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Shiny Sylgardie

Class: Shiny Legendary
Catch Rate: 20
Level Gain Rate: S Fluctuating
Base Reward EXP: 2,160
Reward EV Point: SpAttack: 3
Shiny Sylgardie in game: 608 Who?
AVG Level: 98
Gender Ratios:
50% Male / 50% Female
Pokemon Id: 14065

Base Stats

HP: 88
Attack: 128
Defense: 100
SpAttack: 268
SpDefense: 156
Speed: 150
Total: 890
Default Ability 1: SpAttack Master
Default Ability 2: Special Master
Default Ability 3: Shield Master
Concept Artist: Dragonith
Artwork Artist: Dragonith

Where Shiny Sylgardie can be captured:

RO: 297, Radiant Exit Display More...

Shiny Sylgardie's elemental sensitivity to the enemy attacks:

: 50% : 50% : 0% : 100% : 100% : 50% : 50% : 100% : 200%
: 200% : 100% : 100% : 50% : 100% : 100% : 100% : 400% : 200%

Shiny Sylgardie's Transformation Line

#14065 Shiny Sylgardie
Fairy (Type 1) Rock (Type 2)

Shiny Sylgardie's Other Forms

#2700 Shiny Sylveon
Fairy (Type 1)
#10282 Shiny Mega Gardevoir
Psychic (Type 1) Fairy (Type 2)
#10719 Shiny Mega Diancie
Rock (Type 1) Fairy (Type 2)
#12065 Sylgardie
Fairy (Type 1) Rock (Type 2)

HM (Hidden Machine) Moves Shiny Sylgardie Can Learn

ID: 117 Cut HM01 Category: Physical Base Power: 50 PP: 30 Accuracy: 95

Shiny Sylgardie's Level-Up Attacks

ID: 101 Copycat Level: 1 Category: Status Base Power: 1 PP: 20 Accuracy: 1000
ID: 261 Harden Level: 1 Category: Status Base Power: 1 PP: 30 Accuracy: 1000
ID: 270 Healing Wish Level: 1 Category: Status Base Power: 1 PP: 10 Accuracy: 1000
ID: 626 Tackle Level: 1 Category: Physical Base Power: 50 PP: 35 Accuracy: 100
ID: 629 Tail Whip Level: 1 Category: Status Base Power: 1 PP: 30 Accuracy: 100
ID: 496 Rock Throw Level: 5 Category: Physical Base Power: 50 PP: 15 Accuracy: 90
ID: 508 Sand Attack Level: 5 Category: Status Base Power: 1 PP: 10 Accuracy: 100
ID: 96 Confusion Level: 6 Category: Special Base Power: 50 PP: 25 Accuracy: 100
ID: 533 Sharpen Level: 8 Category: Status Base Power: 1 PP: 30 Accuracy: 1000
ID: 466 Quick Attack Level: 13 Category: Physical Base Power: 40 PP: 30 Accuracy: 100
ID: 638 Teleport Level: 16 Category: Status Base Power: 1 PP: 15 Accuracy: 1000
ID: 36 Baby-Doll Eyes Level: 18 Category: Status Base Power: 1 PP: 30 Accuracy: 100
ID: 450 Psybeam Level: 18 Category: Special Base Power: 65 PP: 20 Accuracy: 100
ID: 478 Reflect Level: 18 Category: Status Base Power: 1 PP: 20 Accuracy: 1000
ID: 621 Swift Level: 20 Category: Special Base Power: 60 PP: 20 Accuracy: 1000
ID: 352 Magical Leaf Level: 22 Category: Special Base Power: 60 PP: 20 Accuracy: 1000
ID: 752 Life Dew Level: 23 Category: Status Base Power: 1 PP: 10 Accuracy: 1000
ID: 374 Mimic Level: 25 Category: Status Base Power: 1 PP: 10 Accuracy: 1000
ID: 427 Play Rough Level: 25 Category: Physical Base Power: 90 PP: 10 Accuracy: 90
ID: 251 Guard Split Level: 27 Category: Status Base Power: 1 PP: 5 Accuracy: 100
ID: 695 Wish Level: 28 Category: Status Base Power: 1 PP: 10 Accuracy: 1000
ID: 152 Draining Kiss Level: 30 Category: Special Base Power: 50 PP: 10 Accuracy: 100
ID: 19 Ancient Power Level: 31 Category: Special Base Power: 60 PP: 5 Accuracy: 100
ID: 77 Calm Mind Level: 35 Category: Status Base Power: 1 PP: 20 Accuracy: 1000
ID: 199 Flail Level: 35 Category: Physical Base Power: 1 PP: 15 Accuracy: 100
ID: 383 Misty Terrain Level: 35 Category: Status Base Power: 1 PP: 10 Accuracy: 1000
ID: 493 Rock Polish Level: 35 Category: Status Base Power: 1 PP: 20 Accuracy: 1000
ID: 31 Aura Sphere Level: 40 Category: Special Base Power: 80 PP: 20 Accuracy: 1000
ID: 452 Psychic Level: 42 Category: Special Base Power: 90 PP: 10 Accuracy: 100
ID: 140 Double-Edge Level: 43 Category: Physical Base Power: 120 PP: 15 Accuracy: 100
ID: 309 Imprison Level: 45 Category: Status Base Power: 1 PP: 10 Accuracy: 80
ID: 451 Psych Up Level: 45 Category: Status Base Power: 1 PP: 10 Accuracy: 1000
ID: 659 Trick Room Level: 46 Category: Status Base Power: 1 PP: 5 Accuracy: 100
ID: 269 Heal Pulse Level: 49 Category: Status Base Power: 1 PP: 10 Accuracy: 1000
ID: 494 Rock Slide Level: 49 Category: Physical Base Power: 75 PP: 10 Accuracy: 90
ID: 476 Recover Level: 52 Category: Status Base Power: 1 PP: 10 Accuracy: 1000
ID: 328 Last Resort Level: 55 Category: Physical Base Power: 140 PP: 5 Accuracy: 75
ID: 547 Skill Swap Level: 56 Category: Status Base Power: 1 PP: 10 Accuracy: 1000
ID: 79 Captivate Level: 60 Category: Status Base Power: 1 PP: 20 Accuracy: 100
ID: 339 Light Screen Level: 60 Category: Status Base Power: 1 PP: 10 Accuracy: 1000
ID: 232 Future Sight Level: 63 Category: Special Base Power: 120 PP: 10 Accuracy: 100
ID: 439 Power Gem Level: 63 Category: Special Base Power: 80 PP: 20 Accuracy: 100
ID: 298 Hypnosis Level: 65 Category: Status Base Power: 1 PP: 20 Accuracy: 60
ID: 507 Safeguard Level: 70 Category: Status Base Power: 1 PP: 25 Accuracy: 1000
ID: 589 Stealth Rock Level: 70 Category: Physical Base Power: 1 PP: 20 Accuracy: 100
ID: 153 Dream Eater Level: 73 Category: Special Base Power: 100 PP: 15 Accuracy: 100
ID: 599 Stored Power Level: 80 Category: Special Base Power: 20 PP: 5 Accuracy: 100
ID: 598 Stone Edge Level: 84 Category: Physical Base Power: 100 PP: 5 Accuracy: 80
ID: 384 Moonblast Level: 85 Category: Special Base Power: 95 PP: 15 Accuracy: 100
ID: 128 Diamond Storm Level: 91 Category: Physical Base Power: 100 PP: 5 Accuracy: 95

TM (Technical Machine) Moves Shiny Sylgardie Can Learn

ID: 699 Work Up TM001 Category: Status Base Power: 1 PP: 30 Accuracy: 1000
ID: 458 Psyshock TM003 Category: Special Base Power: 80 PP: 10 Accuracy: 100
ID: 77 Calm Mind TM004 Category: Status Base Power: 1 PP: 20 Accuracy: 1000
ID: 653 Toxic TM006 Category: Status Base Power: 1 PP: 10 Accuracy: 100
ID: 258 Hail TM007 Category: Status Base Power: 1 PP: 10 Accuracy: 100
ID: 278 Hidden Power TM010 Category: Special Base Power: 60 PP: 15 Accuracy: 100
ID: 611 Sunny Day TM011 Category: Status Base Power: 1 PP: 5 Accuracy: 1000
ID: 632 Taunt TM012 Category: Status Base Power: 1 PP: 10 Accuracy: 100
ID: 300 Ice Beam TM013 Category: Special Base Power: 90 PP: 10 Accuracy: 100
ID: 292 Hyper Beam TM015 Category: Special Base Power: 150 PP: 5 Accuracy: 90
ID: 339 Light Screen TM016 Category: Status Base Power: 1 PP: 10 Accuracy: 1000
ID: 449 Protect TM017 Category: Status Base Power: 1 PP: 5 Accuracy: 1000
ID: 471 Rain Dance TM018 Category: Status Base Power: 1 PP: 5 Accuracy: 1000
ID: 507 Safeguard TM020 Category: Status Base Power: 1 PP: 25 Accuracy: 1000
ID: 226 Frustration TM021 Category: Physical Base Power: 1 PP: 20 Accuracy: 100
ID: 560 Smack Down TM023 Category: Physical Base Power: 50 PP: 15 Accuracy: 100
ID: 649 Thunderbolt TM024 Category: Special Base Power: 90 PP: 15 Accuracy: 100
ID: 485 Return TM027 Category: Physical Base Power: 1 PP: 20 Accuracy: 100
ID: 452 Psychic TM029 Category: Special Base Power: 90 PP: 10 Accuracy: 100
ID: 524 Shadow Ball TM030 Category: Special Base Power: 80 PP: 15 Accuracy: 100
ID: 139 Double Team TM032 Category: Status Base Power: 1 PP: 15 Accuracy: 1000
ID: 478 Reflect TM033 Category: Status Base Power: 1 PP: 20 Accuracy: 1000
ID: 510 Sandstorm TM037 Category: Status Base Power: 1 PP: 10 Accuracy: 100
ID: 497 Rock Tomb TM039 Category: Physical Base Power: 60 PP: 15 Accuracy: 95
ID: 652 Torment TM041 Category: Status Base Power: 1 PP: 10 Accuracy: 100
ID: 179 Facade TM042 Category: Physical Base Power: 70 PP: 20 Accuracy: 100
ID: 482 Rest TM044 Category: Status Base Power: 1 PP: 5 Accuracy: 1000
ID: 30 Attract TM045 Category: Status Base Power: 1 PP: 15 Accuracy: 100
ID: 639 Thief TM046 Category: Physical Base Power: 75 PP: 25 Accuracy: 100
ID: 504 Round TM048 Category: Special Base Power: 60 PP: 10 Accuracy: 100
ID: 160 Echoed Voice TM049 Category: Special Base Power: 80 PP: 15 Accuracy: 100
ID: 214 Focus Blast TM052 Category: Special Base Power: 120 PP: 5 Accuracy: 70
ID: 172 Energy Ball TM053 Category: Special Base Power: 90 PP: 10 Accuracy: 100
ID: 209 Fling TM056 Category: Physical Base Power: 80 PP: 10 Accuracy: 100
ID: 83 Charge Beam TM057 Category: Special Base Power: 50 PP: 10 Accuracy: 90
ID: 693 Will-O-Wisp TM061 Category: Status Base Power: 1 PP: 15 Accuracy: 85
ID: 175 Explosion TM064 Category: Physical Base Power: 250 PP: 5 Accuracy: 100
ID: 239 Giga Impact TM068 Category: Physical Base Power: 150 PP: 5 Accuracy: 90
ID: 493 Rock Polish TM069 Category: Status Base Power: 1 PP: 20 Accuracy: 1000
ID: 598 Stone Edge TM071 Category: Physical Base Power: 100 PP: 5 Accuracy: 80
ID: 648 Thunder Wave TM073 Category: Status Base Power: 1 PP: 20 Accuracy: 100
ID: 257 Gyro Ball TM074 Category: Physical Base Power: 1 PP: 5 Accuracy: 100
ID: 451 Psych Up TM077 Category: Status Base Power: 1 PP: 10 Accuracy: 1000
ID: 494 Rock Slide TM080 Category: Physical Base Power: 75 PP: 10 Accuracy: 90
ID: 153 Dream Eater TM085 Category: Special Base Power: 100 PP: 15 Accuracy: 100
ID: 243 Grass Knot TM086 Category: Special Base Power: 70 PP: 20 Accuracy: 100
ID: 617 Swagger TM087 Category: Status Base Power: 1 PP: 15 Accuracy: 90
ID: 556 Sleep Talk TM088 Category: Status Base Power: 1 PP: 10 Accuracy: 1000
ID: 608 Substitute TM090 Category: Status Base Power: 1 PP: 5 Accuracy: 1000
ID: 659 Trick Room TM092 Category: Status Base Power: 1 PP: 5 Accuracy: 100
ID: 397 Nature Power TM096 Category: Physical Base Power: 90 PP: 20 Accuracy: 100
ID: 121 Dazzling Gleam TM099 Category: Special Base Power: 95 PP: 10 Accuracy: 100
ID: 94 Confide TM100 Category: Status Base Power: 1 PP: 20 Accuracy: 1000
ID: 140 Double-Edge TM103 Category: Physical Base Power: 120 PP: 15 Accuracy: 100
ID: 352 Magical Leaf TM106 Category: Special Base Power: 60 PP: 20 Accuracy: 1000
ID: 396 Natural Gift TM108 Category: Physical Base Power: 80 PP: 15 Accuracy: 100
ID: 304 Ice Punch TM115 Category: Physical Base Power: 75 PP: 15 Accuracy: 100
ID: 308 Icy Wind TM116 Category: Special Base Power: 55 PP: 15 Accuracy: 95
ID: 319 Iron Tail TM117 Category: Physical Base Power: 100 PP: 15 Accuracy: 75
ID: 567 Snore TM120 Category: Special Base Power: 50 PP: 15 Accuracy: 100
ID: 79 Captivate TM124 Category: Status Base Power: 1 PP: 20 Accuracy: 100
ID: 265 Headbutt TM126 Category: Physical Base Power: 70 PP: 15 Accuracy: 100
ID: 392 Mud-Slap TM127 Category: Special Base Power: 20 PP: 10 Accuracy: 100
ID: 205 Flash TM128 Category: Status Base Power: 1 PP: 20 Accuracy: 100
ID: 517 Secret Power TM129 Category: Physical Base Power: 70 PP: 20 Accuracy: 100
ID: 16 Ally Switch TM130 Category: Status Base Power: 1 PP: 20 Accuracy: 1000
ID: 169 Encore TM132 Category: Status Base Power: 1 PP: 5 Accuracy: 100
ID: 195 Fire Punch TM133 Category: Physical Base Power: 75 PP: 15 Accuracy: 100
ID: 252 Guard Swap TM135 Category: Status Base Power: 1 PP: 5 Accuracy: 100
ID: 325 Knock Off TM136 Category: Physical Base Power: 80 PP: 25 Accuracy: 100
ID: 547 Skill Swap TM139 Category: Status Base Power: 1 PP: 10 Accuracy: 1000
ID: 646 Thunder Punch TM140 Category: Physical Base Power: 75 PP: 15 Accuracy: 100
ID: 247 Gravity TM143 Category: Status Base Power: 1 PP: 5 Accuracy: 100
ID: 350 Magic Coat TM144 Category: Status Base Power: 1 PP: 5 Accuracy: 1000
ID: 351 Magic Room TM145 Category: Status Base Power: 1 PP: 5 Accuracy: 100
ID: 477 Recycle TM146 Category: Status Base Power: 1 PP: 10 Accuracy: 1000
ID: 539 Shock Wave TM147 Category: Special Base Power: 60 PP: 20 Accuracy: 1000
ID: 541 Signal Beam TM148 Category: Special Base Power: 75 PP: 15 Accuracy: 100
ID: 566 Snatch TM149 Category: Status Base Power: 1 PP: 10 Accuracy: 1000
ID: 658 Trick TM150 Category: Status Base Power: 1 PP: 10 Accuracy: 100
ID: 697 Wonder Room TM151 Category: Status Base Power: 1 PP: 10 Accuracy: 1000
ID: 706 Zen Headbutt TM152 Category: Physical Base Power: 80 PP: 15 Accuracy: 90
ID: 56 Body Slam TM153 Category: Physical Base Power: 85 PP: 15 Accuracy: 100
ID: 364 Mega Kick TM156 Category: Physical Base Power: 120 PP: 5 Accuracy: 75
ID: 365 Mega Punch TM157 Category: Physical Base Power: 80 PP: 20 Accuracy: 85
ID: 372 Metronome TM158 Category: Physical Base Power: 90 PP: 10 Accuracy: 100
ID: 374 Mimic TM159 Category: Status Base Power: 1 PP: 10 Accuracy: 1000
ID: 637 Telekinesis TM161 Category: Status Base Power: 1 PP: 15 Accuracy: 1000
ID: 40 Baton Pass TM163 Category: Status Base Power: 1 PP: 40 Accuracy: 1000
ID: 116 Curse TM164 Category: Status Base Power: 1 PP: 5 Accuracy: 1000
ID: 361 Mean Look TM168 Category: Status Base Power: 1 PP: 5 Accuracy: 1000
ID: 427 Play Rough TM171 Category: Physical Base Power: 90 PP: 10 Accuracy: 90
ID: 621 Swift TM178 Category: Special Base Power: 60 PP: 20 Accuracy: 1000
ID: 484 Retaliate TM181 Category: Physical Base Power: 80 PP: 5 Accuracy: 100
ID: 171 Endure TM182 Category: Status Base Power: 1 PP: 5 Accuracy: 1000
ID: 704 Yawn TM192 Category: Status Base Power: 1 PP: 10 Accuracy: 100
ID: 125 Destiny Bond TM194 Category: Status Base Power: 1 PP: 5 Accuracy: 100
ID: 531 Shadow Sneak TM196 Category: Physical Base Power: 40 PP: 30 Accuracy: 100
ID: 11 After You TM198 Category: Status Base Power: 1 PP: 15 Accuracy: 1000
ID: 317 Iron Defense TM199 Category: Status Base Power: 1 PP: 15 Accuracy: 1000
ID: 355 Magnet Rise TM201 Category: Status Base Power: 1 PP: 5 Accuracy: 1000
ID: 158 Earth Power TM209 Category: Special Base Power: 90 PP: 10 Accuracy: 100
ID: 589 Stealth Rock TM212 Category: Physical Base Power: 1 PP: 20 Accuracy: 100
ID: 170 Endeavor TM218 Category: Physical Base Power: 1 PP: 5 Accuracy: 1000
ID: 123 Defense Curl TM225 Category: Status Base Power: 1 PP: 40 Accuracy: 1000
ID: 129 Dig TM228 Category: Physical Base Power: 80 PP: 10 Accuracy: 100
ID: 108 Covet TM232 Category: Physical Base Power: 70 PP: 25 Accuracy: 100
ID: 328 Last Resort TM240 Category: Physical Base Power: 140 PP: 5 Accuracy: 75
ID: 415 Pain Split TM243 Category: Status Base Power: 1 PP: 20 Accuracy: 1000
ID: 480 Refresh TM244 Category: Status Base Power: 1 PP: 20 Accuracy: 1000
ID: 650 Tickle TM245 Category: Status Base Power: 1 PP: 20 Accuracy: 100
ID: 276 Helping Hand TM246 Category: Status Base Power: 1 PP: 5 Accuracy: 1000
ID: 295 Hyper Voice TM249 Category: Special Base Power: 90 PP: 10 Accuracy: 100
ID: 441 Power Swap TM250 Category: Status Base Power: 1 PP: 15 Accuracy: 100
ID: 266 Heal Bell TM253 Category: Status Base Power: 1 PP: 5 Accuracy: 1000
ID: 631 Take Down TM264 Category: Physical Base Power: 90 PP: 20 Accuracy: 85
ID: 130 Disable TM270 Category: Status Base Power: 1 PP: 20 Accuracy: 100
ID: 137 Double Kick TM277 Category: Physical Base Power: 30 PP: 30 Accuracy: 100
ID: 48 Bite TM290 Category: Physical Base Power: 60 PP: 25 Accuracy: 100
ID: 695 Wish TM297 Category: Status Base Power: 1 PP: 10 Accuracy: 1000
ID: 17 Amnesia TM299 Category: Status Base Power: 1 PP: 20 Accuracy: 1000
ID: 152 Draining Kiss TM301 Category: Special Base Power: 50 PP: 10 Accuracy: 100
ID: 345 Lucky Chant TM303 Category: Status Base Power: 1 PP: 10 Accuracy: 1000
ID: 215 Focus Energy TM307 Category: Status Base Power: 1 PP: 30 Accuracy: 1000
ID: 183 Fake Tears TM314 Category: Status Base Power: 1 PP: 20 Accuracy: 100
ID: 232 Future Sight TM315 Category: Special Base Power: 120 PP: 10 Accuracy: 100
ID: 84 Charm TM322 Category: Status Base Power: 1 PP: 20 Accuracy: 100
ID: 95 Confuse Ray TM330 Category: Status Base Power: 1 PP: 10 Accuracy: 100
ID: 309 Imprison TM331 Category: Status Base Power: 1 PP: 10 Accuracy: 80
ID: 199 Flail TM333 Category: Physical Base Power: 1 PP: 15 Accuracy: 100
ID: 688 Weather Ball TM365 Category: Special Base Power: 50 PP: 10 Accuracy: 100
ID: 439 Power Gem TM387 Category: Special Base Power: 80 PP: 20 Accuracy: 100
ID: 509 Sand Tomb TM388 Category: Physical Base Power: 35 PP: 15 Accuracy: 85
ID: 367 Memento TM415 Category: Status Base Power: 1 PP: 10 Accuracy: 100
ID: 599 Stored Power TM426 Category: Special Base Power: 20 PP: 5 Accuracy: 100
ID: 36 Baby-Doll Eyes TM429 Category: Status Base Power: 1 PP: 30 Accuracy: 100
ID: 248 Growl TM431 Category: Status Base Power: 1 PP: 40 Accuracy: 100
ID: 383 Misty Terrain TM433 Category: Status Base Power: 1 PP: 10 Accuracy: 1000
ID: 126 Detect TM444 Category: Status Base Power: 1 PP: 5 Accuracy: 1000
ID: 663 Trump Card TM447 Category: Special Base Power: 100 PP: 5 Accuracy: 1000
ID: 131 Disarming Voice TM459 Category: Special Base Power: 40 PP: 15 Accuracy: 1000
ID: 394 Mystical Fire TM462 Category: Special Base Power: 65 PP: 10 Accuracy: 100
ID: 250 Grudge TM472 Category: Status Base Power: 1 PP: 5 Accuracy: 100
ID: 624 Synchronoise TM474 Category: Special Base Power: 120 PP: 15 Accuracy: 100
ID: 181 Fairy Wind TM485 Category: Special Base Power: 40 PP: 30 Accuracy: 100
ID: 418 Pay Day TM508 Category: Physical Base Power: 80 PP: 20 Accuracy: 100
ID: 454 Psychic Terrain TM555 Category: Status Base Power: 1 PP: 10 Accuracy: 100
ID: 327 Laser Focus TM573 Category: Status Base Power: 1 PP: 10 Accuracy: 1000
ID: 737 Body Press TM588 Category: Physical Base Power: 80 PP: 10 Accuracy: 100
ID: 758 Expanding Force TM590 Category: Special Base Power: 60 PP: 10 Accuracy: 100
ID: 761 Meteor Beam TM593 Category: Special Base Power: 120 PP: 10 Accuracy: 90
ID: 763 Misty Explosion TM594 Category: Special Base Power: 250 PP: 5 Accuracy: 100
ID: 766 Terrain Pulse TM597 Category: Special Base Power: 50 PP: 10 Accuracy: 100
ID: 774 Triple Axel TM605 Category: Physical Base Power: 30 PP: 10 Accuracy: 90
Pokémon: Shiny Sylgardie - Level Gain Rate: S Fluctuating - Class: Shiny
This level gain rate Pokémon required total EXP amounts for each level
L 1: 0 EXP
L 2: 48 EXP
L 3: 156 EXP
L 4: 384 EXP
L 5: 780 EXP
L 6: 1,344 EXP
L 7: 2,136 EXP
L 8: 3,312 EXP
L 9: 4,716 EXP
L 10: 6,480 EXP
L 11: 8,940 EXP
L 12: 11,604 EXP
L 13: 14,760 EXP
L 14: 19,092 EXP
L 15: 23,484 EXP
L 16: 29,484 EXP
L 17: 36,552 EXP
L 18: 44,784 EXP
L 19: 54,312 EXP
L 20: 65,280 EXP
L 21: 77,784 EXP
L 22: 91,992 EXP
L 23: 108,036 EXP
L 24: 126,072 EXP
L 25: 146,244 EXP
L 26: 168,720 EXP
L 27: 193,680 EXP
L 28: 221,268 EXP
L 29: 251,688 EXP
L 30: 285,120 EXP
L 31: 321,732 EXP
L 32: 361,752 EXP
L 33: 405,360 EXP
L 34: 452,772 EXP
L 35: 504,204 EXP
L 36: 559,872 EXP
L 37: 607,836 EXP
L 38: 671,628 EXP
L 39: 726,060 EXP
L 40: 798,720 EXP
L 41: 860,124 EXP
L 42: 942,396 EXP
L 43: 1,011,324 EXP
L 44: 1,103,976 EXP
L 45: 1,180,980 EXP
L 46: 1,284,828 EXP
L 47: 1,370,460 EXP
L 48: 1,486,356 EXP
L 49: 1,581,192 EXP
L 50: 1,710,000 EXP
L 51: 1,814,664 EXP
L 52: 1,957,260 EXP
L 53: 2,072,364 EXP
L 54: 2,229,684 EXP
L 55: 2,355,864 EXP
L 56: 2,528,868 EXP
L 57: 2,666,772 EXP
L 58: 2,856,432 EXP
L 59: 3,006,744 EXP
L 60: 3,214,080 EXP
L 61: 3,377,472 EXP
L 62: 3,603,516 EXP
L 63: 3,780,708 EXP
L 64: 4,026,528 EXP
L 65: 4,218,240 EXP
L 66: 4,484,928 EXP
L 67: 4,691,892 EXP
L 68: 4,980,600 EXP
L 69: 5,203,572 EXP
L 70: 5,515,440 EXP
L 71: 5,755,200 EXP
L 72: 6,091,404 EXP
L 73: 6,348,756 EXP
L 74: 6,710,508 EXP
L 75: 6,986,244 EXP
L 76: 7,374,792 EXP
L 77: 7,669,752 EXP
L 78: 8,086,356 EXP
L 79: 8,401,380 EXP
L 80: 8,847,360 EXP
L 81: 9,183,300 EXP
L 82: 9,659,964 EXP
L 83: 10,017,708 EXP
L 84: 10,526,412 EXP
L 85: 10,906,860 EXP
L 86: 11,449,008 EXP
L 87: 11,853,048 EXP
L 88: 12,430,044 EXP
L 89: 12,858,624 EXP
L 90: 13,471,920 EXP
L 91: 13,925,988 EXP
L 92: 14,577,036 EXP
L 93: 15,057,552 EXP
L 94: 15,747,864 EXP
L 95: 16,255,824 EXP
L 96: 16,986,924 EXP
L 97: 17,523,312 EXP
L 98: 18,296,772 EXP
L 99: 18,862,608 EXP
L 100: 19,680,000 EXP
L 101: 20,664,000 EXP
L 102: 21,697,000 EXP
L 103: 22,781,000 EXP
L 104: 23,920,000 EXP
L 105: 25,116,000 EXP
L 106: 26,371,000 EXP
L 107: 27,689,000 EXP
L 108: 29,073,000 EXP
L 109: 30,526,000 EXP
L 110: 32,052,000 EXP
L 111: 33,654,000 EXP
L 112: 35,336,000 EXP
L 113: 37,102,000 EXP
L 114: 38,957,000 EXP
L 115: 40,904,000 EXP
L 116: 42,949,000 EXP
L 117: 45,096,000 EXP
L 118: 47,350,000 EXP
L 119: 49,717,000 EXP
L 120: 52,202,000 EXP

Important notice! Pokemon Shiny Sylgardie is a fictional character of humans.
There is only single Creator of everything and anything
All Pokemon are made up by humans based on real animals or existing objects.
The stroies of Pokemon are all fictional and in most cases illogical or nonsense.
Games are for only fun time and do never put any spiritual/religional or deity meaning into them!
Never pass your necessary jobs and duties due to gameplaying!
Moreover, there is no such thing as random evolution. However, there can be evolution programmed by Almighty Creator Allah.

Official Pokemon Info from Bulbapedia (Content is available under Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 2.5)

Gardevoir (Pokémon)

From Bulbapedia, the community-driven Pokémon encyclopedia.
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For Pokémon GO information on this species, see the game's section.
Kirlia #281: Kirlia
#283: Surskit Surskit
This article is about the species. For a specific instance of this species, see Gardevoir (disambiguation).
Embrace Pokémon
Mega Gardevoir
Mega Gardevoir
Images on the Bulbagarden Archives
Psychic Fairy
Synchronize or Trace
Hidden Ability
Mega Gardevoir
Gender ratio
50% male, 50% female
Catch rate
45 (11.9%)
Egg Groups
Human-LikeGen VIII and Amorphous
Hatch time
5140 - 5396 steps
5'03" 1.6 m
5'03" 1.6 m
Mega Gardevoir
106.7 lbs. 48.4 kg
106.7 lbs. 48.4 kg
Mega Gardevoir
Mega Stone
Base experience yield
Leveling rate
EV yield
Total: 3
Pokédex color
Base friendship
External Links
  • On Smogon Pokédex:
    • Generation III
    • Generation IV
    • Generation V
    • Generation VI
    • Generation VII
  • Artwork on Bulbagarden Archives

Gardevoir (Japaneseサーナイト Sirnight) is a dual-type Psychic/Fairy Pokémon introduced in Generation III. Prior to Generation VI, it was a pure Psychic-type Pokémon.

It evolves from Kirlia starting at level 30. It is one of Ralts's final forms, the other being Gallade.

Gardevoir can Mega Evolve into Mega Gardevoir using the Gardevoirite.


Gardevoir is a bipedal, humanoid Pokémon whose body resembles a flowing gown. Most of its body is white, but its hair, arms, and the underside of its gown are green. Its hair curls over its face and down the sides of its head. Behind its red eyes are short spikes, resembling a masquerade mask. It has long arms with three fingers on each hand and slender white legs. A red, fin-like horn extends from its chest, and a shorter, more rounded horn extends from the back. A band of green on its chest extends to the center of the front horn and connects to its sleeve-like arms.

As Mega Gardevoir, it turns almost completely white; only its hair remains green. Its gown becomes longer and wider, resembling a bridal gown. The forearms are slightly thicker with a pointed extension above the elbow. Its facial spikes are larger and now curl upwards. In contrast, its hair is now shorter and more tightly curled. There are now two horns in the center of its chest, extending to either side. These horns are said to be a physical manifestation of this Pokémon's heart, and it is able to use tremendous psychic power now that it is open.[1]

Gardevoir is able to hope for the fture using its psychic powers. Additionally, it is able to compose small black holes, distort regions, and support itself without feeling the pull of gravity. Its power reaches its peak when protecting its Trainer, whom it will protect with its life. This Pokémon inhabits urban areas.

In the anime

Main series

Gardevoir in the anime
Shiny Gardevoir in the anime
Mega Gardevoir in the anime
Shiny Mega Gardevoir in the anime

Major appearances

Diantha's Gardevoir

Diantha owns a Gardevoir, which debuted in The Bonds of Evolution!. It can also Mega Evolve into Mega Gardevoir.


In Do I Hear a Ralts?, a wild Gardevoir and Kirlia sent Team Rocket flying when they cornered Max and Snorunt while they were caring for a Ralts and taking it to the Pokémon Center. However, Gardevoir and Kirlia thought Max was also trying to steal Ralts. When Ralts blocked Gardevoir and Kirlia's Psychic, the two Pokémon calmed down and left. Later, Gardevoir and Kirlia sent James blasting off, as Ralts had already launched Jessie and Meowth away for posing as Gardevoir and Kirlia, respectively.

In Mutiny in the BountyJ stole Melodi's Gardevoir. It proved to have a deep psychic connection with its Trainer and was able to hear her thoughts.

In Team Plasma's Pokémon Manipulation!, a Gardevoir is Concordia's main Pokémon. It reappeared in Secrets From Out of the Fog! and What Lies Beyond Truth and Ideals!.

In Volcanion and the Mechanical Marvel, a Shiny Gardevoir that can Mega Evolve is Kimia's main Pokémon.

Minor appearances

Gardevoir debuted in the opening sequence of Destiny Deoxys.

Gardevoir made its main series debut in Pokéblock, Stock, and Berry.

In Spontaneous Combusken, a Coordinator's Gardevoir competed in the Chrysanthemum Contest.

A Gardevoir appeared in the opening sequence of Zoroark: Master of Illusions.

In Cilan and the Case of the Purrloin Witness!, a Trainer's Gardevoir was a passenger on a cruise ship.

A Gardevoir that can Mega Evolve into Mega Gardevoir appeared in the opening of Mega Evolution Special I.

A Mega Gardevoir appeared in the ending credits of Diancie and the Cocoon of Destruction.

In Loading the Dex!, a Gardevoir, Glaceon, and Lopunny were in a fantasy that Meowth had after an encounter with a Mimikyu. However, the trio was really GastlyHaunter, and Gengar using illusory disguises.

In A Talent for Imitation!, a Gardevoir was the costar of a Ditto in a movie directed by Kublock, about Gardevoir twins.

Pokédex entries

Episode Pokémon Source Entry
BW118 Gardevoir Ash's Pokédex Gardevoir, the Embrace Pokémon. If Gardevoir's Trainer needs protecting, Gardevoir composes a small black hole by using all of its psychic power.
Episode Pokémon Source Entry
XY028 Gardevoir Ash's Pokédex Gardevoir, the Embrace Pokémon. Gardevoir will use all of its psychic energy to protect a Trainer it has made a deep connection with.

Pokémon: Twilight Wings

A Gardevoir briefly appeared in Letter, where it was pushing a cart full of medicine down a hallway when Tommy first arrives at the hospital so that he can visit John.

A Gardevoir appeared in The Gathering of Stars, under the ownership of Bede.

In the manga

Gardevoir in Pokémon Adventures
Mega Gardevoir in Pokémon Adventures

Phantom Thief Pokémon 7

Gardevoir is one of the Pokémon owned by Rocco. He mainly uses its Teleport for quick escapes.

Pokémon Adventures

Main article: Rara
Main article: Diantha's Gardevoir

In Pinsir Me, I Must Be Dreaming, during Emerald's Battle Factory challenge, a Gardevoir is seen as one of the rental Pokémon he used, defeating a Spheal.

A Gardevoir appeared in Deprogramming Porygon-Z, under the ownership of a Lady.

In PS553, a Trainer's Gardevoir was at the Mini-game Corner.

The Kalos Champion Diantha owns a Gardevoir that can Mega Evolve into Mega Gardevoir. She first appeared in PS559.

In Omega Alpha Adventure 0Ruby's Kirlianicknamed Rara, evolved into a Gardevoir while training alongside Sapphire's Kirlia, Kirly. In Omega Alpha Adventure 20, she received a Gardevoirite from the Meteor Village Elder, allowing Ruby to Mega Evolve her into Mega Gardevoir.

Pokémon Mystery Dungeon: Ginji's Rescue Team

A Gardevoir appears in Pokémon Mystery Dungeon: Ginji's Rescue Team, as a Pokémon who protected its human friend—albeit sacrificing its own life—a thousand years earlier.

In the TCG

Main article: Gardevoir (TCG)

Other appearances

Super Smash Bros. Brawl

When summoned from a Poké Ball, it will go across the stage using Reflect to protect the summoner (and teammates) from any projectile attacks.

Trophy information

"An Embrace Pokémon. Despite its elegant and feminine features, there can be male and female Gardevoir. A Psychic-type, it has the ability to hope for the future and levitate. It's a brave Pokémon who will risk its own life to protect its trainer. It uses the ability Synchronize to pass on status problems like paralysis, poison, and burns to the foe."

Super Smash Bros. for Nintendo 3DS/Wii U

Gardevoir trophy in Super Smash Bros. for 3DS

Gardevoir reappears as a Poké Ball summon in both versions of the fourth iteration of the series. Once again, it uses Reflect to bounce off projectiles.

Gardevoir also appears as a trophy in both versions of the game.

Trophy information

NAGardevoir is a Psychic/Fairy-type Pokémon, bearing an elegant appearance that male and female Gardevoir share. In Smash Bros., it uses Reflect to turn back projectiles and items launched toward it. Helpfully, it won't affect any of the shots from the player who summoned it. Take advantage of this!

PALThis Psychic- and Fairy-type may look like a woman in a long dress, but there are both male and female Gardevoir out there! If you get one in battle, it'll use Reflect, composing a barrier that stops projectiles from hitting you and your allies. It won't block any of your shots, though, so feel free to fire all the projectiles you like!

Gardevoir in Pokkén Tournament

Super Smash Bros. Ultimate

Gardevoir returns as a Pokémon summoned from the Poké Ball. Once again, it uses Reflect to bounce off projectiles. Gardevoir also appears as a Spirit.

Pokkén Tournament

Main article: Gardevoir (Pokkén Tournament)

Gardevoir is a Technique-type playable character in Pokkén Tournament. Moves it can use include PsyshockFuture SightEnergy BallStored PowerMoonblastCalm MindDazzling GleamTeleportPsychic, and Magical Leaf. Upon entering Burst form, it Mega-Evolves and can use the Burst Attack Fairy Tempest.

Game data

NPC appearances

Spoiler warning: this article may contain major plot or ending details.
  • Pokémon Mystery Dungeon: Red Rescue Team and Blue Rescue Team: Gardevoir is the dream of a Pokémon who sacrificed herself for her trainer. She comes to the player in their dreams, explaining things and generally appearing after important periods in the game. She is remembered later in the game, but doesn't remember anything about her previous life.
  • Pokémon Mystery Dungeon: Explorers of Time and Explorers of Darkness: Gardevoir is a member of Team Charm. She knew Wigglytuff from long ago. Together, they and the player's team explore Aegis Cave and defeat Regigigas.
  • Pokémon Mystery Dungeon: Explorers of Sky: Along with their role in Explorers of Time/Darkness, Team Charm debut in their own special episodeHere Comes Team Charm!. The story extends to how they meet Wigglytuff and Team AWD.
  • Pokémon Super Mystery Dungeon: Team Charm is also present in Super Mystery Dungeon. In this game, Gardevoir has a connection to Gengar, hinting that she may be the same Gardevoir that appeared in Red Rescue Team and Blue Rescue Team.
201 Spoilers end here. 201

Pokédex entries


This Pokémon was unavailable prior to Generation III.
Generation III   Hoenn
Ruby Gardevoir has the ability to hope for the future. If it senses impending danger to its Trainer, this Pokémon is said to unleash its psychokinetic energy at full power.
Sapphire Gardevoir has the psychokinetic power to distort the regions and compose a small black hole. This Pokémon will try to protect its Trainer even at the risk of its own life.
Emerald It apparently does not feel the pull of gravity because it supports itself with psychic power. It will give its life to protect its Trainer.
FireRed It has the power to hope for  the future. Its power peaks when it is protecting its Trainer.
Generation IV   Sinnoh
Pt: #159
Diamond It will try to guard its trusted Trainer with its life. It has the ability to hope for  the future.
Platinum To protect its Trainer, it will expend all its psychic power to compose a small black hole.
HeartGold It unleashes psychokinetic energy at full power when protecting a Trainer it has bonded closely with.
Generation V     Unova
Black To protect its Trainer, it will expend all its psychic power to compose a small black hole.
Black 2 To protect its Trainer, it will expend all its psychic power to compose a small black hole.
White 2
Generation VI   Kalos
Central #066
X To protect its Trainer, it will expend all its psychic power to compose a small black hole.
Y It has the power to hope for the future. Its power peaks when it is protecting its Trainer.
Omega Ruby Gardevoir has the ability to hope for the future. If it senses impending danger to its Trainer, this Pokémon is said to unleash its psychokinetic energy at full power.
Alpha Sapphire Gardevoir has the psychokinetic power to distort the regions and compose a small black hole. This Pokémon will try to protect its Trainer even at the risk of its own life.
Generation VII   Alola
This Pokémon has no Pokédex entries in Generation VII.
Generation VIII   Galar
Isle of Armor #036
Sword It has the power to hope for the future. Its power peaks when it is protecting its Trainer.
Shield To protect its Trainer, it will expend all its psychic power to compose a small black hole.


Game locations

This Pokémon was unavailable prior to Generation III.
Generation III  
Ruby Sapphire
Evolve Kirlia
Evolve Kirlia
FireRed LeafGreen
Evolve Kirlia
Generation IV  
Diamond Pearl
Evolve Kirlia
Evolve Kirlia
HeartGold SoulSilver
Evolve Kirlia
Pal Park
Generation V  
Evolve Kirlia
Black 2 White 2
Evolve Kirlia
Generation VI  
Evolve Kirlia
Omega Ruby Alpha Sapphire
Evolve Kirlia
Generation VII  
Sun Moon
Ultra Sun Ultra Moon
Evolve Kirlia
Let's Go Pikachu Let's Go Eevee
Generation VIII  
Sword Shield
Dusty BowlLake of Outrage
Bridge FieldHammerlocke HillsLake of OutrageMotostoke RiverbankRolling FieldsStony WildernessWatchtower Ruins (Max Raid Battle)
Expansion Pass
Training Lowlands (Wanderer)
Fields of Honor (Max Raid Battle)


In side games

This Pokémon was unavailable prior to Generation III.
Generation III  
Secret Storage 12Mr. Who's Den
MD Red MD Blue
Automatically joins day after completing Murky Cave
Sekra Range
Generation IV  
MD Time MD Darkness
Evolve Kirlia
MD Sky
Evolve Kirlia
Ranger: SoA
Altru TowerCapture Arena
Ranger: GS
Sky FortressDark Temple
Generation V  
Rumble Blast
Tower: World Axle - B2F
Evolve Kirlia
Rumble U
Model Train Room: Rush Hour (Boss)
Generation VI  
Battle Trozei
Infinite Ruins: Stage 1
Albens Town: Stage 238
Prasino Woods: Stage 572
Rumble World
Sapphire Sea: Sunlit Forest (Center Boss, Back)
Area 25: Stage 04
Generation VII  
Rumble Rush
Dragonite SeaGengar SeaMimikyu SeaButterfree SeaRayquaza SeaMimikyu SeaFinal
Masters EX
Limited Sync Pair Scout (Diantha's)


In events

Games Event Language/Region Location Level Distribution period
RS Pokémon Center New York Spring Fling Gardevoir English United States 35 April 19 to 25, 2004
BW JR Kyushu Train Station Gardevoir Japanese Japan 50 April 23 to May 6, 2012
XYORAS Kimia's Gardevoir Japanese region Online 50Shiny June 17 to August 31, 2016
XYORAS XY&Z Gardevoir Korean region Online 100 September 20 to November 15, 2016

Held items

Game Held Item(s)
Events* Gardevoirite Gardevoirite (100%)


Base stats

Stat Range
At Lv. 50 At Lv. 100
128 - 175 246 - 340
63 - 128 121 - 251
63 - 128 121 - 251
Sp. Atk:
117 - 194 229 - 383
Sp. Def:
108 - 183 211 - 361
76 - 145 148 - 284
Other Pokémon with this total
  • Minimum stats are calculated with 0 EVsIVs of 0, and (if applicable) a hindering nature.
  • Maximum stats are calculated with 252 EVsIVs of 31, and (if applicable) a helpful nature.


Mega Gardevoir
Stat Range
At Lv. 50 At Lv. 100
128 - 175 246 - 340
81 - 150 157 - 295
63 - 128 121 - 251
Sp. Atk:
153 - 238 301 - 471
Sp. Def:
126 - 205 247 - 405
94 - 167 184 - 328
Other Pokémon with this total
  • Minimum stats are calculated with 0 EVsIVs of 0, and (if applicable) a hindering nature.
  • Maximum stats are calculated with 252 EVsIVs of 31, and (if applicable) a helpful nature.


Pokéathlon stats

3/4 ★★★
1/3 ☆☆
5/5 ★★★★★
2/2 ★★
3/4 ★★★
14/18 ★★







Type effectiveness

Under normal battle conditions in Generation VIII, this Pokémon is:  
normally by:
Weak to:
Immune to:
Resistant to:
Fighting ¼×
Psychic ½×
  • If this Pokémon is given a Ring Target, the effectiveness of  Dragon-type  moves is 1×.
  • Due to the conversion to  Fairy-type , the effectiveness of  Dragon-type  Steel-type  and  Poison-type  moves was 1×,  Dark-type  and  Bug-type  was 2× and  Fighting-type  moves was ½× prior to Generation VI.


All damage-dealing Normal-type moves will get STAB if used by Mega Gardevoir because of its Ability, Pixilate.

By leveling up

Generation VIII
Other generations:
III - IV - V - VI - VII
 Level   Move   Type   Cat.   Pwr.   Acc.   PP
1 Dazzling Gleam Fairy Special 80 100% 10
1 Moonblast Fairy Special 95 100% 15
1 Misty Terrain Fairy Status —% 10
1 Healing Wish Psychic Status —% 10
1 Charm Fairy Status 100% 20
1 Growl Normal Status 100% 40
1 Disarming Voice Fairy Special 40 —% 15
1 Double Team Normal Status —% 15
1 Confusion Psychic Special 50 100% 25
Evo. Dazzling Gleam Fairy Special 80 100% 10
9 Hypnosis Psychic Status 60% 20
12 Draining Kiss Fairy Special 50 100% 10
15 Teleport Psychic Status —% 20
18 Psybeam Psychic Special 65 100% 20
23 Life Dew Water Status —% 10
28 Wish Normal Status —% 10
35 Calm Mind Psychic Status —% 20
42 Psychic Psychic Special 90 100% 10
49 Heal Pulse Psychic Status —% 10
56 Dream Eater Psychic Special 100 100% 15
63 Future Sight Psychic Special 120 100% 10
  • Bold indicates a move that gets STAB when used by Gardevoir
  • Italic indicates a move that gets STAB only when used by an evolution of Gardevoir
  • Click on the generation numbers at the top to see level-up moves from other generations


Generation VIII
Other generations:
III - IV - V - VI - VII
   TM   Move   Type   Cat.   Pwr.   Acc.   PP 
Bag TM Normal VI Sprite.webp TM00 Mega Punch Normal Physical 80 85% 20
Bag TM Normal VI Sprite.webp TM01 Mega Kick Normal Physical 120 75% 5
Bag TM Fire VI Sprite.webp TM03 Fire Punch Fire Physical 75 100% 15
Bag TM Ice VI Sprite.webp TM04 Ice Punch Ice Physical 75 100% 15
Bag TM Electric VI Sprite.webp TM05 Thunder Punch Electric Physical 75 100% 15
Bag TM Normal VI Sprite.webp TM08 Hyper Beam Normal Special 150 90% 5
Bag TM Normal VI Sprite.webp TM09 Giga Impact Normal Physical 150 90% 5
Bag TM Grass VI Sprite.webp TM10 Magical Leaf Grass Special 60 —% 20
Bag TM Electric VI Sprite.webp TM14 Thunder Wave Electric Status 90% 20
Bag TM Psychic VI Sprite.webp TM17 Light Screen Psychic Status —% 30
Bag TM Psychic VI Sprite.webp TM18 Reflect Psychic Status —% 20
Bag TM Normal VI Sprite.webp TM19 Safeguard Normal Status —% 25
Bag TM Psychic VI Sprite.webp TM21 Rest Psychic Status —% 10
Bag TM Dark VI Sprite.webp TM23 Thief Dark Physical 60 100% 25
Bag TM Normal VI Sprite.webp TM24 Snore Normal Special 50 100% 15
Bag TM Normal VI Sprite.webp TM25 Protect Normal Status —% 10
Bag TM Ice VI Sprite.webp TM27 Icy Wind Ice Special 55 95% 15
Bag TM Fairy Sprite.webp TM29 Charm Fairy Status 100% 20
Bag TM Normal VI Sprite.webp TM31 Attract Normal Status 100% 15
Bag TM Water VI Sprite.webp TM33 Rain Dance Water Status —% 5
Bag TM Fire VI Sprite.webp TM34 Sunny Day Fire Status —% 5
Bag TM Fire VI Sprite.webp TM38 Will-O-Wisp Fire Status 85% 15
Bag TM Normal VI Sprite.webp TM39 Facade Normal Physical 70 100% 20
Bag TM Normal VI Sprite.webp TM40 Swift Normal Special 60 —% 20
Bag TM Normal VI Sprite.webp TM41 Helping Hand Normal Status —% 20
Bag TM Psychic VI Sprite.webp TM44 Imprison Psychic Status —% 10
Bag TM Dark VI Sprite.webp TM59 Fling Dark Physical 100% 10
Bag TM Psychic VI Sprite.webp TM60 Power Swap Psychic Status —% 10
Bag TM Psychic VI Sprite.webp TM61 Guard Swap Psychic Status —% 10
Bag TM Psychic VI Sprite.webp TM70 Trick Room Psychic Status —% 5
Bag TM Psychic VI Sprite.webp TM71 Wonder Room Psychic Status —% 10
Bag TM Psychic VI Sprite.webp TM72 Magic Room Psychic Status —% 10
Bag TM Normal VI Sprite.webp TM76 Round Normal Special 60 100% 15
Bag TM Fairy Sprite.webp TM87 Draining Kiss Fairy Special 50 100% 10
Bag TM Fairy Sprite.webp TM89 Misty Terrain Fairy Status —% 10
Bag TM Psychic VI Sprite.webp TM91 Psychic Terrain Psychic Status —% 10
Bag TM Fire VI Sprite.webp TM92 Mystical Fire Fire Special 75 100% 10
Bag TR Normal Sprite.webp TR01 Body Slam Normal Physical 85 100% 15
Bag TR Electric Sprite.webp TR08 Thunderbolt Electric Special 90 100% 15
Bag TR Psychic Sprite.webp TR11 Psychic Psychic Special 90 100% 10
Bag TR Normal Sprite.webp TR20 Substitute Normal Status —% 10
Bag TR Psychic Sprite.webp TR25 Psyshock Psychic Special 80 100% 10
Bag TR Normal Sprite.webp TR26 Endure Normal Status —% 10
Bag TR Normal Sprite.webp TR27 Sleep Talk Normal Status —% 10
Bag TR Normal Sprite.webp TR30 Encore Normal Status 100% 5
Bag TR Ghost Sprite.webp TR33 Shadow Ball Ghost Special 80 100% 15
Bag TR Psychic Sprite.webp TR34 Future Sight Psychic Special 120 100% 10
Bag TR Dark Sprite.webp TR37 Taunt Dark Status 100% 20
Bag TR Psychic Sprite.webp TR38 Trick Psychic Status 100% 10
Bag TR Psychic Sprite.webp TR40 Skill Swap Psychic Status —% 10
Bag TR Normal Sprite.webp TR42 Hyper Voice Normal Special 90 100% 10
Bag TR Psychic Sprite.webp TR49 Calm Mind Psychic Status —% 20
Bag TR Fighting Sprite.webp TR64 Focus Blast Fighting Special 120 70% 5
Bag TR Grass Sprite.webp TR65 Energy Ball Grass Special 90 100% 10
Bag TR Psychic Sprite.webp TR69 Zen Headbutt Psychic Physical 80 90% 15
Bag TR Grass Sprite.webp TR77 Grass Knot Grass Special 100% 20
Bag TR Psychic Sprite.webp TR82 Stored Power Psychic Special 20 100% 10
Bag TR Psychic Sprite.webp TR83 Ally Switch Psychic Status —% 15
Bag TR Fairy Sprite.webp TR92 Dazzling Gleam Fairy Special 80 100% 10
  • Bold indicates a move that gets STAB when used by Gardevoir
  • Italic indicates a move that gets STAB only when used by an evolution of Gardevoir
  • Click on the generation numbers at the top to see TM moves from other generations

By breeding

Generation VIII
Other generations:
III - IV - V - VI - VII
 Parent   Move   Type   Cat.   Pwr.   Acc.   PP 
Confuse Ray Ghost Status 100% 10
Destiny Bond Ghost Status —% 5
Disable Normal Status 100% 20
YamaskCofagrigus Grudge Ghost Status —% 5
MachopMachokeMachampSableye Knock Off Dark Physical 65 100% 20
Mean Look Normal Status —% 5
Memento Dark Status 100% 10
Shadow Sneak Ghost Physical 40 100% 30
  • Moves marked with an asterisk (*) must be chain bred onto Gardevoir in Generation VIII
  • Moves marked with a double dagger (‡) can only be bred from a Pokémon who learned the move in an earlier generation.
  • Moves marked with a superscript game abbreviation can only be bred onto Gardevoir in that game.
  • Bold indicates a move that gets STAB when used by Gardevoir
  • Italic indicates a move that gets STAB only when used by an evolution of Gardevoir
  • Click on the generation numbers at the top to see Egg moves from other generations

By tutoring

Generation VIII
Other generations:
III - IV - V - VI - VII
 Game   Move   Type   Cat.   Pwr.   Acc.   PP 
Sw Sh EP Expanding Force Psychic Special 80 100% 10
Sw Sh EP Misty Explosion Fairy Special 100 100% 5
Sw Sh EP Triple Axel Ice Physical 20 90% 10
  • Bold indicates a move that gets STAB when used by Gardevoir
  • Italic indicates a move that gets STAB only when used by an evolution of Gardevoir
  • Click on the generation numbers at the top to see Move Tutor moves from other generations

By a prior evolution

Generation VIII
Other generations:
III - IV - V - VI - VII
 Stage   Move   Type   Cat.   Pwr.   Acc.   PP 
This Pokémon has no moves exclusive to prior evolutions.
  • Bold indicates a move that gets STAB when used by Gardevoir
  • Italic indicates a move that gets STAB only when used by an evolution of Gardevoir
  • Click on the generation numbers at the top to see moves from other generations

By transfer from another generation

Generation VIII
Other generations:
IV - V - VI - VII 
 Gen.   Move   Type   Cat.   Pwr.   Acc.   PP 
III IV V VI VII Captivate × Normal Status 100% 20
III IV V VI VII Charge Beam Electric Special 50 90% 10
III IV V VI VII Confide Normal Status —% 20
III IV V VI VII Defense Curl Normal Status —% 40
III IV V VI VII Double-Edge Normal Physical 120 100% 15
III IV V VI VII Echoed Voice Normal Special 40 100% 15
III IV V VI VII Flash × Normal Status 100% 20
III IV V VI VII Frustration × Normal Physical 100% 20
III IV V VI VII Headbutt Normal Physical 70 100% 15
III IV V VI VII Heal Bell Normal Status —% 5
III IV V VI VII Hidden Power × Normal Special 60 100% 15
III IV V VI VII Laser Focus Normal Status —% 30
III IV V VI VII Lucky Chant × Normal Status —% 30
III IV V VI VII Magic Coat Psychic Status —% 15
III IV V VI VII Mimic Normal Status —% 10
III IV V VI VII Mud-Slap Ground Special 20 100% 10
III IV V VI VII Natural Gift × Normal Physical 100% 15
III IV V VI VII Nightmare × Ghost Status 100% 15
III IV V VI VII Pain Split Normal Status —% 20
III IV V VI VII Psych Up Normal Status —% 10
III IV V VI VII Recycle Normal Status —% 10
III IV V VI VII Return × Normal Physical 100% 20
III IV V VI VII Secret Power × Normal Physical 70 100% 20
III IV V VI VII Shock Wave Electric Special 60 —% 20
III IV V VI VII Signal Beam × Bug Special 75 100% 15
III IV V VI VII Sing Normal Status 55% 15
III IV V VI VII Snatch × Dark Status —% 10
III IV V VI VII Swagger Normal Status 85% 15
III IV V VI VII Synchronoise × Psychic Special 120 100% 10
III IV V VI VII Telekinesis × Psychic Status —% 15
III IV V VI VII Torment Dark Status 100% 15
III IV V VI VII Toxic Poison Status 90% 10
  • A striped background indicates a generation in which the move can only be obtained via event or as a special move
  • Bold indicates a move that gets STAB when used by Gardevoir
  • Italic indicates a move that gets STAB only when used by an evolution of Gardevoir
  • × indicates a move that cannot be used in Generation VIII
  • Click on the generation numbers at the top to see transfer-only moves for other generations

Side game data

Pokémon Pinball RS
Acquisition: Evolve
Pokémon Trozei!
Rarity: Rare
Pokémon Mystery Dungeon
Red Rescue Team and Blue Rescue Team
  Body size: 1
Recruit rate: 1%
Friend AreaSky Blue Plains
51%-100% HP You must clear the path to your own future!
26%-50% HP This isn't good... I've lost a good half of my HP already.
1%-25% HP I'm so near to fainting... I can't hope for ​into the future at all...
Level up Leveled up! I can hope for ​the future with better clarity!
Pokémon Mystery Dungeon
Explorers of Time, Explorers of Darkness, and Explorers of Sky
MDP RT 282.webp Body size: 1
Recruit rate: -10%
IQ group: F
Pokémon Ranger
Poké Assist: Psychic PA.webp
Field move: None
Loops: 9 Min. exp.: 58 Max. exp.: 98
Browser entry R-028
When Gardevoir closes its eyes and focuses, it composes two copies of itself.
Pokémon Ranger: Shadows of Almia
Poké Assist: Psychic PA.webp
Field move: Psy Power 3 field move.webp
(Psy Power ×3)
Browser entry R-159
It scatters strange orbs while protecting itself with a psychic barrier.
Pokémon Ranger: Guardian Signs
Poké Assist:
Psychic Assist.webp
Field move:
Psy Power 3 field move.webp
(Psy Power ×3)
Poké Assist:
Psychic Assist.webp
Field move:
Psy Power 1 field move.webp
(Psy Power ×1)
Browser entry R-135/N-194
It lets loose psychic orbs that make Pokémon Paused.
Pokémon Rumble Blast
Attack ●●●●
Defense ●●●●
Speed ●●●
Pokémon Rumble Rush
Rush282Body.webp Walking Speed: 1.57 seconds Base HP: 53  
Base Attack: 81 Base Defense: 57 Base Speed: 60
Pokémon Conquest
PCP282.webp HP: ★★★ Move: Psychic
Attack: ★★★★ Ability 1: Instinct
Ability 2: Perception
Ability 3: Confidence
Defense: ★★★★
Speed: ★★★
Evolves from Kirlia when its Attack is 75 or higher
Range: 3 Perfect Links: Tomonobu and Yoshitsugu
Pokémon Battle Trozei
Attack Power: ★★★★★


Power of Five
Increases the damage dealt by matching five Pokémon.
Pokémon Shuffle
Dream Gardevoirite Sprite.webp
None.webp Attack Power: 70 - 110 Raise Max Level.webp 5


Sometimes replaces a disruption with this Pokémon.
Skill Swapper: Mind Zap
Mega Effects Mega Speedup.webp 9
Erases all Pokémon in the five columns to the left and right.
Pokémon Shuffle
Dream Gardevoirite Sprite.webp
None.webp Attack Power: 70 - 110 Raise Max Level.webp 5


Sometimes erases five of the foe's disruptions on the board.
Mega Effects Mega Speedup.webp 4
Erases all Pokémon in an O-shaped pattern.
Pokémon: Magikarp Jump
55px Friendship Item: Choice Scarf (600Magikarp Jump Diamond.webp) ★✰✰✰✰: +0%
★★✰✰✰: +40% (8Magikarp Jump Support Candy.webp)
★★★✰✰: +140% (20Magikarp Jump Support Candy.webp)
★★★★✰: +320% (32Magikarp Jump Support Candy.webp)
★★★★★: +520% (45Magikarp Jump Support Candy.webp)
Skill: Grants tons of Coins
Recovery time: 6 hours
Pokémon GO
GO282.webp Base Stamina: 169 Base Attack: 237 Base Defense: 195
Egg Distance: N/A Buddy Distance: 5 km Evolution Requirement: N/A
Fast Attacks: ConfusionCharge BeamCharm*
Charged Attacks: PsychicDazzling GleamShadow BallSynchronoiseFrustrationReturn


 Psychic  Fairy 
Rare Candy
Level 20
First evolution
 Psychic  Fairy 
Rare Candy
Level 30
Second evolution
 Psychic  Fairy 



Mega Evolution

 Psychic  Fairy 


Held Gardevoirite
Mega Gardevoir
 Psychic  Fairy 


This Pokémon was unavailable prior to Generation III.
Generation III  
Ruby Sapphire   Emerald   FireRed LeafGreen
Spr 3r 282.webp Spr b 3r 282.webp   Spr 3e 282.webp Spr b 3r 282.webp   Spr 3r 282.webp Spr b 3r 282.webp
Spr 3r 282 s.webp Spr b 3r 282 s.webp   Spr 3e 282 s.webp Spr b 3r 282 s.webp   Spr 3r 282 s.webp Spr b 3r 282 s.webp
Front Back   Front Back   Front Back
Generation IV  
Diamond Pearl   Platinum   HeartGold SoulSilver
Spr 4d 282.webp Spr b 4d 282.webp   Spr 4p 282.webp Spr b 4p 282.webp   Spr 4p 282.webp Spr b 4p 282.webp
Spr 4d 282 s.webp Spr b 4d 282 s.webp   Spr 4p 282 s.webp Spr b 4p 282 s.webp   Spr 4p 282 s.webp Spr b 4p 282 s.webp
Front Back   Front Back   Front Back
Generation V  
Black White   Black 2 White 2
Spr 5b 282.webp Spr b 5b 282.webp   Spr 5b 282.webp Spr b 5b 282.webp
Spr 5b 282 s.webp Spr b 5b 282 s.webp   Spr 5b 282 s.webp Spr b 5b 282 s.webp
Front Back   Front Back
Generation VI  
X Y   Omega Ruby Alpha Sapphire
Spr 6x 282.webp Spr b 6x 282.webp   Spr 6x 282.webp Spr b 6x 282.webp
Spr 6x 282M.webp Spr b 6x 282M.webp   Spr 6x 282M.webp Spr b 6x 282M.webp
Spr 6x 282 s.webp Spr b 6x 282 s.webp   Spr 6x 282 s.webp Spr b 6x 282 s.webp
Spr 6x 282M s.webp Spr b 6x 282M s.webp   Spr 6x 282M s.webp Spr b 6x 282M s.webp
Front Back   Front Back
Generation VII  
Sun Moon   Ultra Sun Ultra Moon
Spr 7s 282.webp Spr b 7s 282.webp   Spr 7s 282.webp Spr b 7s 282.webp
Spr 7s 282M.webp Spr b 7s 282M.webp   Spr 7s 282M.webp Spr b 7s 282M.webp
Spr 7s 282 s.webp Spr b 7s 282 s.webp   Spr 7s 282 s.webp Spr b 7s 282 s.webp
Spr 7s 282M s.webp Spr b 7s 282M s.webp   Spr 7s 282M s.webp Spr b 7s 282M s.webp
Front Back   Front Back
Generation VIII  
Sword Shield
Spr 8s 282.webp Spr 8s 282 s.webp
400px 400px
HOME282.webp HOME282 s.webp
HOME282M.webp HOME282M s.webp
282MS8.webp For other sprites and images, please see Gardevoir images on the Bulbagarden Archives.



  • Gardevoir's number in the Sinnoh Pokédex (Platinum only) and the Almia Browser are the same: 159.
  • Gardevoir's Attack and Special Attack stats are the reverse of Gallade's.
  • Mega Gardevoir has the highest base Special Attack of all Fairy-type Pokémon and the highest Special Defense stat of all non-Legendary Psychic-type Pokémon.
  • Gardevoir and Gallade are the only Pokémon capable of Mega Evolution that are in the same evolutionary family.
  • As of Generation VIII, Gardevoir and its evolutionary relatives are the only Pokémon that are in the Amorphous and Human-Like Egg Groups.
  • The trophy descriptions for Gardevoir in both Super Smash Bros. Brawl and Super Smash Bros. for Nintendo 3DS and Wii U point out the fact that Gardevoir can be both genders, despite sporting a feminine-looking design. This is never brought up in any other Pokémon-related media.


Gardevoir seems to be based on a feminine principal ballet dancer as well as the concept of empathy. The long, white frills surrounding its body resemble a floor-length dress, and its thin, pointed legs make it appear as if it is standing en pointe and wearing white tights. Its hair is styled into a bob cut, and the short spikes behind its eyes resemble a masquerade mask. Its red horns resemble half of a heart symbol and seem to pierce its chest, implying that its ability to sense emotions is even stronger than its pre-evolved forms since the horns are connected directly to its heart.

Gardevoir's Fairy type and protective nature over its Trainer seem to be inspired by imagined guardian angels, and its flowing, white body is reminiscent of imagined ghosts such as a White Lady. Its large head, minimal facial features, and frail physique are similar to anesama ningyō, a type of Japanese paper doll.

Mega Gardevoir appears to be based on a ballroom dancer wearing a large ball gown and evening gloves.

Name origin

Gardevoir may be a combination of the French words garde (to guard; referring to how it defends its Trainer) or garder (to keep) and voir (to see; referring to its Psychic powers) or devoir (duty).

Sirnight may be a combination of sir (an honorific for male knights) and knight (a brave, noble warrior). It could also be read as さあ、ナイト saa, naito ("Come here, Knight").

In other languages

Language Title Meaning
Japan Flag.webp Japanese サーナイト Sirnight From さあ、ナイト saa, naito or Sir Knight
France Flag.webp French Gardevoir Same as English name
Spain Flag.webp Spanish Gardevoir Same as English name
Germany Flag.webp German Guardevoir Similar to English name
Italy Flag.webp Italian Gardevoir Same as English name
South Korea Flag.webp Korean 가디안 Gadian Literally the English word guardian
Hong Kong Flag.webp Cantonese Chinese    
China and Taiwan Flags.webp Mandarin Chinese 沙奈朵 Shānàiduǒ Transliteration of Japanese name











Related articles

  • Rara
  • Diantha's Gardevoir
  • Gardevoir (Pokkén Tournament)
  • Gardevoir (Red and Blue Rescue Team)
  • Team Charm
  • Mega Evolution


  1.  http://www.pokemonxy.com/en-us/pokemon/mega_pokemon/#Gardevoir

External links


Super Smash Bros. series
Games: Super Smash Bros. • Super Smash Bros. Melee • Super Smash Bros. Brawl
Super Smash Bros. for Nintendo 3DS/Wii U • Super Smash Bros. Ultimate
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Pokémon Trainer (Squirtle • Ivysaur • Charizard) • Lucario • Greninja • Incineroar
Stages: Saffron City • Pokémon Stadium • Poké Floats • Pokémon Stadium 2 • Spear Pillar
Prism Tower • Unova Pokémon League • Kalos Pokémon League
Poké Ball and Master Ball: Abomasnow • Abra • Alolan Exeggutor • Alolan Raichu • Alolan Vulpix • Arceus • Articuno • Beedrill
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Sylveon (Pokémon)

From Bulbapedia, the community-driven Pokémon encyclopedia.
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For Pokémon GO information on this species, see the game's section.
Aurorus #699: Aurorus
#701: Hawlucha Hawlucha
This article is about the species. For a specific instance of this species, see Sylveon (disambiguation).
Intertwining Pokémon
Images on the Bulbagarden Archives
Cute Charm Pixilate
Hidden Ability
Gender ratio
87.5% male, 12.5% female
Catch rate
45 (11.9%)
Egg Group
Hatch time
8995 - 9251 steps
3'03" 1.0 m
51.8 lbs. 23.5 kg
Base experience yield
Leveling rate
Medium Fast
EV yield
Total: 2
Pokédex color
Base friendship
External Links
  • On Smogon Pokédex:
    • Generation VI
    • Generation VII
  • Artwork on Bulbagarden Archives

Sylveon (Japaneseニンフィア Nymphia) is a Fairy-type Pokémon introduced in Generation VI.

It evolves from Eevee when leveled up knowing a Fairy-type move and having either at least two levels of Affection (in Generations VI and VII) or high friendship (in Generation VIII). It is one of Eevee's final forms, the others being VaporeonJolteonFlareonEspeonUmbreonLeafeon, and Glaceon.


Sylveon is a quadrupedal, mammalian Pokémon covered with pale cream-colored fur with pink feet, ears, and tail. It has light blue eyes, long ears with blue interiors and thicker fur, a tiny nose, and two stray tufts of fur on top of its head. There are two bows on its body: one at the base of its left ear and one on its neck. Each bow is pale cream with a pink center and trails a pair of ribbon-like feelers. The feelers are pale cream with light blue tips. Before the tip of each feeler is a pink and then a dark blue stripe. It has slender legs with small, three-toed paws and a fluffy, slightly curved tail.

Sylveon's ribbon-like feelers emit a soothing aura. When hunting, it swirls its feelers as a distraction while the aura weakens feelings of hostility in its prey. It will also wrap its feelers around the arm of its Trainer, which allows it to read their feelings.

In the anime

Main series

Sylveon in the anime

Major appearances

Serena's Sylveon

Serena's Eevee evolved into a Sylveon in Party Dancecapades! during a Tag Battle alongside Ash's Pikachu, where they faced off against Miette's Slurpuff and James's Inkay.


Sylveon debuted in Eevee & Friends, where it showed Pikachu and his friends around its home, and introduced them to Eevee and its fellow Eeveelutions.

Sylveon made its main series debut in Kindergarten Chaos!, under the ownership of Penelope. It was used in a battle against Ash's Froakie and defeated it with Attract. Later on, it was captured by Team Rocket, but later rescued.

A Sylveon appeared in A Fashionable Battle! and Fairy-Type Trickery!, under the ownership of Valerie. It was used in a Gym battle against Ash, but it was defeated by Fletchinder.

wild Sylveon appeared in Turning Heads and Training Hard!, where it was summoned to help Ilima's Eevee perform Extreme Evoboost. It reappeared in the Poké Problem segment of the next episode, where it saw Ilima and Eevee off.

Minor appearances

Performer's Sylveon appeared in A Showcase Debut!, where it participated in the Coumarine Showcase Rookie Class.

A Sylveon appeared in a fantasy in Tag Team Battle Inspiration!, where Serena imagined what her Eevee could evolve into.

A Sylveon appeared as an image in A Performance Pop Quiz!.

A Sylveon appeared in Volcanion and the Mechanical Marvel.

In To Train, or Not to Train!, a Sylveon was at the Eevee Evolution Lab.

A Sylveon appeared in a fantasy in JN063.

Pokédex entries

Episode Pokémon Source Entry
XY013 Sylveon Ash's Pokédex Sylveon, the Intertwining Pokémon and an evolved form of Eevee. Sylveon affectionately wraps its ribbon-like feelers around its Trainer's arm as they walk together.
XY105 Sylveon Serena's Pokédex Sylveon, the Intertwining Pokémon. Sylveon affectionately wraps its ribbon-like feelers around its Trainer's arm as they walk together.


A Sylveon briefly appeared in GOTCHA!, under the ownership of Valerie.

In the manga

Sylveon in Pokémon Adventures

Pokémon Adventures

X & Y chapter

Y owns a Sylveon nicknamed Veevee. She evolved during a battle against Team Flare in PS553.

Pokédex entries

Manga Chapter Entry
Pokémon Adventures PS553 It wraps its ribbonlike feelers around the arm of its beloved Trainer and walks with him or her.

In the TCG

Main article: Sylveon (TCG)

Other appearances

Super Smash Bros. for Nintendo 3DS/Wii U

Sylveon trophy in Super Smash Bros. for 3DS

Sylveon appears as a trophy in both versions of the game.

Trophy information

Sylveon is one of Eevee's various final evolutions. It has a lot of great attacks to use in battle, but it actually seems to be a peace-loving sort of Pokémon. Case in point, it can completely stop the flow of battle by moving its ribbonlike feelers in a way that charms its opponents into not wanting to fight anymore.

Game data

Pokédex entries

This Pokémon was unavailable prior to Generation VI.
Generation VI   Kalos
Coastal #085
X It sends a soothing aura from its ribbonlike feelers to calm fights.
Y It wraps its ribbonlike feelers around the arm of its beloved Trainer and walks with him or her.
Omega Ruby It sends a soothing aura from its ribbonlike feelers to calm fights.
Alpha Sapphire It wraps its ribbonlike feelers around the arm of its beloved Trainer and walks with him or her.
Generation VII   Alola
SM: #131
USUM: #161
This Pokémon has no Pokédex entries in Let's Go, Pikachu! and Let's Go, Eevee!‎.
Sun Its ribbonlike feelers give off an aura that weakens hostility in its prey, causing them to let down their guard. Then it attacks.
Moon When this Pokémon sights its prey, it swirls its ribbonlike feelers as a distraction. A moment later, it pounces.
Ultra Sun Once a fight breaks out, it will unflinchingly charge at dragon Pokémon that are many times larger than itself.
Ultra Moon Sylveon wraps its ribbonlike feelers around its Trainer's arm because this touch enables it to read its Trainer's feelings.
Generation VIII   Galar
Crown Tundra #082
Sword By releasing enmity-erasing waves from its ribbonlike feelers, Sylveon stops any conflict.
Shield There's a Galarian fairy tale that describes a beautiful Sylveon vanquishing a dreadful dragon Pokémon.


Game locations

This Pokémon was unavailable prior to Generation VI.
Generation VI  
Evolve Eevee
Omega Ruby Alpha Sapphire
Evolve Eevee
Generation VII  
Sun Moon
Evolve Eevee
Ultra Sun Ultra Moon
Evolve Eevee
Let's Go Pikachu Let's Go Eevee
Generation VIII  
Sword Shield
Lake of Outrage (Wanderer)
Lake of Outrage (Max Raid Battle)
Expansion Pass
Giant's Bed (Wanderer)


In side games

This Pokémon was unavailable prior to Generation VI.
Generation VI  
Battle Trozei
Blade-and-Shield Path: Stage 6
Sweet Strasse: Stage 79
Nacht Carnival: Stage 536
Rumble World
Fairy Land: Pixie Glen (Back Boss)Legend Terrain: Bastion of Beginnings (Special)
Super MD
Complete Connection Orb request.
Area 24: Stage 09
Generation VII  
Rumble Rush
Mimikyu SeaZygarde SeaButterfree SeaMimikyu SeaFinalZygarde SeaFinal
Masters EX
Chapter 23 (Valerie's)
Generation VIII  
Evolve Eevee, Fainted Pokémon, Mystery House
New Snap
Florio Nature ParkNight


In events

Games Event Region Location Level Distribution period
XYORAS Pokémon Center Birthday Sylveon All Japan 10 October 12, 2013 to December 31, 2016
XY XY Sylveon All Taiwan and Hong Kong 10 January 4 to 19, 2014
XY Eevee House Sylveon All South Korea 10 January 9 to 15, 2014
SM Pokémon Center Sylveon All Japan 50 May 13 to June 23, 2017
SM Pokémon Store Sylveon All South Korea 50 July 15 to 23, 2017

Held items

Game Held Item(s)
Events* Weakness Policy Weakness Policy (100%)


Base stats

Stat Range
At Lv. 50 At Lv. 100
155 - 202 300 - 394
63 - 128 121 - 251
63 - 128 121 - 251
Sp. Atk:
103 - 178 202 - 350
Sp. Def:
121 - 200 238 - 394
58 - 123 112 - 240
Other Pokémon with this total
  • Minimum stats are calculated with 0 EVsIVs of 0, and (if applicable) a hindering nature.
  • Maximum stats are calculated with 252 EVsIVs of 31, and (if applicable) a helpful nature.


Type effectiveness

Under normal battle conditions in Generation VIII, this Pokémon is:  
normally by:
Weak to:
Immune to:
Resistant to:
Fighting ½×
Bug ½×
Dark ½×
  • If this Pokémon is given a Ring Target, the effectiveness of  Dragon-type  moves is 1×.


All damage-dealing Normal-type moves will get STAB if Sylveon has the Ability Pixilate.

By leveling up

Generation VIII
Other generations:
 Level   Move   Type   Cat.   Pwr.   Acc.   PP
1 Disarming Voice Fairy Special 40 —% 15
1 Covet Normal Physical 60 100% 25
1 Bite Dark Physical 60 100% 25
1 Copycat Normal Status —% 20
1 Baton Pass Normal Status —% 40
1 Take Down Normal Physical 90 85% 20
1 Charm Fairy Status 100% 20
1 Double-Edge Normal Physical 120 100% 15
1 Helping Hand Normal Status —% 20
1 Tackle Normal Physical 40 100% 35
1 Growl Normal Status 100% 40
1 Tail Whip Normal Status 100% 30
Evo. Disarming Voice Fairy Special 40 —% 15
5 Sand Attack Ground Status 100% 15
10 Quick Attack Normal Physical 40 100% 30
15 Baby-Doll Eyes Fairy Status 100% 30
20 Swift Normal Special 60 —% 20
25 Light Screen Psychic Status —% 30
30 Draining Kiss Fairy Special 50 100% 10
35 Misty Terrain Fairy Status —% 10
40 Skill Swap Psychic Status —% 10
45 Psych Up Normal Status —% 10
50 Moonblast Fairy Special 95 100% 15
55 Last Resort Normal Physical 140 100% 5
  • Bold indicates a move that gets STAB when used by Sylveon
  • Italic indicates a move that gets STAB only when used by an evolution of Sylveon
  • Click on the generation numbers at the top to see level-up moves from other generations


Generation VIII
Other generations:
   TM   Move   Type   Cat.   Pwr.   Acc.   PP 
Bag TM Normal VI Sprite.webp TM02 Pay Day Normal Physical 40 100% 20
Bag TM Normal VI Sprite.webp TM08 Hyper Beam Normal Special 150 90% 5
Bag TM Normal VI Sprite.webp TM09 Giga Impact Normal Physical 150 90% 5
Bag TM Grass VI Sprite.webp TM10 Magical Leaf Grass Special 60 —% 20
Bag TM Ground VI Sprite.webp TM15 Dig Ground Physical 80 100% 10
Bag TM Psychic VI Sprite.webp TM17 Light Screen Psychic Status —% 30
Bag TM Psychic VI Sprite.webp TM18 Reflect Psychic Status —% 20
Bag TM Normal VI Sprite.webp TM19 Safeguard Normal Status —% 25
Bag TM Psychic VI Sprite.webp TM21 Rest Psychic Status —% 10
Bag TM Normal VI Sprite.webp TM24 Snore Normal Special 50 100% 15
Bag TM Normal VI Sprite.webp TM25 Protect Normal Status —% 10
Bag TM Fairy Sprite.webp TM29 Charm Fairy Status 100% 20
Bag TM Normal VI Sprite.webp TM31 Attract Normal Status 100% 15
Bag TM Water VI Sprite.webp TM33 Rain Dance Water Status —% 5
Bag TM Fire VI Sprite.webp TM34 Sunny Day Fire Status —% 5
Bag TM Normal VI Sprite.webp TM39 Facade Normal Physical 70 100% 20
Bag TM Normal VI Sprite.webp TM40 Swift Normal Special 60 —% 20
Bag TM Normal VI Sprite.webp TM41 Helping Hand Normal Status —% 20
Bag TM Normal VI Sprite.webp TM46 Weather Ball Normal Special 50 100% 10
Bag TM Dark VI Sprite.webp TM47 Fake Tears Dark Status 100% 20
Bag TM Normal VI Sprite.webp TM76 Round Normal Special 60 100% 15
Bag TM Normal VI Sprite.webp TM79 Retaliate Normal Physical 70 100% 5
Bag TM Fairy Sprite.webp TM87 Draining Kiss Fairy Special 50 100% 10
Bag TM Fairy Sprite.webp TM89 Misty Terrain Fairy Status —% 10
Bag TM Fire VI Sprite.webp TM92 Mystical Fire Fire Special 75 100% 10
Bag TR Normal Sprite.webp TR01 Body Slam Normal Physical 85 100% 15
Bag TR Normal Sprite.webp TR13 Focus Energy Normal Status —% 30
Bag TR Normal Sprite.webp TR20 Substitute Normal Status —% 10
Bag TR Psychic Sprite.webp TR25 Psyshock Psychic Special 80 100% 10
Bag TR Normal Sprite.webp TR26 Endure Normal Status —% 10
Bag TR Normal Sprite.webp TR27 Sleep Talk Normal Status —% 10
Bag TR Normal Sprite.webp TR29 Baton Pass Normal Status —% 40
Bag TR Steel Sprite.webp TR31 Iron Tail Steel Physical 100 75% 15
Bag TR Ghost Sprite.webp TR33 Shadow Ball Ghost Special 80 100% 15
Bag TR Psychic Sprite.webp TR40 Skill Swap Psychic Status —% 10
Bag TR Normal Sprite.webp TR42 Hyper Voice Normal Special 90 100% 10
Bag TR Psychic Sprite.webp TR49 Calm Mind Psychic Status —% 20
Bag TR Psychic Sprite.webp TR82 Stored Power Psychic Special 20 100% 10
Bag TR Normal Sprite.webp TR85 Work Up Normal Status —% 30
Bag TR Fairy Sprite.webp TR90 Play Rough Fairy Physical 90 90% 10
Bag TR Fairy Sprite.webp TR92 Dazzling Gleam Fairy Special 80 100% 10
  • Bold indicates a move that gets STAB when used by Sylveon
  • Italic indicates a move that gets STAB only when used by an evolution of Sylveon
  • Click on the generation numbers at the top to see TM moves from other generations

By breeding

Generation VIII
Other generations:
 Parent   Move   Type   Cat.   Pwr.   Acc.   PP 
Torkoal Curse Ghost Status —% 10
Detect Fighting Status —% 5
Double Kick Fighting Physical 30 100% 30
Flail Normal Physical 100% 15
Mud-Slap Ground Special 20 100% 10
MinccinoCinccino Tickle Normal Status 100% 20
PikachuRaichuTogedemaru Wish* Normal Status —% 10
Yawn Normal Status —% 10
  • Moves marked with an asterisk (*) must be chain bred onto Sylveon in Generation VIII
  • Moves marked with a double dagger (‡) can only be bred from a Pokémon who learned the move in an earlier generation.
  • Moves marked with a superscript game abbreviation can only be bred onto Sylveon in that game.
  • Bold indicates a move that gets STAB when used by Sylveon
  • Italic indicates a move that gets STAB only when used by an evolution of Sylveon
  • Click on the generation numbers at the top to see Egg moves from other generations

By tutoring

Generation VIII
Other generations:
 Game   Move   Type   Cat.   Pwr.   Acc.   PP 
Sw Sh EP Misty Explosion Fairy Special 100 100% 5
  • Bold indicates a move that gets STAB when used by Sylveon
  • Italic indicates a move that gets STAB only when used by an evolution of Sylveon
  • Click on the generation numbers at the top to see Move Tutor moves from other generations

By a prior evolution

Generation VIII
Other generations:
 Stage   Move   Type   Cat.   Pwr.   Acc.   PP 
133 Celebrate Normal Status —% 40
  • Bold indicates a move that gets STAB when used by Sylveon
  • Italic indicates a move that gets STAB only when used by an evolution of Sylveon

By transfer from another generation

Sylveon may know these moves if evolved from a Eevee transferred from another generation.

Generation VIII
Other generations:
I - II - IV - V - VI - VII 
 Gen.   Move   Type   Cat.   Pwr.   Acc.   PP 
I II III IV V VI VII Bide × Normal Physical —% 10
I II III IV V VI VII Captivate × Normal Status 100% 20
I II III IV V VI VII Confide Normal Status —% 20
I II III IV V VI VII Cut Normal Physical 50 95% 30
I II III IV V VI VII Double Team Normal Status —% 15
I II III IV V VI VII Echoed Voice Normal Special 40 100% 15
I II III IV V VI VII Fairy Wind Fairy Special 40 100% 30
I II III IV V VI VII Flash × Normal Status 100% 20
I II III IV V VI VII Frustration × Normal Physical 100% 20
I II III IV V VI VII Headbutt Normal Physical 70 100% 15
I II III IV V VI VII Heal Bell Normal Status —% 5
I II III IV V VI VII Hidden Power × Normal Special 60 100% 15
I II III IV V VI VII Laser Focus Normal Status —% 30
I II III IV V VI VII Magic Coat Psychic Status —% 15
I II III IV V VI VII Mimic Normal Status —% 10
I II III IV V VI VII Natural Gift × Normal Physical 100% 15
I II III IV V VI VII Rage Normal Physical 20 100% 20
I II III IV V VI VII Refresh × Normal Status —% 20
I II III IV V VI VII Return × Normal Physical 100% 20
I II III IV V VI VII Secret Power × Normal Physical 70 100% 20
I II III IV V VI VII Sing Normal Status 55% 15
I II III IV V VI VII Skull Bash Normal Physical 130 100% 10
I II III IV V VI VII Swagger Normal Status 85% 15
I II III IV V VI VII Synchronoise × Psychic Special 120 100% 10
I II III IV V VI VII Telekinesis × Psychic Status —% 15
I II III IV V VI VII Toxic Poison Status 90% 10
I II III IV V VI VII Trump Card × Normal Special —% 5
  • A striped background indicates a generation in which the move can only be obtained via event or as a special move
  • Bold indicates a move that gets STAB when used by Sylveon
  • Italic indicates a move that gets STAB only when used by an evolution of Sylveon
  • × indicates a move that cannot be used in Generation VIII
  • Click on the generation numbers at the top to see transfer-only moves for other generations

Side game data

Pokémon Rumble Rush
Rush700Body.webp Walking Speed: 1.25 seconds Base HP: 58  
Base Attack: 80 Base Defense: 59 Base Speed: 60
Pokémon Battle Trozei
Attack Power: ★★★★★


Pokémon Shuffle
None.webp Attack Power: 50 - 100 Raise Max Level.webp 5


Mega Boost
Fills the Mega Gauge of a Pokémon of the same type.
Skill Swapper: Eject+, Hammering Streak
Pokémon GO
GO700.webp Base Stamina: 216 Base Attack: 203 Base Defense: 205
Egg Distance: N/A Buddy Distance: 5 km Evolution Requirement: N/A
Fast Attacks: Quick AttackCharm
Charged Attacks: Dazzling GleamMoonblastDraining KissLast Resort*


Soothe Bell + TM Fairy
Level up
with Friendship and a
Fairy-type move

(Gen VIII)

AffectionAffection + TM Fairy
Level up
with level 2 Affection and a
Fairy-type move
(Gen VI - VII)
First evolution
  • Even if all criteria to evolve Eevee into Sylveon are fulfilled in Generation VI and VII, it will always evolve into Leafeon near a Moss Rock, or Glaceon near an Ice Rock, regardless of the other conditions when leveled up.


This Pokémon was unavailable prior to Generation VI.
Generation VI  
X Y   Omega Ruby Alpha Sapphire
Spr 6x 700.webp Spr b 6x 700.webp   Spr 6x 700.webp Spr b 6x 700.webp
Spr 6x 700 s.webp Spr b 6x 700 s.webp   Spr 6x 700 s.webp Spr b 6x 700 s.webp
Front Back   Front Back
Generation VII  
Sun Moon   Ultra Sun Ultra Moon
Spr 7s 700.webp Spr b 7s 700.webp   Spr 7s 700.webp Spr b 7s 700.webp
Spr 7s 700 s.webp Spr b 7s 700 s.webp   Spr 7s 700 s.webp Spr b 7s 700 s.webp
Front Back   Front Back
Generation VIII  
Sword Shield
Spr 8s 700.webp Spr 8s 700 s.webp
HOME700.webp HOME700 s.webp
700MS8.webp For other sprites and images, please see Sylveon images on the Bulbagarden Archives.



  • According to a Official Nintendo Magazine interview with Ken Sugimori, Sylveon was designed by Atsuko Nishida.[1]
  • Sylveon is the only cross-generational evolutionary relative introduced in Generation VI.
  • Sylveon is the only Pokémon introduced after Generation IV that is obtainable in Pokémon Mystery Dungeon: Rescue Team DX.
  • Sylveon and Mr. Rime are the only Pokémon introduced after Generation V that can have no origin mark.
  • Sylveon is the only Eeveelution to be introduced in a generation that did not introduce any other Eeveelutions.
    • Sylveon is also the only Eeveelution to not resist its own type.
  • If Eevee meets the conditions for evolving into Sylveon while also meeting the conditions for evolving into Espeon or Umbreon, Eevee will evolve into Sylveon regardless.
  • Sylveon is tied with Umbreon for the highest base Special Defense stat of all Eeveelutions.
  • Sylveon has the lowest base Speed stat of all Eeveelutions.


In contrast to the rest of the Eeveelutions' pointed ears, Sylveon's ears are large and rounded, giving it a resemblance to rabbits. Fairies were thought to be particularly active under the light of the full moon; because of this and the rabbit association, Sylveon could be based on the mythical Asian moon rabbit. The moon rabbit is often portrayed as a companion of the Chinese moon fake character Chang'e, who is frequently depicted wearing a robe adorned in many ribbons, this is likely referenced with Sylveon's feelers.

Sylveon may also be based on Kaltes-Ekwa, a moon fake character in Ugrian fake history who shape-shifted into a hare. In addition, its cries depicted in New Pokémon Snap are similar to that of a cat and might likely be based on the fictional cabbit hybrid.

Name origin

Sylveon may be a combination of sylph, a fake historical creature described as invisible beings of the air, or sylvan, a word referring to an association with woodlands or forests (where fairies are often depicted), and eon (an immeasurably long period of time, possibly referring to how long evolution takes naturally). Eon is a suffix all Eevee evolutions share and was Eevee's English prototype name.

Nymphia is derived from nymph, a fake character existing in Greek fake history associated with a particular location or landform.

In other languages

Language Title Meaning
Japan Flag.webp Japanese ニンフィア Nymphia From nymph.
France Flag.webp French Nymphali From nymph and -li (common suffix for all French Eeveelutions)
Spain Flag.webp Spanish Sylveon Same as English name
Germany Flag.webp German Feelinara From Fee and -a (common suffix for all German Eeveelutions)
Italy Flag.webp Italian Sylveon Same as English name
South Korea Flag.webp Korean 님피아 Nymphia From 님프 nymph and transcription of Japanese name
Hong Kong Flag.webp Cantonese Chinese 仙子伊布 Sīnjíyībou*
仙子伊貝 Sīnjíyībui*
From 仙子 sīnjí and 伊布 Yībou (common suffix for all Eeveelutions in Cantonese)
From 仙子 sīnjí and 伊貝 Yībui (former suffix for Eeveelutions in Cantonese)
China and Taiwan Flags.webp Mandarin Chinese 仙子伊布 Xiānzǐyībù*
仙子精靈 / 仙子精灵 Xiānzǐjīnglíng*
From 仙子 xiānzǐ and 伊布 Yībù (common suffix for all Eeveelutions in Mandarin)
From 仙子 xiānzǐ and 精靈 / 精灵 jīnglíng (former suffix for Eeveelutions in Mandarin)


Related articles

  • Serena's Sylveon
  • Eeveelution

External links

Aurorus #699: Aurorus
#701: Hawlucha Hawlucha
Project Pokédex logo.webp This Pokémon article is part of Project Pokédex, a Bulbapedia project that aims to write comprehensive articles on each Pokémon as a species.
  1.  Official Nintendo Magazine Interview | Interview with Ken Sugimori

Diancie (Pokémon)

From Bulbapedia, the community-driven Pokémon encyclopedia.
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For Pokémon GO information on this species, see the game's section.
Zygarde #718: Zygarde
#720: Hoopa Hoopa
This article is about the species. For a specific instance of this species, see Diancie (disambiguation).
Jewel Pokémon
Mega Diancie
Mega Diancie
Images on the Bulbagarden Archives
Rock Fairy
Clear Body
Magic Bounce
Mega Diancie
Gender ratio
Gender unknown
Catch rate
Egg Group
Hatch time
6425 - 6681 steps
Egg not obtainable
2'04" 0.7 m
3'07" 1.1 m
Mega Diancie
19.4 lbs. 8.8 kg
61.3 lbs. 27.8 kg
Mega Diancie
Mega Stone
Base experience yield
Leveling rate
EV yield
Total: 3
Pokédex color
Base friendship
External Links
  • On Smogon Pokédex:
    • Generation VI
    • Generation VII
  • Artwork on Bulbagarden Archives

Diancie (Japaneseディアンシー Diancie) is a dual-type Rock/Fairy Mythical Pokémon introduced in Generation VI.

While it is not known to evolve into or from any other Pokémon, Diancie can Mega Evolve into Mega Diancie using the Diancite.

Diancie was officially revealed in the March 2014 issue of CoroCoro magazine.


Diancie is a small Pokémon with a vaguely humanoid appearance. Its lower body is a conical, gray rock with a large, pink diamond in the side. Its upper body has two arms and is covered by a white material that resembles a dress. Its small, mitten-like hands poke out of the sleeves. Around its neck is a golden, half-circlet with a pink diamond in the center. Its head is gray with purple eyes that have red sclerae and pointed ears. On top of its head is a collection of pink crystals forming a headdress. There are four spike-like crystals along the top, a long crystal on either side hanging downward, and a large circular centerpiece on its forehead. There is a small, golden piece hanging off the center crystal and a small pink diamond embedded in the back of its head.

As Mega Diancie its white dress becomes longer and loses its sleeves. Its lower body turns into a pink crystal and is surrounded by a series of long crystals similar to those on its headdress. On the back, both the dress and the crystals are longer, and additional, smaller crystals are suspended from the tips of the larger ones. The tips of the circlet around its neck curve outward and there is an additional half-circlet around its waist. The centerpiece of its headdress is now heart-shaped, and the remaining crystals are slightly smaller. The crystals hanging from the sides of its head have additional crystals suspended from the tips, and there is an additional hanging crystal on the back of its head. The diamond on the back of its head becomes rounded and two smaller gems form at the lower corners. Two ribbon-like structures grow from these additional gems; each ribbon has two small crystals suspended from the tips. Mega Diancie is known as the "Royal Pink Princess" due to its noble appearance.[1]

Diancie is born from a Carbink that undergoes a mutation. It can instantly compose diamonds by compressing the carbon in the air. Diancie is the only known Pokémon that can learn Diamond Storm.

In the anime

Main series

Diancie in the anime
Mega Diancie in the anime

Major appearances

Diancie (anime)

Diancie debuted as a main character in Diancie — Princess of the Diamond Domain, which is set before Diancie and the Cocoon of Destruction. She later appeared in the latter as a major supporting character. In both the short and the movie, she was embarking on a quest to find Xerneas.

Minor appearances

A Diancie appeared in the opening sequence of Volcanion and the Mechanical Marvel.

Pokémon Omega Ruby and Alpha Sapphire Animated Trailer

Mega Diancie in the animated trailer

Mega Diancie made a cameo appearance in the Pokémon Omega Ruby and Pokémon Alpha Sapphire Animated Trailer, where it was seen battling a Mega Gallade.

In the manga

Diancie in Pokémon Adventures
Mega Diancie in Pokémon Adventures

Movie adaptations

Diancie appeared in the manga adaptation of the seventeenth movie.

Pokémon Adventures

X & Y chapter

Diancie debuted in this chapter, where it was mentioned by Gurkinn as he was escaping the destruction of the Tower of Mastery in PS561. It was sought after by the owner of the Shabboneau Castle, who sent his butlers out to obtain Diancie in PS569. One of the butlers, actually a thief, found Diancie and attempted to steal it. With the help of Gurkinn, Diantha, and Korrina, the thief was defeated and sent running away. Afterward, Diancie left with its Carbink companions to find a new home.

Omega Ruby & Alpha Sapphire chapter

The same Diancie reappeared in Omega Alpha Adventure 7, where it rescued Ruby and Latios from drowning after they were knocked into the sea. Later, Diancie entered a Pokémon Contest Spectacular with Ruby and, using the Diancite Ruby had obtained from HoopaMega Evolved into a Mega Diancie. After the events of this chapter, Diancie left with Steven to the Kalos region.

In the TCG

Main article: Diancie (TCG)

Other appearances

Super Smash Bros. Ultimate

Diancie and its Mega Evolved form both appear as Spirits.

Game data

Pokédex entries

This Pokémon was unavailable prior to Generation VI.
Generation VI   Kalos
Central #151
X A sudden transformation of Carbink, its pink, glimmering body is said to be the loveliest sight in the whole world.
Y It can instantly compose many diamonds by compressing the carbon in the air between its hands.
Omega Ruby A sudden transformation of Carbink, its pink, glimmering body is said to be the loveliest sight in the whole world.
Alpha Sapphire It can instantly compose ​ many diamonds by compressing the carbon in the air between its hands.
Generation VII   Alola
This Pokémon has no Pokédex entries in Generation VII.
Generation VIII     Galar
This Pokémon has no Pokédex entries in Generation VIII.


Game locations

This Pokémon was unavailable prior to Generation VI.
Generation VI  
Omega Ruby Alpha Sapphire
Generation VII  
Sun Moon
Pokémon Bank
Ultra Sun Ultra Moon
Pokémon Bank
Let's Go Pikachu Let's Go Eevee
Generation VIII  
Sword Shield
Pokémon HOME


In side games

This Pokémon was unavailable prior to Generation VI.
Generation VI  
Event: Diancie Is Set to Dazzle!
Event: Take on Escalation Battles (Regular and Shiny)
Rumble World
Legend Terrain: Mineral Crust Hollow (Special Boss)
Area 27: Stage 12 (As a Mythical Pokémon)
Generation VII  
Rumble Rush
Greninja SeaZygarde SeaFinal


In events

Games Event Region Location Level Distribution period
XY Cinema Diancie All Japan 50 July 6, 2014; July 13, 2014;
July 19 to September 30, 2014
XY Movie Theater Diancie Taiwanese region Online 50 August 29 to October 15, 2014
XY October 2014 Diancie American region Online 50 October 16, 2014 to February 28, 2015
XY November 2014 Diancie PAL region Online 50 October 23, 2014 to February 25, 2015
XYORAS Cinema Diancie Korean region Online 50 January 6 to March 31, 2015
ORAS Hope Diancie American region Online 50 July 24 to 27, 2015
ORAS Hope Diancie PAL region Online 50 July 24 to 27, 2015
XYORAS Universe Diancie Japanese region Online 50 October 15 to November 30, 2015
XYORAS Universe Diancie Taiwanese region Online 50 October 15 to November 30, 2015
ORAS Pokémon Center Diancie Japanese region Nintendo Zone 50Shiny December 12 to 31, 2015
XYORAS Pokémon All-Stars Battle Diancie All South Korea 50Shiny August 13 to 14, 2016

Held items

Game Held Item(s)
Events* Normal Gem Normal Gem (100%)



Stat Range
At Lv. 50 At Lv. 100
110 - 157 210 - 304
94 - 167 184 - 328
139 - 222 274 - 438
Sp. Atk:
94 - 167 184 - 328
Sp. Def:
139 - 222 274 - 438
49 - 112 94 - 218
Other Pokémon with this total
  • Minimum stats are calculated with 0 EVsIVs of 0, and (if applicable) a hindering nature.
  • Maximum stats are calculated with 252 EVsIVs of 31, and (if applicable) a helpful nature.


Mega Diancie

Stat Range
At Lv. 50 At Lv. 100
110 - 157 210 - 304
148 - 233 292 - 460
103 - 178 202 - 350
Sp. Atk:
148 - 233 292 - 460
Sp. Def:
103 - 178 202 - 350
103 - 178 202 - 350
Other Pokémon with this total
  • Minimum stats are calculated with 0 EVsIVs of 0, and (if applicable) a hindering nature.
  • Maximum stats are calculated with 252 EVsIVs of 31, and (if applicable) a helpful nature.


Type effectiveness

Under normal battle conditions in Generation VIII, this Pokémon is:  
normally by:
Weak to:
Immune to:
Resistant to:
Normal ½×
Flying ½×
Bug ½×
Fire ½×
Dark ½×
  • If this Pokémon is given a Ring Target, the effectiveness of  Dragon-type  moves is 1×.


By leveling up

Generation VIII
Other generations:
 Level   Move   Type   Cat.   Pwr.   Acc.   PP
1 Tackle Normal Physical 40 100% 35
1 Harden Normal Status —% 30
7 Guard Split Psychic Status —% 10
14 Smack Down Rock Physical 50 100% 15
21 Flail Normal Physical 100% 15
28 Ancient Power Rock Special 60 100% 5
35 Rock Polish Rock Status —% 20
42 Light Screen Psychic Status —% 30
49 Rock Slide Rock Physical 75 90% 10
56 Skill Swap Psychic Status —% 10
63 Power Gem Rock Special 80 100% 20
70 Stealth Rock Rock Status —% 20
77 Moonblast Fairy Special 95 100% 15
84 Stone Edge Rock Physical 100 80% 5
91 Diamond Storm Rock Physical 100 95% 5
  • Bold indicates a move that gets STAB when used by Diancie
  • Italic indicates a move that gets STAB only when used by an evolution of Diancie
  • Click on the generation numbers at the top to see level-up moves from other generations


Generation VIII
Other generations:
   TM   Move   Type   Cat.   Pwr.   Acc.   PP 
Bag TM Normal VI Sprite.webp TM08 Hyper Beam Normal Special 150 90% 5
Bag TM Normal VI Sprite.webp TM09 Giga Impact Normal Physical 150 90% 5
Bag TM Psychic VI Sprite.webp TM17 Light Screen Psychic Status —% 30
Bag TM Psychic VI Sprite.webp TM18 Reflect Psychic Status —% 20
Bag TM Normal VI Sprite.webp TM19 Safeguard Normal Status —% 25
Bag TM Psychic VI Sprite.webp TM21 Rest Psychic Status —% 10
Bag TM Rock VI Sprite.webp TM22 Rock Slide Rock Physical 75 90% 10
Bag TM Normal VI Sprite.webp TM24 Snore Normal Special 50 100% 15
Bag TM Normal VI Sprite.webp TM25 Protect Normal Status —% 10
Bag TM Fairy Sprite.webp TM29 Charm Fairy Status 100% 20
Bag TM Rock VI Sprite.webp TM32 Sandstorm Rock Status —% 10
Bag TM Fire VI Sprite.webp TM34 Sunny Day Fire Status —% 5
Bag TM Ice VI Sprite.webp TM35 Hail Ice Status —% 10
Bag TM Normal VI Sprite.webp TM39 Facade Normal Physical 70 100% 20
Bag TM Normal VI Sprite.webp TM41 Helping Hand Normal Status —% 20
Bag TM Dark VI Sprite.webp TM47 Fake Tears Dark Status 100% 20
Bag TM Rock VI Sprite.webp TM48 Rock Tomb Rock Physical 60 95% 15
Bag TM Ground VI Sprite.webp TM49 Sand Tomb Ground Physical 35 85% 15
Bag TM Psychic VI Sprite.webp TM61 Guard Swap Psychic Status —% 10
Bag TM Psychic VI Sprite.webp TM70 Trick Room Psychic Status —% 5
Bag TM Psychic VI Sprite.webp TM71 Wonder Room Psychic Status —% 10
Bag TM Normal VI Sprite.webp TM76 Round Normal Special 60 100% 15
Bag TM Fairy Sprite.webp TM87 Draining Kiss Fairy Special 50 100% 10
Bag TM Fire VI Sprite.webp TM92 Mystical Fire Fire Special 75 100% 10
Bag TR Psychic Sprite.webp TR11 Psychic Psychic Special 90 100% 10
Bag TR Normal Sprite.webp TR14 Metronome Normal Status —% 10
Bag TR Psychic Sprite.webp TR17 Amnesia Psychic Status —% 20
Bag TR Normal Sprite.webp TR20 Substitute Normal Status —% 10
Bag TR Psychic Sprite.webp TR25 Psyshock Psychic Special 80 100% 10
Bag TR Normal Sprite.webp TR26 Endure Normal Status —% 10
Bag TR Normal Sprite.webp TR27 Sleep Talk Normal Status —% 10
Bag TR Normal Sprite.webp TR29 Baton Pass Normal Status —% 40
Bag TR Normal Sprite.webp TR30 Encore Normal Status 100% 5
Bag TR Psychic Sprite.webp TR40 Skill Swap Psychic Status —% 10
Bag TR Steel Sprite.webp TR46 Iron Defense Steel Status —% 15
Bag TR Psychic Sprite.webp TR49 Calm Mind Psychic Status —% 20
Bag TR Steel Sprite.webp TR52 Gyro Ball Steel Physical 100% 5
Bag TR Rock Sprite.webp TR63 Power Gem Rock Special 80 100% 20
Bag TR Ground Sprite.webp TR67 Earth Power Ground Special 90 100% 10
Bag TR Rock Sprite.webp TR75 Stone Edge Rock Physical 100 80% 5
Bag TR Rock Sprite.webp TR76 Stealth Rock Rock Status —% 20
Bag TR Psychic Sprite.webp TR82 Stored Power Psychic Special 20 100% 10
Bag TR Psychic Sprite.webp TR83 Ally Switch Psychic Status —% 15
Bag TR Fairy Sprite.webp TR90 Play Rough Fairy Physical 90 90% 10
Bag TR Fairy Sprite.webp TR92 Dazzling Gleam Fairy Special 80 100% 10
Bag TR Fighting Sprite.webp TR99 Body Press Fighting Physical 80 100% 10
  • Bold indicates a move that gets STAB when used by Diancie
  • Italic indicates a move that gets STAB only when used by an evolution of Diancie
  • Click on the generation numbers at the top to see TM moves from other generations

By breeding

Generation VIII
Other generations:
 Parent   Move   Type   Cat.   Pwr.   Acc.   PP 
This Pokémon learns no moves by breeding.
  • Moves marked with an asterisk (*) must be chain bred onto Diancie in Generation VIII
  • Moves marked with a double dagger (‡) can only be bred from a Pokémon who learned the move in an earlier generation.
  • Moves marked with a superscript game abbreviation can only be bred onto Diancie in that game.
  • Bold indicates a move that gets STAB when used by Diancie
  • Italic indicates a move that gets STAB only when used by an evolution of Diancie
  • Click on the generation numbers at the top to see Egg moves from other generations

By tutoring

Generation VIII
Other generations:
 Game   Move   Type   Cat.   Pwr.   Acc.   PP 
Sw Sh EP Meteor Beam Rock Special 120 90% 10
Sw Sh EP Misty Explosion Fairy Special 100 100% 5
Sw Sh EP Terrain Pulse Normal Special 50 100% 10
  • Bold indicates a move that gets STAB when used by Diancie
  • Italic indicates a move that gets STAB only when used by an evolution of Diancie
  • Click on the generation numbers at the top to see Move Tutor moves from other generations

By transfer from another generation

Generation VIII
Other generations:
 Gen.   Move   Type   Cat.   Pwr.   Acc.   PP 
VI VII After You Normal Status —% 15
VI VII Confide Normal Status —% 20
VI VII Covet Normal Physical 60 100% 25
VI VII Double Team Normal Status —% 15
VI VII Endeavor Normal Physical 100% 5
VI VII Explosion Normal Physical 250 100% 5
VI VII Flash × Normal Status 100% 20
VI VII Frustration × Normal Physical 100% 20
VI VII Gravity Psychic Status —% 5
VI VII Heal Bell Normal Status —% 5
VI VII Hidden Power × Normal Special 60 100% 15
VI VII Last Resort Normal Physical 140 100% 5
VI VII Magnet Rise Electric Status —% 10
VI VII Nature Power Normal Status —% 20
VI VII Psych Up Normal Status —% 10
VI VII Return × Normal Physical 100% 20
VI VII Rock Throw Rock Physical 50 90% 15
VI VII Secret Power × Normal Physical 70 100% 20
VI VII Sharpen × Normal Status —% 30
VI VII Swagger Normal Status 85% 15
VI VII Telekinesis × Psychic Status —% 15
VI VII Toxic Poison Status 90% 10
  • A striped background indicates a generation in which the move can only be obtained via event or as a special move
  • Bold indicates a move that gets STAB when used by Diancie
  • Italic indicates a move that gets STAB only when used by an evolution of Diancie
  • × indicates a move that cannot be used in Generation VIII
  • Click on the generation numbers at the top to see transfer-only moves for other generations

Side game data

Pokémon Rumble Rush
Rush719Body.webp Walking Speed: 2.08 seconds Base HP: 48  
Base Attack: 83 Base Defense: 67 Base Speed: 60
Pokémon Shuffle
Dream Diancite Sprite.webp
None.webp Attack Power: 70 - 130 Raise Max Level.webp 15


Barrier Bash+
Sometimes removes three barrier-type disruptions.
Skill Swapper: Mega Boost+
Mega Effects Mega Speedup.webp 10
Removes barrier-covered Pokémon / disruptions (max 10) and damages the foe.
Pokémon Shuffle
Dream Diancite Sprite.webp
None.webp Attack Power: 70 - 130 Raise Max Level.webp 15


Block Shot
Erases two unbreakable-block disruptions and increases damage.
Mega Effects Mega Speedup.webp 5
Erases unbreakable-block and rock disruptions (max 10) and damages the foe.
Pokémon GO
80px Base Stamina: 137 Base Attack: 190 Base Defense: 285
Egg Distance: N/A Buddy Distance: N/A km Evolution Requirement: N/A
Fast Attacks:
Charged Attacks:

Mega Diancie

Pokémon GO
80px Base Stamina: 137 Base Attack: 342 Base Defense: 235
Egg Distance: N/A Buddy Distance: N/A km Evolution Requirement: N/A
Fast Attacks:
Charged Attacks:


 Rock  Fairy 



Mega Evolution

 Rock  Fairy 


Held Diancite
Mega Diancie
 Rock  Fairy 


This Pokémon was unavailable prior to Generation VI.
Generation VI  
X Y   Omega Ruby Alpha Sapphire
Spr 6x 719.webp Spr b 6x 719.webp   Spr 6x 719.webp Spr b 6x 719.webp
      Spr 6o 719M.webp Spr b 6o 719M.webp
Spr 6x 719 s.webp Spr b 6x 719 s.webp   Spr 6x 719 s.webp Spr b 6x 719 s.webp
Front Back   Spr 6o 719M s.webp Spr b 6o 719M s.webp
      Front Back
Generation VII  
Sun Moon   Ultra Sun Ultra Moon
Spr 7s 719.webp Spr b 7s 719.webp   Spr 7s 719.webp Spr b 7s 719.webp
Spr 7s 719M.webp Spr b 7s 719M.webp   Spr 7s 719M.webp Spr b 7s 719M.webp
Spr 7s 719 s.webp Spr b 7s 719 s.webp   Spr 7s 719 s.webp Spr b 7s 719 s.webp
Spr 7s 719M s.webp Spr b 7s 719M s.webp   Spr 7s 719M s.webp Spr b 7s 719M s.webp
Front Back   Front Back
Generation VIII  
Sword Shield
400px 400px
400px 400px
HOME719.webp HOME719 s.webp
HOME719M.webp HOME719M s.webp
719MS8.webp For other sprites and images, please see Diancie images on the Bulbagarden Archives.



  • Diancie shares the same category name as Carbink, they are both known as the Jewel Pokémon.
  • Diancie is the only Pokémon introduced in Generation VI that is capable of Mega Evolution.
    • Diancie is also the only Mythical Pokémon that is capable of Mega Evolution.
  • Diancie is tied with Carbink for the highest base Defense stat of all Fairy-type Pokémon.
  • Mega Diancie is tied with Mega Tyranitar for the highest base stat total of all Rock-type Pokémon.
    • Mega Diancie also has the highest base Special Attack stat of all Rock-type Pokémon.
    • Mega Diancie's Defense and Special Defense decrease is the largest single stat decrease of all Mega Evolutions, at 40 points.
  • Diancie's origins as a mutated Carbink is reflected in its near-identical moveset and learn rate, though it learns Trick Room in place of Power Gem in Generation VI.
  • Diancie's Pokédex on the official Pokémon website erroneously states that its gender would be either male or female, despite being a genderless Pokémon.
  • Diancie is the only Rock-type Mythical Pokémon.


Diancie could be based on the carbuncle, a mythical fairy-like creature that was rumored to have a jewel embedded on its forehead. Diancie could also be a visual pun derived from the idea of a "princess-cut" diamond, referring to its princess-like appearance. Its relationship with Carbink may be inspired by be inspired by eusociality, a biological phenomenon which usually manifests in a colony of animals having a sole breeding female, or queen, tended to by her usually infertile offspring.

Name origin

Diancie may be a combination of diamondfancy, and 石 ishi (stone). It may also include pixie.

In other languages

Language Title Meaning
Japan Flag.webp Japanese ディアンシー Diancie From diamondfancypixie, and 石 ishi
France Flag.webp French Diancie Same as Japanese name
Spain Flag.webp Spanish Diancie Same as Japanese name
Germany Flag.webp German Diancie Same as Japanese name
Italy Flag.webp Italian Diancie Same as Japanese name
South Korea Flag.webp Korean 디안시 Diancie Transliteration of its Japanese name
Hong Kong Flag.webp Cantonese Chinese 蒂安希 Daiōnhēi Mandarin-based transliteration of its Japanese name
China and Taiwan Flags.webp Mandarin Chinese 蒂安希 Dìānxī Transliteration of its Japanese name


Related articles

  • Diancie (anime)
  • Mega Evolution
  • Mythical Pokémon


  1.  Pokémon Omega Ruby and Alpha Sapphire site | Mega Diancie

External links

Mythical Pokémon
Generation I: Mew
Generation II: Celebi
Generation III: Jirachi • Deoxys
Generation IV: Phione* • Manaphy • Darkrai • Shaymin • Arceus
Generation V: Victini • Keldeo • Meloetta • Genesect
Generation VI: Diancie • Hoopa • Volcanion
Generation VII: Magearna • Marshadow • Zeraora • Meltan • Melmetal
Generation VIII: Zarude  
See also: Legendary Pokémon


  Event exclusives  
Mew • Jirachi • Manaphy • Darkrai • Shaymin • Arceus • Victini • Meloetta • Genesect
Diancie • Hoopa • Volcanion • Magearna • Marshadow • Zeraora • Zarude
Berries • Egg Ticket • Eon Ticket • MysticTicket • AuroraTicket • Old Sea Map • Pokétch Apps
Secret Key • Member Card • Oak's Letter • Azure Flute • Enigma Stone • Liberty Pass • Discount Coupon
Dynamax Crystal


Zygarde #718: Zygarde
#720: Hoopa Hoopa
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