For Pokémon GO information on this species, see the game's section. |
This article is about the species. For a specific instance of this species, see Rhydon (disambiguation). |
Drill Pokémon |
Sidon |
#112 |
Images on the Bulbagarden Archives |
Lightning Rod or Rock Head |
Hidden Ability |
Gender ratio
Catch rate
Base experience yield
Leveling rate
EV yield
Total: 2 |
HP |
Atk |
Def |
Sp.Atk |
Sp.Def |
Speed |
Pokédex color
Base friendship
External Links
- On Smogon Pokédex:
- Generation I
- Generation II
- Generation III
- Generation IV
- Generation V
- Generation VI
- Generation VII
- Artwork on Bulbagarden Archives
Rhydon (Japanese: サイドン Sidon) is a dual-type Ground/Rock Pokémon introduced in Generation I.
It evolves from Rhyhorn starting at level 42 and evolves into Rhyperior when traded while holding a Protector.
Rhydon is a large, gray, bipedal Pokémon with features similar to both dinosaurs and rhinoceroses. It has narrow, red eyes and two fangs in its upper jaw. On the tip of Rhydon's snout is a cream-colored horn, which is smaller on a female than a male. There are several other spikes and projections on its head: on top is a spike that curves forward, two triangular points resembling ears on the sides, a wide, wavy crest under each ear, and spiky ridges on each cheek. It has a cream-colored abdomen divided into strips by thin divots. A rocky plate on its chest slightly overlaps its abdomen. There is a row of spikes down its back and they have a long tail with thin, black stripes.
Rhydon is a physically powerful Pokémon. It is recorded as being able to topple buildings with a sweeping blow of its tail, and its horn is able to bore through solid rock and shatter diamonds. Its armor-like hide protects it from heat and physical blows. It is stated to be capable of passing unscathed through streams of magma and withstanding a direct blow from a cannonball without being harmed. However, because of this tough hide, it is insensitive. Despite its well-developed brain, it can be forgetful. Rhydon lives in rough terrain.
In the anime
Main series
Major appearances
In Riddle Me This, Blaine used a Rhydon during his Gym battle against Ash. It briefly battled Charizard, who then refused to battle. While normally tough against Electric attacks, Rhydon was defeated when Pikachu struck Rhydon's horn, which acted like a lightning rod. It reappeared in a flashback in Volcanic Panic.
In The Battle of the Badge, Giovanni loaned his Rhydon to Jessie, James, and Meowth while putting them in charge of the Viridian Gym. It was subsequently used in their battle against Ash, where it was defeated by Pidgeotto and then Pikachu.
In Bound For Trouble, a giant Rhydon was living on Fairchild Island. Its size was due to the excessive amount of available food on the island.
In Right On, Rhydon!, a Rhydon unique for its strength and its ability to know Surf was sought by Pietra, but she needed a surfing Pokémon to accomplish this task. Pietra eventually caught Rhydon after rescuing it from Team Rocket.
In Tag! We're It...!, a Scientist used a Rhydon during the Hearthome City Tag Battle Competition. Pikachu and Chimchar battled it and a Magmar belonging to an Ace Trainer. Rhydon had Lightning Rod, which left Pikachu's Electric attacks useless, but Pikachu was able to defeat Rhydon with Iron Tail.
In Bibarel Gnaws Best!, the head engineer used a Rhydon to drill out rocks for a bridge under construction, but it was attacked by a Bibarel. When Bibarel was cornered, Ash's Pikachu used Iron Tail to defeat Rhydon.
In Meloetta and the Undersea Temple!, a Team Rocket Grunt used a Rhydon and a Golem to capture Meloetta, but they were stopped by Ridley and his Golurk. Though the full battle wasn't shown onscreen, Rhydon was apparently defeated by Golurk.
In A Crackling Raid Battle!, Jessie pulled a Rhydon from the Rocket Prize Master and used it in a Raid Battle against Zapdos.
Minor appearances
In Island of the Giant Pokémon, a mechanical Rhydon was a part of Pokémon Land.
Rhydon debuted in the banned episode EP035, where one was in the Safari Zone.
Rhydon made its English dub debut in Showdown at Dark City as one of the Kaz Gym's Pokémon.
In Showdown at the Po-ké Corral, a Rhydon was living at Professor Oak's Laboratory.
In Friends to the End, Assunta used a Rhydon to battle Ritchie's Zippo.
In In the Pink, multiple pink Rhydon appeared were living at Pinkan Island.
In Shell Shock!, an expedition crew led by Nurse Joy looking for Kabuto Fossils used two Rhydon.
In Misty Meets Her Match, a Rhydon was exercising at the Trovita Gym.
In The Power of One, a Rhydon sensed the disturbance caused by Lawrence III.
A Rhydon appeared in the Japanese credits of Pikachu's Rescue Adventure.
In The Rivalry Revival, multiple Rhydon were living at Professor Oak's Laboratory.
In Ring Masters, a Rhydon competed in Rikishii Town Sumo Conference.
A Rhydon appeared in Celebi: The Voice of the Forest.
A Rhydon appeared in Extreme Pokémon!, under the ownership of a participant in the Extreme Pokémon Race.
A Rhydon appeared in a flashback in Pop Goes The Sneasel.
In Johto Photo Finish, Jon Dickson's Rapidash defeated a Trainer's Rhydon to win the Silver Conference.
In Celebi and Joy!, a demolition crew used a Rhydon for a construction project.
In Beg, Burrow and Steal, a Rhydon lived in an underground paradise.
A Coordinator's Rhydon appeared in Mean With Envy.
A Trainer's Rhydon appeared in A Judgment Brawl and Choose It or Lose It!.
In Numero Uno Articuno, a Rhydon was living at the Battle Factory.
In Lucario and the Mystery of Mew, multiple Rhydon were part of the feuding armies that were eventually placated by Sir Aaron in the past.
In Harley Rides Again, a Coordinator's Rhydon competed in the Wisteria Town Pokémon Contest.
A Trainer's Rhydon appeared in The Ole' Berate and Switch!.
In Arrival of a Rival!, a Coordinator's Rhydon competed in the Jubilife City Contest.
In The Rise of Darkrai, a Rhydon was hit by Darkrai's Dark Void.
In Glory Blaze!, a Trainer's Rhydon competed in the Hearthome City Tag Battle Competition.
In I Choose You!, a Rhydon fell under the control of Marshadow.
Pokédex entries
Entry |
EP058 |
Rhydon |
Ash's Pokédex |
Rhydon, the evolved form of Rhyhorn. It is known as the Drill Pokémon. Its large horn gives it formidable attack power. |
Pokémon Origins
Rhydon in
Pokémon Origins
In File 3: Giovanni, Giovanni used a Rhydon to battle against Red's Charizard and lost.
In File 4: Charizard, Blue's Rhydon battled Red's Lapras and lost.
Pokémon Generations
Rhydon in
Pokémon Generations
In The Challenger, Blue used a Rhydon during his Indigo League battle against Agatha, where it went up against her Arbok and Gengar. It managed to defeat Arbok, but it is unclear if it won against Gengar as well, for the outcome of that battle was never shown onscreen. Whatever the case, Blue eventually managed to defeat Agatha, allowing him to progress to Lance's room.
Two soldiers' Rhydon appeared in The Redemption, during a fantasy of a story from the past. They were seen petrified after the ultimate weapon was used by AZ to end the great war of Kalos 3,000 years previously.
Pokémon: Twilight Wings
Rhydon in
Pokémon: Twilight Wings
In Letter, a Rhydon was with Bea.
In Training, a Rhydon was in the Wild Area.
A Rhydon briefly appeared in GOTCHA!, under the ownership of Blue.
In the manga
Ash & Pikachu
Similar to her anime counterpart, Pietra recently caught a Rhydon. It appeared in The Grand Rhydon Plan.
The Electric Tale of Pikachu
Gary has a Rhydon, which was sent out with his other Pokémon to battle the giant Slowpoke in Ash vs. Gary.
Pokémon Adventures
- Main article: Blue's Rhydon
Rhydon in
Pokémon Adventures
Rhydon debuts in Raging Rhydon under the ownership of Koga. It is forced to evolve by its Trainer with a mysterious injection, being the first evolution shown in the manga due to Red's Poliwhirl and Blue's Charmander evolving off-screen at the time.
Later in Tauros the Tyrant, a Team Rocket Grunt used a Rhydon in an attempt to catch Green.
In A Tale of Ninetales, a wild Rhydon attacked two of Blue's fan girls.
A Rhydon appeared in Long Live the Nidoqueen!?, under the ownership of Giovanni. He used its Fissure to trap Red.
In How Do You Do, Sudowoodo?, Gold encounters a wild Rhydon during his race with Whitney. It was hunting down a Sudowoodo, and kidnapped Whitney when she interfered with her Miltank, breaking her arm in the process. Gold tells Sudowoodo to stand up for itself and, with assistance from his billiard cue, helps Sudowoodo defeat the Rhydon with a strong punch to the gut.
In Rock, Paper...Scizor, Blue catches a Rhydon outside the Viridian Gym. He uses him to defeat Chuck in Heckled by Hitmontop, as well as Orm in Don't Doubt Deoxys. Near the end of the FireRed and LeafGreen saga, Blue remarks on a footnote Giovanni included in his handbook: Rhydon possibly possessed a stronger form. This is a reference to Rhydon's new evolved form, Rhyperior, an evolution that succeeded in occurring thanks to Silver's knowledge of Pokémon trading, resulting in the same Rhydon, as Rhyperior, being on hand with him until being returned to Blue later on.
A Rhydon appeared in Deprogramming Porygon-Z, under the ownership of an Ace Trainer.
A Trainer's Rhydon appeared in Clobbering Claydol.
Pokémon Gold & Silver: The Golden Boys
A Rhydon appeared in Let's Aim For The Goal!.
A Trainer's Rhydon appeared in Let's Fight For The Future!!.
Pokémon Pocket Monsters
Giovanni has a Rhydon, which he used in his Gym battle against Red in Get The Last Badge!!.
A Rhydon appeared in The Ancient Pokémon Discovery!.
Pokémon Zensho
Giovanni's Rhydon was Satoshi's opponent for his final Gym battle in PZ09. It went up against his Charizard and was defeated.
In the TCG
- Main article: Rhydon (TCG)
Game data
NPC appearances
- Pokémon Mystery Dungeon: Red Rescue Team and Blue Rescue Team: Rhydon leads an unnamed rescue team which gathers at Pokémon Square just before the player and partner are able to access Magma Cavern.
Pokédex entries
Generation I |
#112 |
Red |
Protected by an armor-like hide, it is capable of living in molten lava of 3,600 degrees. |
Blue |
Yellow |
Walks on its hind legs. Shows signs of intelligence. Its armor-like hide even repels molten lava. |
Stadium |
Protected by an armor-like hide, it can survive in lava over 3,600 degrees. Its horn can bore holes through boulders. |
Generation II |
#207 |
Gold |
Its rugged hide protects it from even the heat of lava. However, the hide also makes it insensitive. |
Silver |
Its brain developed when it began walking on hind legs. Its thick hide protects it even in magma. |
Crystal |
By lightly spinning its drill-like horn, it can easily shatter even a diamond in the rough. |
Stadium 2 |
Its rugged hide protects it from even the heat of lava. However, the hide also makes it insensitive. |
Generation III |
#170 |
#112 |
Ruby |
Rhydon's horn can crush even uncut diamonds. One sweeping blow of its tail can topple a building. This Pokémon's hide is extremely tough. Even direct cannon hits don't leave a scratch. |
Sapphire |
Rhydon has a horn that serves as a drill. It is used for destroying rocks and boulders. This Pokémon occasionally rams into streams of magma, but the armor-like hide prevents it from feeling the heat. |
Emerald |
Its horn, which rotates like a drill, destroys tall buildings with one strike. It stands on its hind legs, and its brain is well developed. |
FireRed |
It begins walking on its hind legs after evolution. It can punch holes through boulders with its horn. |
LeafGreen |
Protected by an armor-like hide, it is capable of living in molten lava of 3,600 degrees. |
Generation IV |
Pt: #187 |
#212 |
Diamond |
Its brain developed after it stood up on its hind legs. Its drill horn bores tunnels through solid rock. |
Pearl |
Platinum |
Standing on its hind legs freed its forelegs and made it smarter. It is very forgetful, however. |
HeartGold |
Its rugged hide protects it from even the heat of lava. However, the hide also makes it insensitive. |
SoulSilver |
Its brain developed when it began walking on hind legs. Its thick hide protects it even in magma. |
Generation V |
#— |
Black |
Standing on its hind legs freed its forelegs and made it smarter. It is very forgetful, however. |
White |
Black 2 |
Standing on its hind legs freed its forelegs and made it smarter. It is very forgetful, however. |
White 2 |
Generation VI |
Coastal #051 |
#177 |
X |
Protected by an armor-like hide, it is capable of living in molten lava of 3,600 degrees Fahrenheit. |
Y |
It begins walking on its hind legs after evolution. It can punch holes through boulders with its horn. |
Omega Ruby |
Rhydon's horn can crush even uncut diamonds. One sweeping blow of its tail can topple a building. This Pokémon's hide is extremely tough. Even direct cannon hits don't leave a scratch. |
Alpha Sapphire |
Rhydon has a horn that serves as a drill. It is used for destroying rocks and boulders. This Pokémon occasionally rams into streams of magma, but the armor-like hide prevents it from feeling the heat. |
Generation VII |
#— |
#112 |
This Pokémon has no Pokédex entries in Sun, Moon, Ultra Sun, and Ultra Moon. |
Let's Go Pikachu |
Its brain developed when it began walking on its hind legs. Its armor-like hide even repels molten lava. |
Let's Go Eevee |
Generation VIII |
#265 |
Isle of Armor #184 |
Sword |
It begins walking on its hind legs after evolution. It can punch holes through boulders with its horn. |
Shield |
Protected by an armor-like hide, it is capable of living in molten lava of 3,600 degrees Fahrenheit. |
Game locations
Generation I |
Red |
Blue |
Blue (Japan) |
Yellow |
Cerulean Cave
Trade Golduck at the Pokémon Lab on Cinnabar Island |
Generation III |
Ruby |
Sapphire |
Emerald |
FireRed |
LeafGreen |
Colosseum |
XD |
Generation IV |
Diamond |
Pearl |
Routes 227 and 228, Stark Mountain |
Platinum |
Routes 227 and 228, Victory Road, Stark Mountain |
HeartGold |
SoulSilver |
Pal Park |
Generation V |
Black |
White |
Black 2 |
White 2 |
Generation VI |
X |
Y |
Omega Ruby |
Alpha Sapphire |
Generation VII |
Sun |
Moon |
Ultra Sun |
Ultra Moon |
Let's Go Pikachu |
Let's Go Eevee |
Victory Road, Cerulean Cave |
Generation VIII |
Sword |
Shield |
Route 10, Dusty Bowl, Lake of Outrage
Bridge Field, Giant's Seat, Motostoke Riverbank, Stony Wilderness (Wanderer)
Rolling Fields, Stony Wilderness (Max Raid Battle) |
Expansion Pass |
Fields of Honor (Max Raid Battle)
Potbottom Desert (Wanderer)
Max Lair (Dynamax Adventure) |
In side games
Generation II |
This Pokémon is unavailable in Generation II side games. |
Generation III |
Pinball: R&S |
Trozei! |
Endless Level 15, Forever Level 64, Pair Trozei, Mr. Who's Den |
MD Red |
MD Blue |
Ranger |
Generation IV |
MD Time |
MD Darkness |
MD Sky |
Ranger: SoA |
Volcano Cave, Haruba Desert, Altru Tower |
Rumble |
Rocky Cave (Normal Mode B & S, Advanced Mode C & A) |
Generation V |
Rumble Blast |
Conquest |
Rumble U |
Variety Battle: It's Drill Time! |
Generation VI |
Battle Trozei |
Shuffle |
Violeta Palace: Stage 381 |
Rumble World |
Diamond Crater: Rock Chasm (All Areas, Entrance Boss) |
Generation VII |
Rumble Rush |
Zapdos Sea, Celebi Sea, Garchomp Sea, Bulbasaur Sea, Arceus Sea, Celebi SeaFinal, Garchomp SeaFinal |
Held items
Game |
Held Item(s) |
Red* |
Blue* |
Silver Leaf (100%) |
Yellow* |
Base stats
Stat |
Range |
At Lv. 50 |
At Lv. 100 |
165 - 212 |
320 - 414 |
121 - 200 |
238 - 394 |
112 - 189 |
220 - 372 |
Sp. Atk:
45 - 106 |
85 - 207 |
Sp. Def:
45 - 106 |
85 - 207 |
40 - 101 |
76 - 196 |
Other Pokémon with this total |
- Minimum stats are calculated with 0 EVs, IVs of 0, and (if applicable) a hindering nature.
- Maximum stats are calculated with 252 EVs, IVs of 31, and (if applicable) a helpful nature.
- This Pokémon's Special base stat in Generation I was 45.
Pokéathlon stats
Type effectiveness
Under normal battle conditions in Generation VIII, this Pokémon is: |
Notes: |
- If this Pokémon is given a Ring Target and its Ability is not Lightning Rod, the effectiveness of Electric-type moves is 1×.
By leveling up
Move |
1 |
Hammer Arm |
Fighting |
Physical |
100 |
90% |
10 |
1 |
Tackle |
Normal |
Physical |
40 |
100% |
35 |
1 |
Tail Whip |
Normal |
Status |
— |
100% |
30 |
1 |
Smack Down |
Rock |
Physical |
50 |
100% |
15 |
1 |
Bulldoze |
Ground |
Physical |
60 |
100% |
20 |
Evo. |
Hammer Arm |
Fighting |
Physical |
100 |
90% |
10 |
15 |
Horn Attack |
Normal |
Physical |
65 |
100% |
25 |
20 |
Scary Face |
Normal |
Status |
— |
100% |
10 |
25 |
Stomp |
Normal |
Physical |
65 |
100% |
20 |
30 |
Rock Blast |
Rock |
Physical |
25 |
90% |
10 |
35 |
Drill Run |
Ground |
Physical |
80 |
95% |
10 |
40 |
Take Down |
Normal |
Physical |
90 |
85% |
20 |
47 |
Earthquake |
Ground |
Physical |
100 |
100% |
10 |
54 |
Stone Edge |
Rock |
Physical |
100 |
80% |
5 |
61 |
Megahorn |
Bug |
Physical |
120 |
85% |
10 |
68 |
Horn Drill |
Normal |
Physical |
— |
30% |
5 |
- Bold indicates a move that gets STAB when used by Rhydon
- Italic indicates a move that gets STAB only when used by an evolution of Rhydon
- Click on the generation numbers at the top to see level-up moves from other generations
Move |
TM00 |
Mega Punch |
Normal |
Physical |
80 |
85% |
20 |
TM01 |
Mega Kick |
Normal |
Physical |
120 |
75% |
5 |
TM02 |
Pay Day |
Normal |
Physical |
40 |
100% |
20 |
TM03 |
Fire Punch |
Fire |
Physical |
75 |
100% |
15 |
TM04 |
Ice Punch |
Ice |
Physical |
75 |
100% |
15 |
TM05 |
Thunder Punch |
Electric |
Physical |
75 |
100% |
15 |
TM08 |
Hyper Beam |
Normal |
Special |
150 |
90% |
5 |
TM09 |
Giga Impact |
Normal |
Physical |
150 |
90% |
5 |
TM15 |
Dig |
Ground |
Physical |
80 |
100% |
10 |
TM21 |
Rest |
Psychic |
Status |
— |
—% |
10 |
TM22 |
Rock Slide |
Rock |
Physical |
75 |
90% |
10 |
TM23 |
Thief |
Dark |
Physical |
60 |
100% |
25 |
TM24 |
Snore |
Normal |
Special |
50 |
100% |
15 |
TM25 |
Protect |
Normal |
Status |
— |
—% |
10 |
TM26 |
Scary Face |
Normal |
Status |
— |
100% |
10 |
TM27 |
Icy Wind |
Ice |
Special |
55 |
95% |
15 |
TM31 |
Attract |
Normal |
Status |
— |
100% |
15 |
TM32 |
Sandstorm |
Rock |
Status |
— |
—% |
10 |
TM33 |
Rain Dance |
Water |
Status |
— |
—% |
5 |
TM34 |
Sunny Day |
Fire |
Status |
— |
—% |
5 |
TM36 |
Whirlpool |
Water |
Special |
35 |
85% |
15 |
TM39 |
Facade |
Normal |
Physical |
70 |
100% |
20 |
TM41 |
Helping Hand |
Normal |
Status |
— |
—% |
20 |
TM43 |
Brick Break |
Fighting |
Physical |
75 |
100% |
15 |
TM48 |
Rock Tomb |
Rock |
Physical |
60 |
95% |
15 |
TM53 |
Mud Shot |
Ground |
Special |
55 |
95% |
15 |
TM54 |
Rock Blast |
Rock |
Physical |
25 |
90% |
10 |
TM57 |
Payback |
Dark |
Physical |
50 |
100% |
10 |
TM59 |
Fling |
Dark |
Physical |
— |
100% |
10 |
TM64 |
Avalanche |
Ice |
Physical |
60 |
100% |
10 |
TM65 |
Shadow Claw |
Ghost |
Physical |
70 |
100% |
15 |
TM66 |
Thunder Fang |
Electric |
Physical |
65 |
95% |
15 |
TM67 |
Ice Fang |
Ice |
Physical |
65 |
95% |
15 |
TM68 |
Fire Fang |
Fire |
Physical |
65 |
95% |
15 |
TM76 |
Round |
Normal |
Special |
60 |
100% |
15 |
TM81 |
Bulldoze |
Ground |
Physical |
60 |
100% |
20 |
TM96 |
Smart Strike |
Steel |
Physical |
70 |
—% |
10 |
TM97 |
Brutal Swing |
Dark |
Physical |
60 |
100% |
20 |
TM98 |
Stomping Tantrum |
Ground |
Physical |
75 |
100% |
10 |
TM99 |
Breaking Swipe |
Dragon |
Physical |
60 |
100% |
15 |
TR00 |
Swords Dance |
Normal |
Status |
— |
—% |
20 |
TR01 |
Body Slam |
Normal |
Physical |
85 |
100% |
15 |
TR02 |
Flamethrower |
Fire |
Special |
90 |
100% |
15 |
TR03 |
Hydro Pump |
Water |
Special |
110 |
80% |
5 |
TR04 |
Surf |
Water |
Special |
90 |
100% |
15 |
TR05 |
Ice Beam |
Ice |
Special |
90 |
100% |
10 |
TR06 |
Blizzard |
Ice |
Special |
110 |
70% |
5 |
TR08 |
Thunderbolt |
Electric |
Special |
90 |
100% |
15 |
TR09 |
Thunder |
Electric |
Special |
110 |
70% |
10 |
TR10 |
Earthquake |
Ground |
Physical |
100 |
100% |
10 |
TR15 |
Fire Blast |
Fire |
Special |
110 |
85% |
5 |
TR20 |
Substitute |
Normal |
Status |
— |
—% |
10 |
TR21 |
Reversal |
Fighting |
Physical |
— |
100% |
15 |
TR24 |
Outrage |
Dragon |
Physical |
120 |
100% |
10 |
TR26 |
Endure |
Normal |
Status |
— |
—% |
10 |
TR27 |
Sleep Talk |
Normal |
Status |
— |
—% |
10 |
TR28 |
Megahorn |
Bug |
Physical |
120 |
85% |
10 |
TR31 |
Iron Tail |
Steel |
Physical |
100 |
75% |
15 |
TR32 |
Crunch |
Dark |
Physical |
80 |
100% |
15 |
TR35 |
Uproar |
Normal |
Special |
90 |
100% |
10 |
TR39 |
Superpower |
Fighting |
Physical |
120 |
100% |
5 |
TR46 |
Iron Defense |
Steel |
Status |
— |
—% |
15 |
TR57 |
Poison Jab |
Poison |
Physical |
80 |
100% |
20 |
TR62 |
Dragon Pulse |
Dragon |
Special |
85 |
100% |
10 |
TR64 |
Focus Blast |
Fighting |
Special |
120 |
70% |
5 |
TR67 |
Earth Power |
Ground |
Special |
90 |
100% |
10 |
TR75 |
Stone Edge |
Rock |
Physical |
100 |
80% |
5 |
TR76 |
Stealth Rock |
Rock |
Status |
— |
—% |
20 |
TR79 |
Heavy Slam |
Steel |
Physical |
— |
100% |
10 |
TR87 |
Drill Run |
Ground |
Physical |
80 |
95% |
10 |
TR88 |
Heat Crash |
Fire |
Physical |
— |
100% |
10 |
TR94 |
High Horsepower |
Ground |
Physical |
95 |
95% |
10 |
TR99 |
Body Press |
Fighting |
Physical |
80 |
100% |
10 |
- Bold indicates a move that gets STAB when used by Rhydon
- Italic indicates a move that gets STAB only when used by an evolution of Rhydon
- Click on the generation numbers at the top to see TM moves from other generations
By breeding
Move |
Counter |
Fighting |
Physical |
— |
100% |
20 |
Curse |
Ghost |
Status |
— |
—% |
10 |
Dragon Rush |
Dragon |
Physical |
100 |
75% |
10 |
Guard Split |
Psychic |
Status |
— |
—% |
10 |
Metal Burst |
Steel |
Physical |
— |
100% |
10 |
Rock Polish |
Rock |
Status |
— |
—% |
20 |
Skull Bash |
Normal |
Physical |
130 |
100% |
10 |
- Moves marked with an asterisk (*) must be chain bred onto Rhydon in Generation VIII
- Moves marked with a double dagger (‡) can only be bred from a Pokémon who learned the move in an earlier generation.
- Moves marked with a superscript game abbreviation can only be bred onto Rhydon in that game.
- Bold indicates a move that gets STAB when used by Rhydon
- Italic indicates a move that gets STAB only when used by an evolution of Rhydon
- Click on the generation numbers at the top to see Egg moves from other generations
By tutoring
Move |
Sw |
Sh |
EP |
Meteor Beam |
Rock |
Special |
120 |
90% |
10 |
Sw |
Sh |
EP |
Scorching Sands |
Ground |
Special |
70 |
100% |
10 |
- Bold indicates a move that gets STAB when used by Rhydon
- Italic indicates a move that gets STAB only when used by an evolution of Rhydon
- Click on the generation numbers at the top to see Move Tutor moves from other generations
By a prior evolution
Stage |
Move |
Type |
Cat. |
Pwr. |
Acc. |
PP |
This Pokémon has no moves exclusive to prior evolutions. |
- Bold indicates a move that gets STAB when used by Rhydon
- Italic indicates a move that gets STAB only when used by an evolution of Rhydon
- Click on the generation numbers at the top to see moves from other generations
By transfer from another generation
Gen. |
I |
II |
IV |
V |
VI |
Ancient Power |
Rock |
Special |
60 |
100% |
5 |
I |
II |
IV |
V |
VI |
Aqua Tail |
Water |
Physical |
90 |
90% |
10 |
I |
II |
IV |
V |
VI |
Bide × |
Normal |
Physical |
— |
—% |
10 |
I |
II |
IV |
V |
VI |
Block |
Normal |
Status |
— |
—% |
5 |
I |
II |
IV |
V |
VI |
Bubble Beam |
Water |
Special |
65 |
100% |
20 |
I |
II |
IV |
V |
VI |
Captivate × |
Normal |
Status |
— |
100% |
20 |
I |
II |
IV |
V |
VI |
Chip Away × |
Normal |
Physical |
70 |
100% |
20 |
I |
II |
IV |
V |
VI |
Confide |
Normal |
Status |
— |
—% |
20 |
I |
II |
IV |
V |
VI |
Crush Claw |
Normal |
Physical |
75 |
95% |
10 |
I |
II |
IV |
V |
VI |
Cut |
Normal |
Physical |
50 |
95% |
30 |
I |
II |
IV |
V |
VI |
Double Team |
Normal |
Status |
— |
—% |
15 |
I |
II |
IV |
V |
VI |
Double-Edge |
Normal |
Physical |
120 |
100% |
15 |
I |
II |
IV |
V |
VI |
Dragon Tail |
Dragon |
Physical |
60 |
90% |
10 |
I |
II |
IV |
V |
VI |
Dynamic Punch |
Fighting |
Physical |
100 |
50% |
5 |
I |
II |
IV |
V |
VI |
Endeavor |
Normal |
Physical |
— |
100% |
5 |
I |
II |
IV |
V |
VI |
Fissure |
Ground |
Physical |
— |
30% |
5 |
I |
II |
IV |
V |
VI |
Focus Punch |
Fighting |
Physical |
150 |
100% |
20 |
I |
II |
IV |
V |
VI |
Frustration × |
Normal |
Physical |
— |
100% |
20 |
I |
II |
IV |
V |
VI |
Fury Attack |
Normal |
Physical |
15 |
85% |
20 |
I |
II |
IV |
V |
VI |
Fury Cutter |
Bug |
Physical |
40 |
95% |
20 |
I |
II |
IV |
V |
VI |
Headbutt |
Normal |
Physical |
70 |
100% |
15 |
I |
II |
IV |
V |
VI |
Hidden Power × |
Normal |
Special |
60 |
100% |
15 |
I |
II |
IV |
V |
VI |
Incinerate |
Fire |
Special |
60 |
100% |
15 |
I |
II |
IV |
V |
VI |
Leer |
Normal |
Status |
— |
100% |
30 |
I |
II |
IV |
V |
VI |
Magnitude × |
Ground |
Physical |
— |
100% |
30 |
I |
II |
IV |
V |
VI |
Mimic |
Normal |
Status |
— |
—% |
10 |
I |
II |
IV |
V |
VI |
Mud-Slap |
Ground |
Special |
20 |
100% |
10 |
I |
II |
IV |
V |
VI |
Natural Gift × |
Normal |
Physical |
— |
100% |
15 |
I |
II |
IV |
V |
VI |
Power-Up Punch |
Fighting |
Physical |
40 |
100% |
20 |
I |
II |
IV |
V |
VI |
Pursuit × |
Dark |
Physical |
40 |
100% |
20 |
I |
II |
IV |
V |
VI |
Rage × |
Normal |
Physical |
20 |
100% |
20 |
I |
II |
IV |
V |
VI |
Return × |
Normal |
Physical |
— |
100% |
20 |
I |
II |
IV |
V |
VI |
Roar |
Normal |
Status |
— |
—% |
20 |
I |
II |
IV |
V |
VI |
Rock Climb × |
Normal |
Physical |
90 |
85% |
20 |
I |
II |
IV |
V |
VI |
Rock Smash |
Fighting |
Physical |
40 |
100% |
15 |
I |
II |
IV |
V |
VI |
Rock Throw |
Rock |
Physical |
50 |
90% |
15 |
I |
II |
IV |
V |
VI |
Rollout |
Rock |
Physical |
30 |
90% |
20 |
I |
II |
IV |
V |
VI |
Rototiller × |
Ground |
Status |
— |
—% |
10 |
I |
II |
IV |
V |
VI |
Sand Attack |
Ground |
Status |
— |
100% |
15 |
I |
II |
IV |
V |
VI |
Secret Power × |
Normal |
Physical |
70 |
100% |
20 |
I |
II |
IV |
V |
VI |
Seismic Toss |
Fighting |
Physical |
— |
100% |
20 |
I |
II |
IV |
V |
VI |
Shock Wave |
Electric |
Special |
60 |
—% |
20 |
I |
II |
IV |
V |
VI |
Spite |
Ghost |
Status |
— |
100% |
10 |
I |
II |
IV |
V |
VI |
Strength |
Normal |
Physical |
80 |
100% |
15 |
I |
II |
IV |
V |
VI |
Submission |
Fighting |
Physical |
80 |
80% |
20 |
I |
II |
IV |
V |
VI |
Swagger |
Normal |
Status |
— |
85% |
15 |
I |
II |
IV |
V |
VI |
Thrash |
Normal |
Physical |
120 |
100% |
10 |
I |
II |
IV |
V |
VI |
Toxic |
Poison |
Status |
— |
90% |
10 |
I |
II |
IV |
V |
VI |
Water Gun |
Water |
Special |
40 |
100% |
25 |
I |
II |
IV |
V |
VI |
Zap Cannon |
Electric |
Special |
120 |
50% |
5 |
- A striped background indicates a generation in which the move can only be obtained via event or as a special move
- Bold indicates a move that gets STAB when used by Rhydon
- Italic indicates a move that gets STAB only when used by an evolution of Rhydon
- × indicates a move that cannot be used in Generation VIII
- Click on the generation numbers at the top to see transfer-only moves for other generations
Side game data

Level 42
→ |
First evolution |
Ground Rock |
holding Protector
→ |
Generation I |
Red |
Blue |
Yellow |
Red |
Green |
Front |
Back |
Front |
Back |
Front |
Back |
Generation II |
Gold |
Silver |
Crystal |
Front |
Back |
Front |
Back |
Front |
Back |
Generation III |
Ruby |
Sapphire |
Emerald |
FireRed |
LeafGreen |
Front |
Back |
Front |
Back |
Front |
Back |
Generation IV |
Diamond |
Pearl |
Platinum |
HeartGold |
SoulSilver |
Front |
Back |
Front |
Back |
Front |
Back |
Generation V |
Black |
White |
Black 2 |
White 2 |
Front |
Back |
Front |
Back |
Generation VI |
X |
Y |
Omega Ruby |
Alpha Sapphire |
Front |
Back |
Front |
Back |
Generation VII |
Sun |
Moon |
Ultra Sun |
Ultra Moon |
Front |
Back |
Front |
Back |

For other sprites and images, please see
Rhydon images on the Bulbagarden Archives.
- According to interviews with Ken Sugimori (translation), Rhydon was the first Pokémon ever made up. This is further supported as its index number is 001 in Generation I, as well as early sketches from Capsule Monsters featuring Rhydon.
- Ash's Pikachu fought Blaine's Rhydon in the anime and defeated it by aiming an electric attack at its the horn, despite it being a Ground-type immune to Electric attacks. Rhydon's horn also serving as an lightning rod to negate electric attacks would become an ability in Generation III. This particular scene spawned a popular, albeit misquoted, internet meme where "aim for the horn!" is commonly attributed to this episode.
- Since Rhydon's index number is 001 in Generation I, a glitch Pokémon with an index number of 000 or that is greater than 152 will revert to Rhydon when its Pokédex entry is viewed.
- Rhydon and its evolved form share their category name with Nidoqueen and Nidoking. They are all known as the Drill Pokémon.
Rhydon's design appears to draw much of its inspiration from a rhinoceros and some aspects of various dinosaurs, such as ceratopsids.
Name origin
Rhydon may be a combination of rhinoceros and don. Rhy may also derive from the igneous rock called rhyolite, alluding to Rhydon's Ground/Rock type combination. Don, from the Latin dominus, may emphasize Rhydon's being the final evolution of its line (pre-Generation IV), as it is a title akin to lord in several Romance languages; -odon, ultimately from ὀδούς, the ancient Greek word for tooth, is a suffix commonly used in dinosaur names, and so Rhydon's name could be a reference to those prehistoric creatures as well.
Sidon is a combination of 犀 sai (rhinoceros) and don.
In other languages
Language |
Title |
Meaning |
Japanese |
サイドン Sidon |
From 犀 sai and don |
French |
Rhinoféros |
From rhinocéros and féroce |
Spanish |
Rhydon |
Same as English name |
German |
Rizeros |
Corruption of Rhinozeros |
Italian |
Rhydon |
Same as English name |
Korean |
코뿌리 Koppuri |
Literally "Nose horn" or from 코뿔소 |
Cantonese Chinese |
鐵甲暴龍 Titgaapbouhlùhng |
Means "Armored Tyrannosaurus" |
Mandarin Chinese |
鐵甲暴龍 / 铁甲暴龙 Tiějiǎbàolóng |
Means "Armored Tyrannosaurus" |
[hide]More languages |
Hebrew |
ריידון Rhydon |
Transcription of English name |
Hindi |
रएडॉन Rhydon |
Transcription of English name |
Russian |
Райдон Raydon |
Transcription of English name |
Thai |
ไซดอน Saidon |
Transcription of Japanese name |
Related articles
External links
This Pokémon article is part of Project Pokédex, a Bulbapedia project that aims to write comprehensive articles on each Pokémon as a species. |