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Page: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39
# 6583
Shiny Deerling Autumn
75 75 62 50 62 93 417 251 86
# 6584
Shiny Deerling Winter
75 75 62 50 62 93 417 235 76
# 6585
Shiny Deerling Spring
75 75 62 50 62 93 417 331 83
# 6586
Shiny Sawsbuck Autumn
100 125 87 75 87 118 592 278 93
# 6587
Shiny Sawsbuck Winter
100 125 87 75 87 118 592 247 91
# 6588
Shiny Sawsbuck Spring
100 125 87 75 87 118 592 273 95
# 6600
Shiny Flabebe Blue
55 47 48 76 98 52 376 317 84
# 6601
Shiny Floette Blue
67 56 58 93 122 65 461 226 94
# 6602
Shiny Florges Blue
97 81 85 140 192 93 688 261 100
# 6603
Shiny Flabebe Yellow
55 47 48 76 98 52 376 219 82
# 6604
Shiny Floette Yellow
67 56 58 93 122 65 461 245 92
# 6605
Shiny Florges Yellow
97 81 85 140 192 93 688 238 100
# 6606
Shiny Flabebe Red
55 47 48 76 98 52 376 183 81
# 6607
Shiny Floette Red
67 56 58 93 122 65 461 220 93
# 6608
Shiny Florges Red
97 81 85 140 192 93 688 222 99
# 6609
Shiny Flabebe Orange
55 47 48 76 98 52 376 244 80
# 6610
Shiny Floette Orange
67 56 58 93 122 65 461 403 98
# 6611
Shiny Florges Orange
97 81 85 140 192 93 688 257 101
# 6612
Shiny Flabebe White
55 47 48 76 98 52 376 206 80
# 6613
Shiny Floette White
67 56 58 93 122 65 461 195 90
# 6614
Shiny Florges White
97 81 85 140 192 93 688 201 100
# 6636
Shiny Larvesta Ancient
68 168 68 62 93 75 534 159 79
# 6637
Shiny Volcarona Ancient
106 75 81 231 168 125 786 187 96
# 6649
Shiny Genesect Shock
88 150 118 150 118 123 747 329 84
# 6650
Shiny Genesect Burn
88 150 118 150 118 123 747 318 86
# 6651
Shiny Genesect Chill
88 150 118 150 118 123 747 269 82
# 6652
Shiny Genesect Douse
88 150 118 150 118 123 747 350 84
# 6666
Shiny Vivillon Archipelago
100 65 62 112 62 111 512 213 79
# 6667
Shiny Vivillon Continental
100 65 62 112 62 111 512 278 81
# 6668
Shiny Vivillon Elegant
100 65 62 112 62 111 512 230 74
# 6669
Shiny Vivillon Garden
100 65 62 112 62 111 512 337 75
# 6670
Shiny Vivillon Plains
100 65 62 112 62 111 512 215 79
# 6671
Shiny Vivillon Snow
100 65 62 112 62 111 512 242 77
# 6672
Shiny Vivillon Jungle
100 65 62 112 62 111 512 317 76
# 6673
Shiny Vivillon Marine
100 65 62 112 62 111 512 294 83
# 6674
Shiny Vivillon Meadow
100 65 62 112 62 111 512 213 81
# 6675
Shiny Vivillon Modern
100 65 62 112 62 111 512 198 85
# 6676
Shiny Vivillon Monsoon
100 65 62 112 62 111 512 261 77
# 6677
Shiny Vivillon Ocean
100 65 62 112 62 111 512 299 77
# 6678
Shiny Vivillon Polar
100 65 62 112 62 111 512 210 78
# 6679
Shiny Vivillon River
100 65 62 112 62 111 512 243 73
# 6680
Shiny Vivillon Sandstorm
100 65 62 112 62 111 512 216 82
# 6681
Shiny Vivillon Savanna
100 65 62 112 62 111 512 207 77
# 6682
Shiny Vivillon Sun
100 65 62 112 62 111 512 219 81
# 6683
Shiny Vivillon Tundra
100 65 62 112 62 111 512 316 69
# 6684
Shiny Vivillon Pokeball
100 65 62 112 62 111 512 222 80
# 6685
Shiny Vivillon Fancy
100 65 62 112 62 111 512 233 85
# 6708
Shiny Phantump Fire
91 143 60 62 75 47 478 127 66
# 6709
Shiny Trevenant Fire
143 193 95 81 102 70 684 158 92
# 6716
Shiny Xerneas Neutral
157 163 118 163 122 123 846 752 91
# 6718
Shiny Zygarde 10 Percent
67 125 88 76 106 143 605 308 81
# 6720
Shiny Hoopa Unbound
100 200 75 212 162 100 849 80 116
# 6741
Shiny Oricorio Pom Pom
93 87 87 122 87 116 592 210 74
# 6742
Shiny Oricorio Pau
93 87 87 122 87 116 592 211 77
# 6743
Shiny Oricorio Sensu
93 87 87 122 87 116 592 262 81
# 6744
Shiny Lycanroc Dusk
93 146 81 68 81 137 606 256 95
# 6745
Shiny Lycanroc Night
106 143 93 68 93 102 605 291 93
# 6746
Shiny Wishiwashi School
56 175 162 175 168 37 773 240 98
# 6774
Shiny Minior Meteor
75 75 125 75 125 75 550 293 82
# 6776
Shiny Furfrou Heart
93 100 75 81 112 127 588 251 75
# 6777
Shiny Furfrou Star
93 100 75 81 112 127 588 265 78
# 6778
Shiny Furfrou Diamond
93 100 75 81 112 127 588 225 80
# 6779
Shiny Furfrou Debutante
93 100 75 81 112 127 588 303 74
# 6780
Shiny Furfrou Matron
93 100 75 81 112 127 588 233 81
# 6781
Shiny Furfrou Dandy
93 100 75 81 112 127 588 242 77
# 6782
Shiny Furfrou Lareine
93 100 75 81 112 127 588 226 80
# 6783
Shiny Furfrou Kabuki
93 100 75 81 112 127 588 261 69
# 6784
Shiny Furfrou Pharaoh
93 100 75 81 112 127 588 306 72
# 6791
Shiny Solgaleo Null
208 208 133 141 111 121 922 891 97
# 6799
Shiny Necrozma Dusk Mane
121 196 158 141 136 96 848 459 88
# 6800
Shiny Necrozma Dawn Wings
121 141 136 196 158 96 848 365 87
# 6849
Shiny Toxtricity Amped
93 122 87 142 87 93 624 242 95
# 6864
Shiny Alcremie Blueberry
81 75 93 137 151 80 617 202 90
# 6865
Shiny Alcremie Heart
81 75 93 137 151 80 617 187 95
# 6866
Shiny Alcremie Lemon
81 75 93 137 151 80 617 205 92
# 6867
Shiny Alcremie Matcha
81 75 93 137 151 80 617 180 95
# 6868
Shiny Alcremie Flower
81 75 93 137 151 80 617 183 91
# 6869
Shiny Alcremie Marshmallow
81 75 93 137 151 80 617 222 93
# 6875
Shiny Eiscue Noice
93 100 87 81 62 162 585 204 76
# 6876
Shiny Indeedee F
87 68 81 118 131 106 591 200 65
# 6877
Shiny Morpeko Hangry
72 118 72 87 72 121 542 172 79
# 6885
Shiny Calyrex ShadowRider
125 106 100 206 125 187 849 261 79
# 6892
Shiny Urshifu RapidStrike
125 162 125 78 75 121 686 197 96
# 6898
Shiny Calyrex IceRider
125 206 187 106 162 62 848 413 84
# 6902
Shiny Basculegion_F
150 115 81 125 93 97 661 132 92
# 6905
Shiny Enamorus Therian
92 143 137 168 125 57 722 146 78
# 7069
Shiny Arshiram Ground
175 175 200 125 162 150 987 313 82
# 7070
Shiny Arshiram Rock
175 175 200 125 162 150 987 175 82
# 7071
Shiny Arshiram Bug
175 175 200 125 162 150 987 206 85
# 7072
Shiny Arshiram Grass
175 175 200 125 162 150 987 217 81
# 7073
Shiny Arshiram Electric
175 175 200 125 162 150 987 217 81
# 7074
Shiny Arshiram Fairy
175 175 200 125 162 150 987 253 86
# 7075
Shiny Arshiram Flying
175 175 200 125 162 150 987 270 78
# 7076
Shiny Arshiram Poison
175 175 200 125 162 150 987 240 82
# 7077
Shiny Arshiram Ice
175 175 200 125 162 150 987 155 75
# 7078
Shiny Arshiram Ghost
175 175 200 125 162 150 987 323 90
# 7079
Shiny Arshiram Steel
175 175 200 125 162 150 987 257 82
# 7080
Shiny Arshiram Dragon
175 175 200 125 162 150 987 193 75
# 7081
Shiny Arshiram Water
175 175 200 125 162 150 987 225 77
# 7082
Shiny Arshiram Fighting
175 175 200 125 162 150 987 223 84
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