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2496 Shiny ServineMonster Shiny-Servine
2497 Shiny SerperiorMonster Shiny-Serperior
2498 Shiny TepigMonster Shiny-Tepig
2499 Shiny PigniteMonster Shiny-Pignite
2500 Shiny EmboarMonster Shiny-Emboar
2501 Shiny OshawottMonster Shiny-Oshawott
2502 Shiny DewottMonster Shiny-Dewott
2503 Shiny SamurottMonster Shiny-Samurott
2504 Shiny PatratMonster Shiny-Patrat
2505 Shiny WatchogMonster Shiny-Watchog
2506 Shiny LillipupMonster Shiny-Lillipup
2507 Shiny HerdierMonster Shiny-Herdier
2508 Shiny StoutlandMonster Shiny-Stoutland
2509 Shiny PurrloinMonster Shiny-Purrloin
2510 Shiny LiepardMonster Shiny-Liepard
2511 Shiny PansageMonster Shiny-Pansage
2512 Shiny SimisageMonster Shiny-Simisage
2513 Shiny PansearMonster Shiny-Pansear
2514 Shiny SimisearMonster Shiny-Simisear
2515 Shiny PanpourMonster Shiny-Panpour
2516 Shiny SimipourMonster Shiny-Simipour
2517 Shiny MunnaMonster Shiny-Munna
2518 Shiny MusharnaMonster Shiny-Musharna
2519 Shiny PidoveMonster Shiny-Pidove
2520 Shiny TranquillMonster Shiny-Tranquill
2521 Shiny UnfezantMonster Shiny-Unfezant
2522 Shiny BlitzleMonster Shiny-Blitzle
2523 Shiny ZebstrikaMonster Shiny-Zebstrika
2524 Shiny RoggenrolaMonster Shiny-Roggenrola
2525 Shiny BoldoreMonster Shiny-Boldore
2526 Shiny GigalithMonster Shiny-Gigalith
2527 Shiny WoobatMonster Shiny-Woobat
2528 Shiny SwoobatMonster Shiny-Swoobat
2529 Shiny DrilburMonster Shiny-Drilbur
2530 Shiny ExcadrillMonster Shiny-Excadrill
2531 Shiny AudinoMonster Shiny-Audino
2532 Shiny TimburrMonster Shiny-Timburr
2533 Shiny GurdurrMonster Shiny-Gurdurr
2534 Shiny ConkeldurrMonster Shiny-Conkeldurr
2535 Shiny TympoleMonster Shiny-Tympole
2536 Shiny PalpitoadMonster Shiny-Palpitoad
2537 Shiny SeismitoadMonster Shiny-Seismitoad
2538 Shiny ThrohMonster Shiny-Throh
2539 Shiny SawkMonster Shiny-Sawk
2540 Shiny SewaddleMonster Shiny-Sewaddle
2541 Shiny SwadloonMonster Shiny-Swadloon
2542 Shiny LeavannyMonster Shiny-Leavanny
2543 Shiny VenipedeMonster Shiny-Venipede
2544 Shiny WhirlipedeMonster Shiny-Whirlipede
2545 Shiny ScolipedeMonster Shiny-Scolipede
2546 Shiny CottoneeMonster Shiny-Cottonee
2547 Shiny WhimsicottMonster Shiny-Whimsicott
2548 Shiny PetililMonster Shiny-Petilil
2549 Shiny LilligantMonster Shiny-Lilligant
2550 Shiny BasculinMonster Shiny-Basculin
2551 Shiny SandileMonster Shiny-Sandile
2552 Shiny KrokorokMonster Shiny-Krokorok
2553 Shiny KrookodileMonster Shiny-Krookodile
2554 Shiny DarumakaMonster Shiny-Darumaka
2555 Shiny DarmanitanMonster Shiny-Darmanitan
2556 Shiny MaractusMonster Shiny-Maractus
2557 Shiny DwebbleMonster Shiny-Dwebble
2558 Shiny CrustleMonster Shiny-Crustle
2559 Shiny ScraggyMonster Shiny-Scraggy
2560 Shiny ScraftyMonster Shiny-Scrafty
2561 Shiny SigilyphMonster Shiny-Sigilyph
2562 Shiny YamaskMonster Shiny-Yamask
2563 Shiny CofagrigusMonster Shiny-Cofagrigus
2564 Shiny TirtougaMonster Shiny-Tirtouga
2565 Shiny CarracostaMonster Shiny-Carracosta
2566 Shiny ArchenMonster Shiny-Archen
2567 Shiny ArcheopsMonster Shiny-Archeops
2568 Shiny TrubbishMonster Shiny-Trubbish
2569 Shiny GarbodorMonster Shiny-Garbodor
2570 Shiny ZoruaMonster Shiny-Zorua
2571 Shiny ZoroarkMonster Shiny-Zoroark
2572 Shiny MinccinoMonster Shiny-Minccino
2573 Shiny CinccinoMonster Shiny-Cinccino
2574 Shiny GothitaMonster Shiny-Gothita
2575 Shiny GothoritaMonster Shiny-Gothorita
2576 Shiny GothitelleMonster Shiny-Gothitelle
2577 Shiny SolosisMonster Shiny-Solosis
2578 Shiny DuosionMonster Shiny-Duosion
2579 Shiny ReuniclusMonster Shiny-Reuniclus
2580 Shiny DucklettMonster Shiny-Ducklett
2581 Shiny SwannaMonster Shiny-Swanna
2582 Shiny VanilliteMonster Shiny-Vanillite
2583 Shiny VanillishMonster Shiny-Vanillish
2584 Shiny VanilluxeMonster Shiny-Vanilluxe
2585 Shiny DeerlingMonster Shiny-Deerling
2586 Shiny SawsbuckMonster Shiny-Sawsbuck
2587 Shiny EmolgaMonster Shiny-Emolga
2588 Shiny KarrablastMonster Shiny-Karrablast
2589 Shiny EscavalierMonster Shiny-Escavalier
2590 Shiny FoongusMonster Shiny-Foongus
2591 Shiny AmoongussMonster Shiny-Amoonguss
2592 Shiny FrillishMonster Shiny-Frillish
2593 Shiny JellicentMonster Shiny-Jellicent
2594 Shiny AlomomolaMonster Shiny-Alomomola
2595 Shiny JoltikMonster Shiny-Joltik
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