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Page: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39
# 14059
Shiny Ligreleon
91 236 85 125 92 120 749 568 84
# 14060
Shiny Zentei
196 227 127 131 108 118 907 478 93
# 14061
Shiny Luxkrom
112 206 123 133 111 187 872 467 93
# 14062
Shiny Sumbreon
118 81 110 106 287 77 779 448 89
# 14063
Shiny Tsareist
147 212 137 67 107 77 747 353 93
# 14064
Shiny Yveleas
182 213 118 213 122 123 971 587 95
# 14065
Shiny Sylgardie
88 128 100 268 156 150 890 611 98
# 14066
Shiny Scislash
143 250 118 133 93 85 822 427 91
# 14067
Shiny Escadesh
82 250 103 115 112 141 803 340 89
# 14068
Shiny Ninetiss
98 72 106 251 133 118 778 348 92
# 14069
Shiny Arshiram
175 175 200 125 162 150 987 397 84
# 14070
Shiny Gardenice
68 206 87 206 87 165 819 286 86
# 14071
Shiny Luxsol
99 171 95 116 95 99 675 161 76
# 14072
Shiny Mecha Mewxys
152 75 175 282 100 190 974 478 84
# 16019
Alolan Rattata
30 56 35 25 35 72 253 7,521 9
# 16020
Alolan Raticate
75 71 70 40 80 77 413 1,037 60
# 16021
Galarian Spearow
40 60 30 31 31 70 262 1,646 18
# 16022
Galarian Fearow
65 90 65 61 61 100 442 387 63
# 16026
Alolan Raichu
60 85 50 95 85 110 485 943 74
# 16027
Alolan Sandshrew
50 75 90 10 35 40 300 9,475 12
# 16028
Alolan Sandslash
75 100 120 25 65 65 450 1,157 70
# 16037
Alolan Vulpix
38 41 40 50 65 65 299 6,823 18
# 16038
Alolan Ninetales
73 67 75 81 100 109 505 1,316 72
# 16046
Alolan Paras
35 70 55 45 55 25 285 1,428 16
# 16050
Alolan Diglett
10 55 30 35 45 90 265 6,584 14
# 16051
Alolan Dugtrio
35 100 60 50 70 110 425 730 71
# 16052
Alolan Meowth
40 35 35 50 40 90 290 4,351 18
# 16053
Alolan Persian
65 60 60 75 65 115 440 537 73
# 16054
Galarian Meowth
50 65 55 40 40 40 290 3,301 16
# 16074
Alolan Geodude
40 80 100 30 30 20 300 7,219 13
# 16075
Alolan Graveler
55 95 115 45 45 35 390 1,390 54
# 16076
Alolan Golem
80 120 130 55 65 45 495 763 75
# 16077
Galarian Ponyta
50 85 55 65 65 90 410 538 37
# 16078
Galarian Rapidash
65 100 70 80 80 105 500 621 68
# 16079
Galarian Slowpoke
90 65 65 40 40 15 315 1,119 22
# 16080
Galarian Slowbro
95 100 95 100 70 30 490 253 71
# 16083
Galarian Farfetchd
52 95 55 58 62 55 377 1,750 23
# 16088
Alolan Grimer
80 80 50 40 50 25 325 6,528 14
# 16089
Alolan Muk
105 105 75 65 100 50 500 599 75
# 16103
Alolan Exeggutor
95 105 85 125 75 45 530 3,367 58
# 16105
Alolan Marowak
60 80 110 50 80 45 425 1,926 61
# 16110
Galarian Weezing
65 90 120 85 70 60 490 435 68
# 16122
Galarian MrMime
50 65 65 90 90 100 460 1,822 26
# 16144
Galarian Articuno
90 85 85 125 100 95 580 314 37
# 16145
Galarian Zapdos
90 125 90 85 90 100 580 419 44
# 16146
Galarian Moltres
90 85 90 100 125 90 580 523 52
# 16193
Galarian Yanma
65 65 45 105 45 65 390 1,076 21
# 16199
Galarian Slowking
95 65 80 110 110 30 490 161 78
# 16222
Galarian Corsola
60 55 100 65 100 30 410 988 34
# 16228
Alolan Houndour
45 60 30 85 50 65 335 2,482 23
# 16229
Alolan Houndoom
75 90 50 110 80 95 500 556 75
# 16249
Galarian Lugia
106 70 150 70 204 80 680 383 51
# 16263
Galarian Zigzagoon
38 30 41 30 41 60 240 5,549 8
# 16264
Galarian Linoone
78 70 61 50 61 100 420 719 57
# 16280
Galarian Ralts
28 25 25 45 35 40 198 1,460 16
# 16281
Galarian Kirlia
38 35 35 65 55 50 278 1,139 35
# 16282
Galarian Gardevoir
68 65 65 125 115 80 518 1,136 59
# 16307
Galarian Meditite
30 40 55 40 55 60 280 1,210 20
# 16308
Galarian Medicham
60 60 75 60 75 80 410 427 57
# 16469
Galarian Yanmega
86 76 76 156 56 65 515 1,002 57
# 16475
Galarian Gallade
68 125 65 65 115 80 518 980 57
# 16486
Galarian Regigigas
100 200 100 80 100 90 670 606 54
# 16527
Galarian Woobat
55 45 43 55 43 72 313 1,722 20
# 16528
Galarian Swoobat
67 57 55 77 55 114 425 358 62
# 16548
Galarian Petilil
45 25 50 80 50 30 280 3,961 7
# 16549
Galarian Lilligant
70 40 75 140 75 80 480 303 72
# 16554
Galarian Darumaka
70 90 45 15 45 50 315 2,764 15
# 16555
Galarian Darmanitan
105 140 55 30 55 95 480 225 74
# 16556
Galarian Darmanitan Zen
105 160 55 30 55 135 540 2,237 60
# 16562
Galarian Yamask
38 55 85 30 65 30 303 2,887 18
# 16602
Galarian Tynamo
35 65 40 45 40 50 275 1,695 16
# 16603
Galarian Eelektrik
65 95 60 85 60 40 405 463 55
# 16604
Galarian Eelektross
85 125 70 115 70 50 515 1,018 57
# 16618
Galarian Stunfisk
109 81 99 66 84 32 471 1,209 34
# 16641
Galarian Tornadus
79 95 70 165 70 101 580 371 39
# 16642
Galarian Thundurus
79 125 70 155 70 81 580 819 62
# 16645
Galarian Landorus
79 135 80 125 70 111 600 838 63
# 16708
Alolan Phantump
43 70 48 50 60 38 309 1,321 21
# 16709
Alolan Trevenant
85 110 76 65 82 56 474 290 73
# 17641
Galarian Tornadus Therian
79 80 80 110 80 151 580 547 53
# 17642
Galarian Thundurus Therian
79 75 70 195 80 81 580 726 57
# 17645
Galarian Landorus Therian
89 145 90 105 80 91 600 676 59
# 18019
Shiny Alolan Rattata
37 70 43 31 43 90 314 237 75
# 18020
Shiny Alolan Raticate
93 88 87 50 100 96 514 254 89
# 18021
Shiny Galarian Spearow
50 75 37 38 38 87 325 133 72
# 18022
Shiny Galarian Fearow
81 112 81 76 76 125 551 125 87
# 18026
Shiny Alolan Raichu
75 106 62 118 106 137 604 327 93
# 18027
Shiny Alolan Sandshrew
62 93 112 12 43 50 372 257 80
# 18028
Shiny Alolan Sandslash
93 125 150 31 81 81 561 243 93
# 18037
Shiny Alolan Vulpix
47 51 50 62 81 81 372 268 77
# 18038
Shiny Alolan Ninetales
91 83 93 101 125 136 629 323 93
# 18046
Shiny Alolan Paras
43 87 68 56 68 31 353 126 78
# 18050
Shiny Alolan Diglett
12 68 37 43 56 112 328 257 80
# 18051
Shiny Alolan Dugtrio
43 125 75 62 87 137 529 259 93
# 18052
Shiny Alolan Meowth
50 43 43 62 50 112 360 310 83
# 18053
Shiny Alolan Persian
81 75 75 93 81 143 548 262 98
# 18054
Shiny Galarian Meowth
62 81 68 50 50 50 361 230 80
# 18074
Shiny Alolan Geodude
50 100 125 37 37 25 374 409 78
# 18075
Shiny Alolan Graveler
68 118 143 56 56 43 484 234 92
# 18076
Shiny Alolan Golem
100 150 162 68 81 56 617 247 98
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