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Shiny Beldum

Class: Shiny Common
Catch Rate: 1
Level Gain Rate: S Slow
Base Reward EXP: 154
Reward EV Point: Defense: 1
Shiny Beldum in game: 356 Who?
AVG Level: 89
Gender Ratios:
Pokemon Id: 2374

Base Stats

HP: 50
Attack: 68
Defense: 100
SpAttack: 43
SpDefense: 75
Speed: 37
Total: 373
Default Ability 1: Steel Novice
Default Ability 2: Shield Novice
Default Ability 3: Maximum Guard
Concept Artist: Nintendo
Artwork Artist: Nintendo

Where Shiny Beldum can be captured:

Display More...

Shiny Beldum's elemental sensitivity to the enemy attacks:

: 100% : 200% : 50% : 100% : 100% : 200% : 50% : 200% : 50%
: 200% : 50% : 50% : 50% : 0% : 25% : 50% : 50% : 100%

Shiny Beldum's Transformation Line

#2374 Shiny Beldum
Steel (Type 1) Psychic (Type 2)
Level 52
#2375 Shiny Metang
Steel (Type 1) Psychic (Type 2)
Level 74
#2376 Shiny Metagross
Steel (Type 1) Psychic (Type 2)
Level 87
Use item Ultimate Gem
#10376 Shiny Mega Metagross
Steel (Type 1) Psychic (Type 2)

Shiny Beldum's Other Forms

#374 Beldum
Steel (Type 1) Psychic (Type 2)

Shiny Beldum's Level-Up Attacks

ID: 626 Tackle Level: 1 Category: Physical Base Power: 50 PP: 35 Accuracy: 100
ID: 631 Take Down Level: 1 Category: Physical Base Power: 90 PP: 20 Accuracy: 85

TM (Technical Machine) Moves Shiny Beldum Can Learn

ID: 265 Headbutt TM126 Category: Physical Base Power: 70 PP: 15 Accuracy: 100
ID: 706 Zen Headbutt TM152 Category: Physical Base Power: 80 PP: 15 Accuracy: 90
ID: 317 Iron Defense TM199 Category: Status Base Power: 1 PP: 15 Accuracy: 1000
ID: 318 Iron Head TM200 Category: Physical Base Power: 80 PP: 15 Accuracy: 100
Pokémon: Shiny Beldum - Level Gain Rate: S Slow - Class: Shiny
This level gain rate Pokémon required total EXP amounts for each level
L 1: 0 EXP
L 2: 120 EXP
L 3: 396 EXP
L 4: 960 EXP
L 5: 1,872 EXP
L 6: 3,240 EXP
L 7: 5,136 EXP
L 8: 7,680 EXP
L 9: 10,932 EXP
L 10: 15,000 EXP
L 11: 19,956 EXP
L 12: 25,920 EXP
L 13: 32,952 EXP
L 14: 41,160 EXP
L 15: 50,616 EXP
L 16: 61,440 EXP
L 17: 73,692 EXP
L 18: 87,480 EXP
L 19: 102,876 EXP
L 20: 120,000 EXP
L 21: 138,912 EXP
L 22: 159,720 EXP
L 23: 182,496 EXP
L 24: 207,360 EXP
L 25: 234,372 EXP
L 26: 263,640 EXP
L 27: 295,236 EXP
L 28: 329,280 EXP
L 29: 365,832 EXP
L 30: 405,000 EXP
L 31: 446,856 EXP
L 32: 491,520 EXP
L 33: 539,052 EXP
L 34: 589,560 EXP
L 35: 643,116 EXP
L 36: 699,840 EXP
L 37: 759,792 EXP
L 38: 823,080 EXP
L 39: 889,776 EXP
L 40: 960,000 EXP
L 41: 1,033,812 EXP
L 42: 1,111,320 EXP
L 43: 1,192,596 EXP
L 44: 1,277,760 EXP
L 45: 1,366,872 EXP
L 46: 1,460,040 EXP
L 47: 1,557,336 EXP
L 48: 1,658,880 EXP
L 49: 1,764,732 EXP
L 50: 1,875,000 EXP
L 51: 1,989,756 EXP
L 52: 2,109,120 EXP
L 53: 2,233,152 EXP
L 54: 2,361,960 EXP
L 55: 2,495,616 EXP
L 56: 2,634,240 EXP
L 57: 2,777,892 EXP
L 58: 2,926,680 EXP
L 59: 3,080,676 EXP
L 60: 3,240,000 EXP
L 61: 3,404,712 EXP
L 62: 3,574,920 EXP
L 63: 3,750,696 EXP
L 64: 3,932,160 EXP
L 65: 4,119,372 EXP
L 66: 4,312,440 EXP
L 67: 4,511,436 EXP
L 68: 4,716,480 EXP
L 69: 4,927,632 EXP
L 70: 5,145,000 EXP
L 71: 5,368,656 EXP
L 72: 5,598,720 EXP
L 73: 5,835,252 EXP
L 74: 6,078,360 EXP
L 75: 6,328,116 EXP
L 76: 6,584,640 EXP
L 77: 6,847,992 EXP
L 78: 7,118,280 EXP
L 79: 7,395,576 EXP
L 80: 7,680,000 EXP
L 81: 7,971,612 EXP
L 82: 8,270,520 EXP
L 83: 8,576,796 EXP
L 84: 8,890,560 EXP
L 85: 9,211,872 EXP
L 86: 9,540,840 EXP
L 87: 9,877,536 EXP
L 88: 10,222,080 EXP
L 89: 10,574,532 EXP
L 90: 10,935,000 EXP
L 91: 11,303,556 EXP
L 92: 11,680,320 EXP
L 93: 12,065,352 EXP
L 94: 12,458,760 EXP
L 95: 12,860,616 EXP
L 96: 13,271,040 EXP
L 97: 13,690,092 EXP
L 98: 14,117,880 EXP
L 99: 14,554,476 EXP
L 100: 15,000,000 EXP
L 101: 15,750,000 EXP
L 102: 16,537,000 EXP
L 103: 17,363,000 EXP
L 104: 18,231,000 EXP
L 105: 19,142,000 EXP
L 106: 20,099,000 EXP
L 107: 21,103,000 EXP
L 108: 22,158,000 EXP
L 109: 23,265,000 EXP
L 110: 24,428,000 EXP
L 111: 25,649,000 EXP
L 112: 26,931,000 EXP
L 113: 28,277,000 EXP
L 114: 29,690,000 EXP
L 115: 31,174,000 EXP
L 116: 32,732,000 EXP
L 117: 34,368,000 EXP
L 118: 36,086,000 EXP
L 119: 37,890,000 EXP
L 120: 39,784,000 EXP

Important notice! Pokemon Shiny Beldum is a fictional character of humans.
There is only single Creator of everything and anything
All Pokemon are made up by humans based on real animals or existing objects.
The stroies of Pokemon are all fictional and in most cases illogical or nonsense.
Games are for only fun time and do never put any spiritual/religional or deity meaning into them!
Never pass your necessary jobs and duties due to gameplaying!
Moreover, there is no such thing as random evolution. However, there can be evolution programmed by Almighty Creator Allah.

Official Pokemon Info from Bulbapedia (Content is available under Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 2.5)

Beldum (Pokémon)

From Bulbapedia, the community-driven Pokémon encyclopedia.
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For Pokémon GO information on this species, see the game's section.
Salamence #373: Salamence
#375: Metang Metang
This article is about the species. For a specific instance of this species, see Beldum (disambiguation).
Iron Ball Pokémon
Images on the Bulbagarden Archives
Steel Psychic
Clear Body Light Metal
Hidden Ability
Gender ratio
Gender unknown
Catch rate
Egg Group
Hatch time
10280 - 10536 steps
2'00" 0.6 m
209.9 lbs. 95.2 kg
Base experience yield
Leveling rate
EV yield
Total: 1
Pokédex color
Base friendship
External Links
  • On Smogon Pokédex:
    • Generation III
    • Generation IV
    • Generation V
    • Generation VI
    • Generation VII
  • Artwork on Bulbagarden Archives

Beldum (Japaneseダンバル Dumbber) is a dual-type Steel/Psychic Pokémon introduced in Generation III.

It evolves into Metang starting at level 20, which evolves into Metagross starting at level 45.


Beldum is a robotic Pokémon that has a long body with a set of claws sticking out of its rear end. It has one large, red eye in the center of its nearly spherical head, which is set into a ball-and-socket joint at its front end. A short crest projects from its body and extends over its head.

Even though Beldum is mechanical, it still has emotions, the need to eat, and a way of reproducing. Beldum's body lacks blood, and is instead made of cells that are all magnets. It uses magnetism to move, communicate, and control its attacks. Beldum sometimes gathers in swarms, communicating with each other telepathically and magnetically and moving in sync. When enraged, it can cause nearby machines to break from its strong magnetism. Beldum can also use its magnetic force to rapidly pull in enemies and then use its sharp claws to harm them. Beldum is scarce in the wild, but it does tend to inhabit areas with rugged terrain. It anchors itself to a cliff using its hooks when it sleeps.

In the anime

Beldum in the anime

Major appearances

Morrison's Beldum

Beldum debuted in Less is Morrison, under the ownership of Morrison. It evolved into a Metang in Saved by the Beldum. It was mostly seen outside its Poké Ball.

Minor appearances

In Zoroark: Master of Illusions, a Beldum was on the Cianwood Greens Pokémon Baccer team with a Metang and Metagross, which competed in the Pokémon Baccer World Cup. It reappeared in Genesect and the Legend Awakened.

Pokédex entries

Episode Pokémon Source Entry
AG118 Beldum May's Pokédex Beldum, the Iron Ball Pokémon. Beldum floats by emitting magnetic waves from its body to repel the Earth's magnetic field. They launch their claws into cliffs where they sleep.

In the manga

Beldum in Pokémon Adventures

Ash & Pikachu

Main article: Morrison's Beldum

Similar to his anime counterpart, Morrison owns a Beldum. It appeared in A Clash Of Wills!! Eternal Rivals?!, where it evolved into Metang.

Pokémon Adventures

Steven owns a large amount of Beldum that serve, along with a Metang and Metagross, as miners that help him unearth rare stones in various caves around Hoenn. They first appeared in Ring Ring Goes Beldum. These same Beldum were called upon to defeat the Mawile herd in Granite Cave when both Ruby and Steven were attacked by them. Four of Steven's Beldum later formed the party that would unseal the Legendary creatures, which included Sapphire's Lorry and Relly.

A Trainer's Beldum appeared in Truth and the Mastermind Behind Team Skull.

Pokémon + Nobunaga's Ambition ~ Ranse's Color Picture Scroll ~

A Beldum appeared in The Yellow Scroll: Hanbei vs Kanbei.

Pokémon Omega Ruby Crimson Passion and Pokémon Alpha Sapphire Indigo Wisdom

Steven owns a Beldum in Pokémon Omega Ruby Crimson Passion and Pokémon Alpha Sapphire Indigo Wisdom.

In the TCG

Main article: Beldum (TCG)

Game data

Pokédex entries

This Pokémon was unavailable prior to Generation III.
Generation III   Hoenn
Ruby Instead of blood, a powerful magnetic force courses throughout Beldum's body. This Pokémon communicates with others by sending controlled pulses of magnetism.
Sapphire Beldum keeps itself floating by generating a magnetic force that repels earth's natural magnetism. When it sleeps, this Pokémon anchors itself to a cliff using the hooks on its rear.
Emerald When Beldum gather in a swarm, they move in perfect unison as if they were but one Pokémon. They communicate with each other using brain waves.
FireRed It uses magnetic waves to converse with its kind. All the cells in its body are magnetic.
Generation IV   Sinnoh
Diamond It converses with others by using magnetic pulses. In a swarm, they move in perfect unison.
HeartGold The magnetic force generated by its body repels the ground's natural magnetism, letting it float.
Generation V     Unova
B2W2: #262
Black It converses with others by using magnetic pulses. In a swarm, they move in perfect unison.
Black 2 Its cells are all magnetic, and it communicates with others by using magnetic pulses.
White 2
Generation VI   Kalos
X The magnetic force generated by its body repels the ground's natural magnetism, letting it float.
Y It converses with others by magnetic pulses. In a swarm, they move in perfect unison.
Omega Ruby Instead of blood, a powerful magnetic force courses through Beldum's body. This Pokémon communicates with others by sending controlled pulses of magnetism.
Alpha Sapphire Beldum keeps itself floating by generating a magnetic force that repels earth's natural magnetism. When it sleeps, this Pokémon anchors itself to a cliff using the hooks on its rear.
Generation VII   Alola
SM: #214
USUM: #278
This Pokémon has no Pokédex entries in Let's Go, Pikachu! and Let's Go, Eevee!‎.
Sun Its cells are all magnets. It uses magnetism to communicate with others of its kind.
Moon With magnetic traction, it pulls its opponents in close. When they're in range, it slashes them with its rear claws.
Ultra Sun Instead of blood, magnetism flows through its body. When it's feeling bad, try giving it a magnet.
Ultra Moon If you anger it, it will do more than rampage. It will also burst out strong magnetism, causing nearby machines to break.
Generation VIII     Galar
Crown Tundra #129
Sword From its rear, Beldum emits a magnetic force that rapidly pulls opponents in. They get skewered on Beldum's sharp claws.
Shield The cells in this Pokémon's body are composed of magnetic material. Instead of blood, magnetic forces flow through Beldum's body.


Game locations

This Pokémon was unavailable prior to Generation III.
Generation III  
Ruby Sapphire
Received from Steven at his house in Mossdeep City (after entering the Hall of Fame)
Received from Steven at his house in Mossdeep City (after entering the Hall of Fame)
FireRed LeafGreen
Generation IV  
Diamond Pearl
Route 228 (Swarm)
Route 228 (Swarm)
HeartGold SoulSilver
Trade Forretress to Steven at Silph Co.
Safari Zone
Pal Park
Winner's Path
Generation V  
Black White
Breed Metang or Metagross
Black 2 White 2
Breed Metang or Metagross
Transfer from Dream Radar
Dream World
Rugged Mountain
Generation VI  
Breed Metang or Metagross
Omega Ruby Alpha Sapphire
Received from Steven at his house in Mossdeep City after completing the Delta Episode
Generation VII  
Sun Moon
Mount Hokulani
Ultra Sun Ultra Moon
Mount Hokulani
Let's Go Pikachu Let's Go Eevee
Generation VIII  
Sword Shield
TradeVersion 1.3.0+
Expansion Pass
Snowslide Slope


In side games

This Pokémon was unavailable prior to Generation III.
Generation III  
Pinball: R&S
Ruins (Both Fields)
Phobosphere, Endless Level 46, Forever Level 46, Mr. Who's Den
MD Red MD Blue
Mt. Steel (6F-8F), Wish Cave (15F-17F), Solar Cave (15F-17F), Joyous Tower (14F-16F)
Jungle RelicGo-Rock Base
Generation IV  
MD Time MD Darkness
Crystal Cave (B1F-B7F)
MD Sky
Crystal Cave (B1F-B7F)
Ranger: GS
Wireless TowerThunder Temple
Generation V  
Rumble Blast
Factory: World Axle - B2F
Illusio (special), Valora (special)
Rumble U
Toy Collection: A Very Chaotic Battle!
Generation VI  
Battle Trozei
Pitch-Black Cavern: Stage 6
Graucus Hall: Stage 462
Rumble World
Distortion Land: Electromagnetic Plant (All Areas)
Generation VII  
Rumble Rush
Jirachi SeaAegislash SeaRowlet SeaZygarde SeaRayquaza SeaJirachi SeaFinalRowlet SeaFinalZygarde SeaFinal


In events

Games Event Region Location Level Distribution period
ORAS Steven's Beldum Japanese region Nintendo Network 5Shiny November 21, 2014 to January 14, 2015
ORAS Steven's Beldum American region Nintendo Network 5Shiny November 21, 2014 to January 14, 2015
ORAS Steven's Beldum PAL region Nintendo Network 5Shiny November 21, 2014 to January 14, 2015
ORAS Steven's Beldum Korean region Nintendo Network 5Shiny November 21, 2014 to January 14, 2015
ORAS Steven's Beldum Taiwanese region Nintendo Network 5Shiny November 21, 2014 to January 14, 2015

Held items

Game Held Item(s)
Diamond Pearl Metal Coat Metal Coat (5%)
HeartGold SoulSilver Metal Coat Metal Coat (5%)
Sun Moon Metal Coat Metal Coat (5%)
Ultra Sun Ultra Moon Metal Coat Metal Coat (5%)
Sword Shield Metal Coat Metal Coat (5%)
Pokéwalker Shuca Berry Shuca Berry (100%)
Events* Metagrossite Metagrossite (100%)


Base stats

Stat Range
At Lv. 50 At Lv. 100
100 - 147 190 - 284
54 - 117 103 - 229
76 - 145 148 - 284
Sp. Atk:
36 - 95 67 - 185
Sp. Def:
58 - 123 112 - 240
31 - 90 58 - 174
Other Pokémon with this total
  • Minimum stats are calculated with 0 EVsIVs of 0, and (if applicable) a hindering nature.
  • Maximum stats are calculated with 252 EVsIVs of 31, and (if applicable) a helpful nature.


Pokéathlon stats

3/4 ★★★
3/4 ★★★
3/3 ★★★
3/4 ★★★
13/16 ★★







Type effectiveness

Under normal battle conditions in Generation VIII, this Pokémon is:  
normally by:
Weak to:
Immune to:
Resistant to:
Normal ½×
Flying ½×
Rock ½×
Steel ½×
Grass ½×
Psychic ¼×
Ice ½×
Dragon ½×
Fairy ½×
  • If this Pokémon is given a Ring Target, the effectiveness of  Poison-type  moves is 1×.
  • In Generation II-Generation V, the effectiveness of  Dark-type  moves was 1×.
  • In Generation II-Generation V, the effectiveness of  Ghost-type  moves was 1×.


By leveling up

Generation VIII
Other generations:
III - IV - V - VI - VII
 Level   Move   Type   Cat.   Pwr.   Acc.   PP
1 Tackle Normal Physical 40 100% 35
  • Bold indicates a move that gets STAB when used by Beldum
  • Italic indicates a move that gets STAB only when used by an evolution of Beldum
  • Click on the generation numbers at the top to see level-up moves from other generations


Generation VIII
Other generations:
III - IV - V - VI - VII
   TM   Move   Type   Cat.   Pwr.   Acc.   PP 
Bag TM Steel VI Sprite.webp TR46 Iron Defense Steel Status —% 15
Bag TM Psychic VI Sprite.webp TR69 Zen Headbutt Psychic Physical 80 90% 15
Bag TM Steel VI Sprite.webp TR74 Iron Head Steel Physical 80 100% 15
  • Bold indicates a move that gets STAB when used by Beldum
  • Italic indicates a move that gets STAB only when used by an evolution of Beldum
  • Click on the generation numbers at the top to see TM moves from other generations

By breeding

Generation VIII
Other generations:
III - IV - V - VI - VII
 Parent   Move   Type   Cat.   Pwr.   Acc.   PP 
This Pokémon learns no moves by breeding.
  • Moves marked with an asterisk (*) must be chain bred onto Beldum in Generation VIII
  • Moves marked with a double dagger (‡) can only be bred from a Pokémon who learned the move in an earlier generation.
  • Moves marked with a superscript game abbreviation can only be bred onto Beldum in that game.
  • Bold indicates a move that gets STAB when used by Beldum
  • Italic indicates a move that gets STAB only when used by an evolution of Beldum
  • Click on the generation numbers at the top to see Egg moves from other generations

By tutoring

Generation VIII
Other generations:
III - IV - V - VI - VII
 Game   Move   Type   Cat.   Pwr.   Acc.   PP 
Sw Sh EP Steel Beam Steel Special 140 95% 5
  • Bold indicates a move that gets STAB when used by Beldum
  • Italic indicates a move that gets STAB only when used by an evolution of Beldum
  • Click on the generation numbers at the top to see Move Tutor moves from other generations

By transfer from another generation

Generation VIII
Other generations:
IV - V - VI - VII 
 Gen.   Move   Type   Cat.   Pwr.   Acc.   PP 
III IV V VI VII Headbutt Normal Physical 70 100% 15
III IV V VI VII Hold Back Normal Physical 40 100% 40
III IV V VI VII Take Down Normal Physical 90 85% 20
  • A striped background indicates a generation in which the move can only be obtained via event or as a special move
  • Bold indicates a move that gets STAB when used by Beldum
  • Italic indicates a move that gets STAB only when used by an evolution of Beldum
  • × indicates a move that cannot be used in Generation VIII
  • Click on the generation numbers at the top to see transfer-only moves for other generations

Side game data

Pokémon Pinball RS
PinRS374.webp PinRSani374.webp
Acquisition: Catch
Pokémon Trozei!
Rarity: Common
Pokémon Mystery Dungeon
Red Rescue Team and Blue Rescue Team
  Body size: 1
Recruit rate: 7.8%
Friend AreaMagnetic Quarry
51%-100% HP I converse with others using magnetism. +++-+--+
26%-50% HP My HP has declined to approximately half.
1%-25% HP I can't do this... My magnetism is weakening...
Level up My level's gone up! My magnetism has too!
Pokémon Mystery Dungeon
Explorers of Time, Explorers of Darkness, and Explorers of Sky
MDP E 374.webp Body size: 1
Recruit rate: 6.4%
IQ group: E
Pokémon Ranger
Poké Assist: Psychic PA.webp
Field move: Tackle fm.webp
(Tackle ×1)
Loops: 5 Min. exp.: 32 Max. exp.: 62
Browser entry R-190
Beldum throws full-body charges. It can easily shunt aside a small obstacle.
Pokémon Ranger: Guardian Signs
Poké Assist:
Steel Assist.webp
Field move:
Crush 1 field move.webp
(Crush ×1)
Poké Assist:
Steel Assist.webp
Field move:
Crush 1 field move.webp
(Crush ×1)
Browser entry R-224/N-167
It launches an iron ball to attack.
Pokémon Rumble Blast
Defense ●●●
Speed ●●●
Pokémon Rumble Rush
Rush374Body.webp Walking Speed: 2.08 seconds Base HP: 45  
Base Attack: 68 Base Defense: 53 Base Speed: 60
Pokémon Conquest
PCP374.webp HP: Move: Iron Head
Attack: Ability 1: Clear Body
Ability 2: Bodyguard
Ability 3: Run Up
Defense: ★★★
Evolves into Metang when its Defense is 64 or higher
Range: 3 Perfect Links: Nobutsuna and Yoshiteru
Pokémon Battle Trozei
Attack Power: ★★★★


Pokémon Shuffle
None.webp Attack Power: 50 - 100 Raise Max Level.webp 5


Sometimes turns two non-Support Pokémon into blocks.


Pokémon GO
GO374.webp Base Stamina: 120 Base Attack: 96 Base Defense: 132
Egg Distance: N/A Buddy Distance: 5 km Evolution Requirement: Beldum Candy 25
Fast Attacks: Take Down
Charged Attacks: StruggleFrustrationReturn


 Steel  Psychic 
Rare Candy
Level 20
First evolution
 Steel  Psychic 
Rare Candy
Level 45
Second evolution
 Steel  Psychic 



This Pokémon was unavailable prior to Generation III.
Generation III  
Ruby Sapphire   Emerald   FireRed LeafGreen
Spr 3r 374.webp Spr b 3r 374.webp   Spr 3e 374.webp Spr b 3r 374.webp   Spr 3r 374.webp Spr b 3r 374.webp
Spr 3r 374 s.webp Spr b 3r 374 s.webp   Spr 3e 374 s.webp Spr b 3r 374 s.webp   Spr 3r 374 s.webp Spr b 3r 374 s.webp
Front Back   Front Back   Front Back
Generation IV  
Diamond Pearl   Platinum   HeartGold SoulSilver
Spr 4d 374.webp Spr b 4d 374.webp   Spr 4d 374.webp Spr b 4p 374.webp   Spr 4d 374.webp Spr b 4p 374.webp
Spr 4d 374 s.webp Spr b 4d 374 s.webp   Spr 4d 374 s.webp Spr b 4d 374 s.webp   Spr 4d 374 s.webp Spr b 4d 374 s.webp
Front Back   Front Back   Front Back
Generation V  
Black White   Black 2 White 2
Spr 5b 374.webp Spr b 5b 374.webp   Spr 5b 374.webp Spr b 5b 374.webp
Spr 5b 374 s.webp Spr b 5b 374 s.webp   Spr 5b 374 s.webp Spr b 5b 374 s.webp
Front Back   Front Back
Generation VI  
X Y   Omega Ruby Alpha Sapphire
Spr 6x 374.webp Spr b 6x 374.webp   Spr 6x 374.webp Spr b 6x 374.webp
Spr 6x 374 s.webp Spr b 6x 374 s.webp   Spr 6x 374 s.webp Spr b 6x 374 s.webp
Front Back   Front Back
Generation VII  
Sun Moon   Ultra Sun Ultra Moon
Spr 7s 374.webp Spr b 7s 374.webp   Spr 7s 374.webp Spr b 7s 374.webp
Spr 7s 374 s.webp Spr b 7s 374 s.webp   Spr 7s 374 s.webp Spr b 7s 374 s.webp
Front Back   Front Back
Generation VIII  
Sword Shield
400px 400px
HOME374.webp HOME374 s.webp
374MS8.webp For other sprites and images, please see Beldum images on the Bulbagarden Archives.



Promotional artwork of a Shiny Beldum for the Omega Ruby and Alpha Sapphire release event
  • Beldum's number in the Hoenn Pokédex in Generation III and the Fiore Browser are the same: 190.
  • Beldum, along with its evolved forms, are the only non-Legendary Pokémon to have a catch rate of 3, which is the lowest in existence.
  • Beldum's evolutionary family evolves into their next-stage forms the earliest of all the pseudo-legendary Pokémon—Beldum into Metang at level 20, and Metang into Metagross at level 45.
  • Beldum is the only member of a pseudo-legendary Pokémon evolutionary line that only learns one move by level up.
  • Beldum and its evolved forms all share both their standard and hidden Abilities with Registeel.


Beldum seems to be a magnetic robot based on a dumbbell. It also resembles a limb of a Metang or Metagross, a reference to how it evolves.

Name origin

Beldum and Dumbber are derived from dumbbell, a small weight used in weight training.

In other languages

Language Title Meaning
Japan Flag.webp Japanese ダンバル Dumbber From dumbbell
France Flag.webp French Terhal From haltère
Spain Flag.webp Spanish Beldum Same as English name
Germany Flag.webp German Tanhel From Hantel
Italy Flag.webp Italian Beldum Same as English name
South Korea Flag.webp Korean 메탕 Metan Same as Metang's name
Hong Kong Flag.webp Cantonese Chinese    
China and Taiwan Flags.webp Mandarin Chinese 鐵啞鈴 Tié Yǎ Líng Literally "Iron dumbbell".










Related articles

  • Morrison's Beldum

External links


Salamence #373: Salamence
#375: Metang Metang
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