appeared in Sours for the Sweet!.
A Trainer's Makuhita appeared in Dummy, You Shrunk the Kids!.
In Securing the Future!, four Trainers' Makuhita joined the rest of Alola in showering Necrozma with light so it could return to its true form.
A Trainer's Makuhita appeared in Turning the Other Mask!.
A Trainer's Makuhita appeared in This Magik Moment!.
In A Little Rocket R & R!, two Trainers' Makuhita were captured by the Matori Matrix but later freed by Ash and his friends.
Pokédex entries
Entry |
AG020 |
Makuhita |
Ash's Pokédex |
Makuhita, the Guts Pokémon. Makuhita never gives up, always getting back on its feet, no matter how many times it's knocked over. Each time rising to its feet builds up energy in its body. |
Pokémon Generations
Makuhita in
Pokémon Generations
In The Cavern, a wild Makuhita was fleeing from a storm that a Primal Kyogre was causing.
Brawly's Makuhita
A Makuhita briefly appeared in GOTCHA!, under the ownership of Brawly.
In the manga
Makuhita in
Darkrai Mission Story: Pokémon Ranger Vatonage - the Comic
Darkrai Mission Story: Pokémon Ranger Vatonage - the Comic
In Darkrai Mission Story: Pokémon Ranger Vatonage - the Comic, Makuhita appears as Barlow's partner.
Pokémon Adventures
- Main article: Brawly's Makuhita
Makuhita first appears in Stick This in Your Craw, Crawdaunt II, under the ownership of Brawly, who, like in the games and anime, is Brawly's signature Pokémon. Brawly used it in his Gym battle against Sapphire, where it fought her Lairon, Rono, and managed to defeat it. It then fought her newly evolved Combusken, Chic; despite evolving into a Hariyama in the process, it was unable to defeat the challenger.
The Battle Tower rented a Makuhita, which was stolen by Guile Hideout in The Final Battle VII.
Pokémon Battle Frontier
A Makuhita appeared in Battle Between Student and Master!.
Pokémon Ruby-Sapphire
In Extra Heavyweight Battle, Clefairy challenges a Makuhita to a wrestling match.
In the TCG
- Main article: Makuhita (TCG)
Game data
NPC appearances
- Pokémon Pinball: Ruby & Sapphire: Makuhita sit to the right of the Ruby Field. Hitting the button in front of it changes its stance and allows control of Makuhita's punching with the A button. In doing this, the ball is directed towards Nuzleaf and the Ball Upgrade.
- Pokémon Mystery Dungeon: Makuhita runs the dojo in Pokémon Square.
Pokédex entries
This Pokémon was unavailable prior to Generation III. |
Generation III |
#048 |
#— |
Ruby |
Makuhita is tenacious - it will keep getting up and attacking its foe however many times it is knocked down. Every time it gets back up, this Pokémon stores more energy in its body for evolving. |
Sapphire |
Makuhita has a tireless spirit - it will never give up hope. It eats a lot of food, gets plenty of sleep, and it trains very rigorously. By living that way, this Pokémon packs its body with energy. |
Emerald |
It loves to toughen up its body above all else. If you hear quaking rumbles in a cave, it is the sound of Makuhita undertaking strenuous training. |
FireRed |
It grows stronger by enduring harsh training. It is a gutsy Pokémon that can withstand any attack. |
LeafGreen |
Generation IV |
#— |
#— |
Diamond |
It toughens its body by slamming into thick trees. Many snapped trees can be found near its nest. |
Pearl |
Platinum |
HeartGold |
It toughens up by slamming into thick trees over and over. It gains a sturdy body and dauntless spirit. |
SoulSilver |
Generation V |
#— |
Black |
It toughens its body by slamming into thick trees. Many snapped trees can be found near its nest. |
White |
Black 2 |
It toughens its body by slamming into thick trees. Many snapped trees can be found near its nest. |
White 2 |
Generation VI |
Coastal #095 |
#049 |
X |
It toughens up by slamming into thick trees over and over. It gains a sturdy body and dauntless spirit. |
Y |
It grows stronger by enduring harsh training. It is a gutsy Pokémon that can withstand any attack. |
Omega Ruby |
Makuhita is tenacious—it will keep getting up and attacking its foe however many times it is knocked down. Every time it gets back up, this Pokémon stores more energy in its body for evolving. |
Alpha Sapphire |
Makuhita has a tireless spirit—it will never give up hope. It eats a lot of food, gets plenty of sleep, and it trains very rigorously. By living that way, this Pokémon packs its body with energy. |
Generation VII |
SM: #056 |
USUM: #068 |
#— |
This Pokémon has no Pokédex entries in Let's Go, Pikachu! and Let's Go, Eevee!. |
Sun |
It was originally brought in from another region, but now Makuhita from Alola are more famous. |
Moon |
Their daily routine consists of training together first thing in the morning, eating and napping in the afternoon, and then more training afterward. |
Ultra Sun |
It practices its slaps by repeatedly slapping tree trunks. It has been known to slap an Exeggutor and get flung away. |
Ultra Moon |
There's a rumor of a traditional recipe for stew that Trainers can use to raise strong Makuhita. |
Generation VIII |
#— |
This Pokémon has no Pokédex entries in Generation VIII. |
Game locations
This Pokémon was unavailable prior to Generation III. |
Generation III |
Ruby |
Sapphire |
Granite Cave, Victory Road
Trade Slakoth in Rustboro City |
Emerald |
Granite Cave, Victory Road |
FireRed |
LeafGreen |
Colosseum |
XD |
Generation IV |
Diamond |
Pearl |
Platinum |
HeartGold |
SoulSilver |
Slowpoke Well, Union Cave, Mt. Mortar, Dark Cave, Whirl Islands, Mt. Silver, Ice Path, Cliff Cave, Diglett's Cave, Mt. Moon, Cerulean Cave, Rock Tunnel, Seafoam Islands, Victory Road, Tohjo Falls (Hoenn Sound) |
Pal Park |
Generation V |
Black |
White |
Black 2 |
White 2 |
Dream World |
Generation VI |
X |
Y |
Omega Ruby |
Alpha Sapphire |
Granite Cave
Trade Slakoth in Rustboro City |
Generation VII |
Sun |
Moon |
Ultra Sun |
Ultra Moon |
Let's Go Pikachu |
Let's Go Eevee |
In side games
This Pokémon was unavailable prior to Generation III. |
Generation III |
Pinball: R&S |
Trozei! |
Phobos Walker, Endless Level 31, Forever Level 31, Mr. Who's Den |
MD Red |
MD Blue |
Ranger |
Generation IV |
MD Time |
MD Darkness |
Lost Wilderness (B3F-B16F) |
MD Sky |
Lost Wilderness (B3F-B16F) |
Ranger: SoA |
Ranger: GS |
Faldera Island, Fire Temple |
Generation V |
Rumble Blast |
Rumble U |
Secret Warehouse: Fighters on Ice |
Generation VI |
Battle Trozei |
Pitch-Black Cavern: Stage 6 |
Shuffle |
Rumble World |
Ruby Volcano: Dusty Desert (All Areas) |
Generation VII |
Rumble Rush |
Snorlax Sea, Entei Sea, Lugia Sea, Entei SeaFinal |
Masters EX |
Sync Pair Scout (Brawly's) |
Held items
Game |
Held Item(s) |
Omega Ruby |
Alpha Sapphire |
Black Belt (5%) |
Sun |
Moon |
Black Belt (5%) |
Ultra Sun |
Ultra Moon |
Black Belt (5%) |
Base stats
Stat |
Range |
At Lv. 50 |
At Lv. 100 |
132 - 179 |
254 - 348 |
58 - 123 |
112 - 240 |
31 - 90 |
58 - 174 |
Sp. Atk:
22 - 79 |
40 - 152 |
Sp. Def:
31 - 90 |
58 - 174 |
27 - 84 |
49 - 163 |
Other Pokémon with this total |
- Minimum stats are calculated with 0 EVs, IVs of 0, and (if applicable) a hindering nature.
- Maximum stats are calculated with 252 EVs, IVs of 31, and (if applicable) a helpful nature.
Pokéathlon stats
Type effectiveness
Under normal battle conditions in Generation VIII, this Pokémon is: |
Notes: |
- If this Pokémon has Thick Fat, the effectiveness of Fire-type moves is ½× and the effectiveness of Ice-type moves is ½×.
This Pokémon is unavailable within Generation VIII.
Click on the generation numbers above to see Makuhita's learnsets from other generations. |
Side game data

Level 24
→ |
This Pokémon was unavailable prior to Generation III. |
Generation III |
Ruby |
Sapphire |
Emerald |
FireRed |
LeafGreen |
Front |
Back |
Front |
Back |
Front |
Back |
Generation IV |
Diamond |
Pearl |
Platinum |
HeartGold |
SoulSilver |
Front |
Back |
Front |
Back |
Front |
Back |
Generation V |
Black |
White |
Black 2 |
White 2 |
Front |
Back |
Front |
Back |
Generation VI |
X |
Y |
Omega Ruby |
Alpha Sapphire |
Front |
Back |
Front |
Back |
Generation VII |
Sun |
Moon |
Ultra Sun |
Ultra Moon |
Front |
Back |
Front |
Back |
Generation VIII |
Sword |
Shield |
400px |
400px |

For other sprites and images, please see
Makuhita images on the Bulbagarden Archives.
- Makuhita is the only Pokémon to be turned into a Shadow Pokémon in both Pokémon Colosseum and Pokémon XD outside of Japan, though several other Pokémon within the same evolutionary family are turned into Shadow Pokémon in both games, such as Ariados in Colosseum and Spinarak in XD.
- Makuhita has a lower catch rate than its evolution.
- Makuhita has the lowest base Defense, Special Attack, Special Defense and Speed stats of all Fighting-type Pokémon.
- All of Makuhita's base stats are exactly half the value of Hariyama's.
Makuhita appears to be based on a sumo wrestler, also called a rikishi or sumōtori. It also resembles a punching bag due to its plump body and topknot. The topknot may be a reference to a chonmage (a traditional hairstyle for sumo wrestlers). Makuhita's hands resemble boxing gloves, and its two-toed feet resemble geta or zōri (Japanese wooden sandals). The black marking around its neck resembles a baby bib, indicating its youth and inexperience as an unevolved Pokémon.
Name origin
Makuhita and Makunoshita may be corruptions of 幕下 makushita (the third-highest sumo division).
In other languages
Language |
Title |
Meaning |
Japanese |
マクノシタ Makunoshita |
From 幕下 makushita |
French |
Makuhita |
Same as English name |
Spanish |
Makuhita |
Same as English name |
German |
Makuhita |
Same as English name |
Italian |
Makuhita |
Same as English name |
Korean |
마크탕 Makeutang |
Possibly from 마크 makeu and 탕(盪) tang |
Cantonese Chinese |
Mandarin Chinese |
幕下力士 Mùxiàlìshì |
From 幕下 makushita and 力士 lìshì |
[hide]More languages |
Hindi |
माकुहिटा Makuhita |
Transcription of English name |
Russian |
Макухита Makukhita |
Transcription of English name |
Thai |
มาคุโนชิตะ Makhunochita |
Transcription of Japanese name |
Related articles
External links
This Pokémon article is part of Project Pokédex, a Bulbapedia project that aims to write comprehensive articles on each Pokémon as a species. |