For Pokémon GO information on this species, see the game's section. |
This article is about the species. For a specific instance of this species, see Jigglypuff (disambiguation). |
Balloon Pokémon |
Purin |
#039 |
Images on the Bulbagarden Archives |
Cute Charm or Competitive |
Friend Guard
Hidden Ability |
Gender ratio
Catch rate
Base experience yield
Leveling rate
EV yield
Total: 2 |
HP |
Atk |
Def |
Sp.Atk |
Sp.Def |
Speed |
Pokédex color
Base friendship
External Links
- On Smogon Pokédex:
- Generation I
- Generation II
- Generation III
- Generation IV
- Generation V
- Generation VI
- Generation VII
- Artwork on Bulbagarden Archives
Jigglypuff (Japanese: プリン Purin) is a dual-type Normal/Fairy Pokémon introduced in Generation I. Prior to Generation VI, it was a pure Normal-type Pokémon.
It evolves from Igglybuff when leveled up with high friendship and evolves into Wigglytuff when exposed to a Moon Stone.
Jigglypuff is a pink Pokémon with a spherical body. It has pointed ears with black insides and large, blue eyes. It has small, stubby arms and slightly longer feet. On top of its head is a curled tuft of fur. Its body is filled with air and, as seen in Pokémon Stadium, Jigglypuff can deflate until it is flat. It is able to float by drawing extra air into its body, as demonstrated in Super Smash Bros.
Jigglypuff can use its eyes to mesmerize opponents. It has a large lung capacity, exceeding most other Pokémon. Once it has an opponent's attention, Jigglypuff will inflate its lungs and begin to sing a soothing and mysterious lullaby. This melody can cause anyone who listens to become sleepy. If the opponent resists falling asleep, Jigglypuff will endanger its own life by continuing to sing until it runs out of air. It will continue to sing until the opponent is asleep. It is able to adjust the wavelength of its voice to match the brain waves of someone in a deep sleep. This helps ensure drowsiness in its opponents. Its vocal range exceeds 12 octaves, but its skill depends on the individual. Its song varies by region, and in some areas, it sounds like shouting. Jigglypuff can mostly be found in lush green plains and grassy meadows.
In the anime
Main series
Major appearances
Jigglypuff (anime)
Jigglypuff debuted in The Song of Jigglypuff. From this episode through the end of the original series, it followed Ash and his friends, intent on performing its trademark song without causing its audience to fall asleep. It rarely, if ever, succeeded. Jigglypuff would scribble all over the faces of anyone who fell asleep after hearing the song.
After Johto, Jigglypuff started to only appear very rarely, being featured in one early Pokémon the Series: Ruby and Sapphire episode. After a long absence, Jigglypuff reappeared in Alola, Kanto! and When Regions Collide!, where it was seen sleeping on top of the plane that Ash and his classmates were flying on back to Alola, and made semi-regular appearances in Pokémon the Series: Sun & Moon. In Thank You, Alola! The Journey Continues!, it was seen boarding the same plane as Ash as he returned to Kanto.
At the end of The Ancient Puzzle of Pokémopolis, a giant Jigglypuff helped put the giant Gengar and Alakazam to sleep.
In The Legend of Thunder!, Marina used a Jigglypuff nicknamed Pink to battle Jimmy's Beedrill and in a Pokémon Contest with Wani-Wani later on.
In Rough, Tough Jigglypuff, Mitch Mitchum wanted to catch a Jigglypuff for his daughter's birthday. He eventually caught it with Loudred.
In Yes in Dee Dee, It's Dawn!, Ursula used a Jigglypuff during the Double Performance required for the Daybreak Contest. It performed alongside her Gabite.
In Performing with Fiery Charm!, Gena's Jigglypuff judged the baking during the Theme Performance of the Dendemille Showcase Rookie Class.
In I Choose You!, a Trainer's Jigglypuff battled Ash's Charmander, causing it to evolve into Charmeleon.
Minor appearances
A Jigglypuff appeared as an image in The Ultimate Test.
In Pikachu's Vacation, a Jigglypuff was at the Pokémon Theme Park.
A wild Jigglypuff appeared in Pikachu's Rescue Adventure.
In Wired for Battle!, a Jigglypuff came up as an image in Shingo's laptop.
In Gonna Rule The School!, the Pokémon Trainers' School lent a Jigglypuff to the school's underage students for use in lessons.
A Jigglypuff appeared in the opening sequence of Destiny Deoxys.
A Jigglypuff appeared in PK13.
A Coordinator's Jigglypuff appeared in The Saffron Con.
A Coordinator's Jigglypuff appeared in May, We Harley Drew'd Ya!.
In Once More With Reeling!, a Coordinator had two Jigglypuff that participated in the Terracotta Contest.
A Jigglypuff appeared in Stopped in the Name of Love!.
In An Old Family Blend!, a Trainer's Jigglypuff participated in the Lily of the Valley Conference.
A Jigglypuff appeared in Kalos, Where Dreams and Adventures Begin!.
A Trainer's Jigglypuff appeared in Mega Evolution Special III.
A Trainer's Jigglypuff appeared in Adventures in Running Errands!.
In Party Dancecapades!, a Performer's Jigglypuff attended Monsieur Pierre's dance party.
A Trainer's Jigglypuff appeared in A League of His Own!.
Two Trainers' Jigglypuff appeared in The First Day of the Rest of Your Life!.
A Trainer's Jigglypuff appeared in A Shocking Grocery Run!.
In Deceiving Appearances!, five Jigglypuff were seen at Aether Paradise. They and a sixth encountered Jessie in Don't Ignore the Small Stufful!. Remembering her experiences with the recurring Jigglypuff, she became nervous upon seeing them, but then realized they weren't going to sing.
Two Trainers' Jigglypuff appeared in The Power of Us.
In Securing the Future!, two Trainers' Jigglypuff joined the rest of Alola in showering Necrozma with light so it could return to its true form.
In Battling on the Wing!, a Trainer's Jigglypuff watched the battles during the Manalo Conference.
A Trainer's Jigglypuff appeared in Getting Down to The Ire!.
A Trainer's Jigglypuff appeared in Z-Move Showdown!.
A Trainer's Jigglypuff appeared in Exhibition Unmasked!.
A Trainer's Jigglypuff appeared in A Crackling Raid Battle!.
A Trainer's Jigglypuff appeared in To Train, or Not to Train!.
A Trainer's Jigglypuff appeared in Secrets of the Jungle.
A Trainer's Jigglypuff appeared in JN060.
Pokédex entries
Entry |
EP045 |
Jigglypuff |
Ash's Pokédex |
Jigglypuff, a Balloon Pokémon. It has large friendly eyes and it sings a pleasant song. |
Entry |
DP161 |
Jigglypuff |
Dawn's Pokédex |
Jigglypuff, the Balloon Pokémon. When Jigglypuff's big eyes begin to quiver, everyone becomes sleepy as it sings a lullaby. |
Pokémon Origins
Jigglypuff in
Pokémon Origins
In File 3: Giovanni, a Jigglypuff was at Silph Co., trapped with multiple other Pokémon. They were later freed by Red.
In the manga
The Electric Tale of Pikachu
- Main article: Jigglypuff (anime)
In Clefairy in Space, a girl named Mimi owns a Jigglypuff, considering it to be her best friend. Her Jigglypuff helps defend a herd of wild Clefairy from Jessie and James of Team Rocket.
In Attack of the creature Stomach, Ash used Jigglypuff's Sing to put a wild Snorlax asleep so that he could catch it.
Magical Pokémon Journey
- Main article: Jigglypuff (MPJ)
A Jigglypuff is one of the main characters from Magical Pokémon Journey. She is a rich, spoiled Pokémon who lives in a mansion with her sister Wigglytuff and a butler, Squirtle. She loves to cook, despite the fact that she is a bad chef and her cooking often causes others to become ill.
Multiple Jigglypuff also appeared in Christmas Wishes.
Pokémon Adventures
Jigglypuff in
Pokémon Adventures
Red, Green & Blue chapter
- Main article: Jiggly
Green has a Jigglypuff nicknamed Jiggly, which first appeared in Tauros the Tyrant. She is her starter Pokémon and is capable of swelling up to several times her size, allowing Green to float with her like a hot-air balloon.
FireRed & LeafGreen chapter
Jiggly evolved into Wigglytuff.
Emerald chapter
A Jigglypuff belonging to the Battle Factory appeared in Interesting Interactions Involving Illumise.
The Battle Tower rented a Jigglypuff, which was stolen by Guile Hideout in The Final Battle VII. It reappeared in a flashback in The Final Battle VIII, and physically in The Final Battle IX.
Black 2 & White 2 chapter
Multiple Jigglypuff appeared in Choir Tournament at the Autumn Choir Tournament.
Maya is revealed to have a Jigglypuff in PS548.
X & Y chapter
A Jigglypuff appeared in Scizor Defends as a resident of the Pokémon Village.
A Jigglypuff appeared in Malamar Traps, Chesnaught Protects, Zygarde Agitated, and Xerneas Gives.
Omega Ruby & Alpha Sapphire chapter
Green has a second Jigglypuff, nicknamed Ririri, which first appeared in Omega Alpha Adventure 11.
Pokémon Gold & Silver: The Golden Boys
A Jigglypuff appeared in the intro of Let's Go! The Journey Towards The Championship.
A Jigglypuff appeared in The Secret Of The Fighting Type Pokémon.
Pokémon Gotta Catch 'Em All
A Jigglypuff first appeared in The Terrible Twins, Rin & Ran, under the ownership of Rin.
A Jigglypuff appeared in GDZ21.
A Jigglypuff appeared in GDZ23.
A Jigglypuff appeared in GDZ67, under the ownership of a monk.
Pokémon + Nobunaga's Ambition ~ Ranse's Color Picture Scroll ~
Jigglypuff in
Pokémon + Nobunaga's Ambition ~ Ranse's Color Picture Scroll ~
Oichi has a Jigglypuff in Pokémon + Nobunaga's Ambition ~ Ranse's Color Picture Scroll ~.
Pokémon Pocket Monsters
Green's Jigglypuff debuted in The Big Battle In The Viridian Forest!!.
A Jigglypuff appeared in Aim to be the No. 1 Pokémon!.
Misty owns a Jigglypuff, as seen in Part-Time Job at the Swimming Pool!!.
A Jigglypuff appeared in The Legendary Moltres Appears!!.
A Jigglypuff appeared in Panic on the Luxury Liner?!.
Professor Oak owns a Jigglypuff, which debuted in Save the Pokémon Zoo!!.
Red caught a Jigglypuff prior to Red VS Green?!.
A Jigglypuff appeared in Pikachu's Birthday Party.
A Jigglypuff appeared in Pokémon Hair Salon Opens!!, under the ownership of Giovanni.
A Jigglypuff appeared in The Exam Showdown!!.
Pokémon Ruby-Sapphire
Ruby has a Jigglypuff at his house, as seen in Something Happened!! Let's Go After Pikachu!!.
Pokémon Zensho
Satoshi has a Jigglypuff in Pokémon Zensho. He used it in PZ08 to put Articuno asleep so that Blaine could catch it.
In the TCG
- Main article: Jigglypuff (TCG)
In the TFG
One Jigglypuff figure has been released.
- Groundbreakers: Jigglypuff
Other appearances
Jigglypuff in
Detective Pikachu
Super Smash Bros. series
- Main article: Jigglypuff (Super Smash Bros.)
Detective Pikachu
Four Jigglypuff appeared in Detective Pikachu. One of them was seen singing in a bar that Tim Goodman and Detective Pikachu went to for leads.
Game data
Pokédex entries
Generation I |
#039 |
Red |
When its huge eyes light up, it sings a mysteriously soothing melody that lulls its enemies to sleep. |
Blue |
Yellow |
Uses its alluring eyes to enrapture its foe. It then sings a pleasing melody that lulls the foe to sleep. |
Stadium |
It mesmerizes with its large, round eyes and sings a soothing melody. Pokémon hearing this song fall asleep. |
Generation II |
#044 |
Gold |
If it inflates to sing a lullaby, it can perform longer and cause sure drowsiness in its audience. |
Silver |
Looking into its cute, round eyes causes it to sing a relaxing melody, inducing its enemies to sleep. |
Crystal |
It rolls its cute eyes as it sings a soothing lullaby. Its gentle song puts anyone who hears it to sleep. |
Stadium 2 |
If it inflates to sing a lullaby, it can perform longer and cause sure drowsiness in its audience. |
Generation III |
#138 |
#039 |
Ruby |
Jigglypuff's vocal chords can freely adjust the wavelength of its voice. This Pokémon uses this ability to sing at precisely the right wavelength to make its foes most drowsy. |
Sapphire |
When this Pokémon sings, it never pauses to breathe. If it is in a battle against an opponent that does not easily fall asleep, Jigglypuff cannot breathe, endangering its life. |
Emerald |
Nothing can avoid falling asleep hearing a Jigglypuff's song. The sound waves of its singing voice match the brain waves of someone in a deep sleep. |
FireRed |
It captivates foes with its huge, round eyes, then lulls them to sleep by singing a soothing melody. |
LeafGreen |
When its huge eyes light up, it sings a mysteriously soothing melody that lulls its enemies to sleep. |
Generation IV |
#— |
#044 |
Diamond |
When it wavers its big, round eyes, it begins singing a lullaby that makes everyone drowsy. |
Pearl |
Platinum |
HeartGold |
If it inflates to sing a lullaby, it can perform longer and cause sure drowsiness in its audience. |
SoulSilver |
Looking into its cute, round eyes causes it to sing a relaxing melody, inducing its enemies to sleep. |
Generation V |
B2W2: #282 |
Black |
When it wavers its big, round eyes, it begins singing a lullaby that makes everyone drowsy. |
White |
Black 2 |
Looking into its cute, round eyes makes it start singing a song so pleasant listeners can't help but fall asleep. |
White 2 |
Generation VI |
Mountain #120 |
#143 |
X |
It captivates foes with its huge, round eyes, then lulls them to sleep by singing a soothing melody. |
Y |
If it inflates to sing a lullaby, it can perform longer and cause sure drowsiness in its audience. |
Omega Ruby |
Jigglypuff's vocal cords can freely adjust the wavelength of its voice. This Pokémon uses this ability to sing at precisely the right wavelength to make its foes most drowsy. |
Alpha Sapphire |
When this Pokémon sings, it never pauses to breathe. If it is in a battle against an opponent that does not easily fall asleep, Jigglypuff cannot breathe, endangering its life. |
Generation VII |
SM: #135 |
USUM: #168 |
#039 |
Sun |
It hugely inflates its stomach and sings a mysterious melody. If you hear this melody, you'll become sleepy right away. |
Moon |
Jigglypuff possess a vocal range that exceeds 12 octaves, but each individual's singing skill depends on its own effort. |
Ultra Sun |
Recordings of Jigglypuff's strange lullabies can be purchased from department stores. These CDs can be found near the bedding area. |
Ultra Moon |
The songs they sing are totally different depending on the region they live in. Some even sound like they're shouting! |
Let's Go Pikachu |
Uses its cute round eyes to enrapture its foe. It then sings a pleasing melody that lulls the foe to sleep. |
Let's Go Eevee |
Generation VIII |
Isle of Armor #012 |
Sword |
Jigglypuff has top-notch lung capacity, even by comparison to other Pokémon. It won't stop singing its lullabies until its foes fall asleep. |
Shield |
By freely changing the wavelength of its voice, Jigglypuff sings a mysterious melody sure to make any listener sleepy. |
Game locations
Generation I |
Red |
Blue |
Blue (Japan) |
Yellow |
Generation II |
Gold |
Silver |
Crystal |
Routes 5, 6, 7, 8, 34, and 35 |
Generation III |
Ruby |
Sapphire |
Emerald |
FireRed |
LeafGreen |
Colosseum |
XD |
Generation IV |
Diamond |
Pearl |
Platinum |
HeartGold |
SoulSilver |
Routes 3 and 4, Safari Zone |
Pal Park |
Pokéwalker |
Generation V |
Black |
White |
Black 2 |
White 2 |
Routes 1 and 2, Dreamyard |
Generation VI |
X |
Y |
Route 20, Pokémon Village, Friend Safari (Fairy) |
Omega Ruby |
Alpha Sapphire |
Generation VII |
Sun |
Moon |
Routes 4 and 6Day (SOS Battle) |
Ultra Sun |
Ultra Moon |
Routes 4 and 6Day (SOS Battle) |
Let's Go Pikachu |
Let's Go Eevee |
Generation VIII |
Sword |
Shield |
Expansion Pass |
Fields of Honor, Challenge Beach
Fields of Honor, Soothing Wetlands, Forest of Focus, Stepping-Stone Sea, Insular Sea (Max Raid Battle)
Max Lair (Dynamax Adventure) |
In side games
Generation II |
This Pokémon is unavailable in Generation II side games. |
Generation III |
Channel |
Pinball: R&S |
Trozei! |
Endless Level 61, Endless Level 78, Forever Level 11, Mr. Who's Den |
MD Red |
MD Blue |
Wish Cave (B1F-B4F), Joyous Tower (1F-3F) |
Ranger |
Generation IV |
MD Time |
MD Darkness |
MD Sky |
Ranger: SoA |
Rumble |
Silent Forest (Normal Mode C) |
Generation V |
Rumble Blast |
Forest: Challenger's Ground |
Conquest |
Rumble U |
Dream Gate: Flame Dance, Magical Lake: Let's Sing a Song |
Generation VI |
Battle Trozei |
Blade-and-Shield Path: Stage 6 |
Shuffle |
Roseus Center: Stage 293
Event: Special Daily Pokémon (First release; Winking) |
Rumble World |
Origin Hideaway: Super Gene Laboratorium (All Areas),
Plasma Tundra: Waltzing Glade (All Areas) |
Picross |
Generation VII |
Rumble Rush |
Charizard Sea2019, Aegislash Sea, Bulbasaur Sea, Charizard SeaFinal, Mimikyu SeaFinal |
Masters EX |
Seasonal sync pair scout (Summer 2020 Lyra's) |
Generation VIII |
Café Mix |
Café Upgrades: Order #111 |
Held items
Game |
Held Item(s) |
Red* |
Blue* |
Polkadot Bow (100%) |
Yellow* |
FireRed |
LeafGreen |
Oran Berry (50%) |
Sun |
Moon |
Moon Stone (5%) |
Ultra Sun |
Ultra Moon |
Moon Stone (5%) |
Sword |
Shield |
Moon Stone (5%) |
Base stats
Stat |
Range |
At Lv. 50 |
At Lv. 100 |
175 - 222 |
340 - 434 |
45 - 106 |
85 - 207 |
22 - 79 |
40 - 152 |
Sp. Atk:
45 - 106 |
85 - 207 |
Sp. Def:
27 - 84 |
49 - 163 |
22 - 79 |
40 - 152 |
Other Pokémon with this total |
- Minimum stats are calculated with 0 EVs, IVs of 0, and (if applicable) a hindering nature.
- Maximum stats are calculated with 252 EVs, IVs of 31, and (if applicable) a helpful nature.
- This Pokémon's Special base stat in Generation I was 25.
Pokéathlon stats
Type effectiveness
Under normal battle conditions in Generation VIII, this Pokémon is: |
Notes: |
- If this Pokémon is given a Ring Target, the effectiveness of Ghost-type moves is 1×.
- If this Pokémon is given a Ring Target, the effectiveness of Dragon-type moves is 1×.
- Due to the conversion to Fairy-type , the effectiveness of Dragon-type , Dark-type , Steel-type , Bug-type and Poison-type moves were 1× and Fighting-type moves was 2× prior to Generation VI.
By leveling up
Move |
1 |
Sweet Kiss |
Fairy |
Status |
— |
75% |
10 |
1 |
Disarming Voice |
Fairy |
Special |
40 |
—% |
15 |
1 |
Disable |
Normal |
Status |
— |
100% |
20 |
1 |
Charm |
Fairy |
Status |
— |
100% |
20 |
1 |
Sing |
Normal |
Status |
— |
55% |
15 |
1 |
Pound |
Normal |
Physical |
40 |
100% |
35 |
1 |
Copycat |
Normal |
Status |
— |
—% |
20 |
1 |
Defense Curl |
Normal |
Status |
— |
—% |
40 |
4 |
Echoed Voice |
Normal |
Special |
40 |
100% |
15 |
8 |
Covet |
Normal |
Physical |
60 |
100% |
25 |
12 |
Stockpile |
Normal |
Status |
— |
—% |
20 |
12 |
Swallow |
Normal |
Status |
— |
—% |
10 |
12 |
Spit Up |
Normal |
Special |
— |
100% |
10 |
16 |
Round |
Normal |
Special |
60 |
100% |
15 |
20 |
Rest |
Psychic |
Status |
— |
—% |
10 |
24 |
Body Slam |
Normal |
Physical |
85 |
100% |
15 |
28 |
Mimic |
Normal |
Status |
— |
—% |
10 |
32 |
Gyro Ball |
Steel |
Physical |
— |
100% |
5 |
36 |
Hyper Voice |
Normal |
Special |
90 |
100% |
10 |
40 |
Play Rough |
Fairy |
Physical |
90 |
90% |
10 |
44 |
Double-Edge |
Normal |
Physical |
120 |
100% |
15 |
- Bold indicates a move that gets STAB when used by Jigglypuff
- Italic indicates a move that gets STAB only when used by an evolution of Jigglypuff
- Click on the generation numbers at the top to see level-up moves from other generations
Move |
TM00 |
Mega Punch |
Normal |
Physical |
80 |
85% |
20 |
TM01 |
Mega Kick |
Normal |
Physical |
120 |
75% |
5 |
TM03 |
Fire Punch |
Fire |
Physical |
75 |
100% |
15 |
TM04 |
Ice Punch |
Ice |
Physical |
75 |
100% |
15 |
TM05 |
Thunder Punch |
Electric |
Physical |
75 |
100% |
15 |
TM11 |
Solar Beam |
Grass |
Special |
120 |
100% |
10 |
TM14 |
Thunder Wave |
Electric |
Status |
— |
90% |
20 |
TM15 |
Dig |
Ground |
Physical |
80 |
100% |
10 |
TM16 |
Screech |
Normal |
Status |
— |
85% |
40 |
TM17 |
Light Screen |
Psychic |
Status |
— |
—% |
30 |
TM18 |
Reflect |
Psychic |
Status |
— |
—% |
20 |
TM19 |
Safeguard |
Normal |
Status |
— |
—% |
25 |
TM20 |
Self-Destruct |
Normal |
Physical |
200 |
100% |
5 |
TM21 |
Rest |
Psychic |
Status |
— |
—% |
10 |
TM24 |
Snore |
Normal |
Special |
50 |
100% |
15 |
TM25 |
Protect |
Normal |
Status |
— |
—% |
10 |
TM27 |
Icy Wind |
Ice |
Special |
55 |
95% |
15 |
TM29 |
Charm |
Fairy |
Status |
— |
100% |
20 |
TM31 |
Attract |
Normal |
Status |
— |
100% |
15 |
TM33 |
Rain Dance |
Water |
Status |
— |
—% |
5 |
TM34 |
Sunny Day |
Fire |
Status |
— |
—% |
5 |
TM39 |
Facade |
Normal |
Physical |
70 |
100% |
20 |
TM41 |
Helping Hand |
Normal |
Status |
— |
—% |
20 |
TM43 |
Brick Break |
Fighting |
Physical |
75 |
100% |
15 |
TM47 |
Fake Tears |
Dark |
Status |
— |
100% |
20 |
TM52 |
Bounce |
Flying |
Physical |
85 |
85% |
5 |
TM59 |
Fling |
Dark |
Physical |
— |
100% |
10 |
TM63 |
Drain Punch |
Fighting |
Physical |
75 |
100% |
10 |
TM76 |
Round |
Normal |
Special |
60 |
100% |
15 |
TM79 |
Retaliate |
Normal |
Physical |
70 |
100% |
5 |
TM87 |
Draining Kiss |
Fairy |
Special |
50 |
100% |
10 |
TM89 |
Misty Terrain |
Fairy |
Status |
— |
—% |
10 |
TR01 |
Body Slam |
Normal |
Physical |
85 |
100% |
15 |
TR02 |
Flamethrower |
Fire |
Special |
90 |
100% |
15 |
TR05 |
Ice Beam |
Ice |
Special |
90 |
100% |
10 |
TR06 |
Blizzard |
Ice |
Special |
110 |
70% |
5 |
TR08 |
Thunderbolt |
Electric |
Special |
90 |
100% |
15 |
TR09 |
Thunder |
Electric |
Special |
110 |
70% |
10 |
TR11 |
Psychic |
Psychic |
Special |
90 |
100% |
10 |
TR15 |
Fire Blast |
Fire |
Special |
110 |
85% |
5 |
TR19 |
Tri Attack |
Normal |
Special |
80 |
100% |
10 |
TR20 |
Substitute |
Normal |
Status |
— |
—% |
10 |
TR26 |
Endure |
Normal |
Status |
— |
—% |
10 |
TR27 |
Sleep Talk |
Normal |
Status |
— |
—% |
10 |
TR29 |
Baton Pass |
Normal |
Status |
— |
—% |
40 |
TR33 |
Shadow Ball |
Ghost |
Special |
80 |
100% |
15 |
TR35 |
Uproar |
Normal |
Special |
90 |
100% |
10 |
TR42 |
Hyper Voice |
Normal |
Special |
90 |
100% |
10 |
TR52 |
Gyro Ball |
Steel |
Physical |
— |
100% |
5 |
TR76 |
Stealth Rock |
Rock |
Status |
— |
—% |
20 |
TR77 |
Grass Knot |
Grass |
Special |
— |
100% |
20 |
TR83 |
Ally Switch |
Psychic |
Status |
— |
—% |
15 |
TR85 |
Work Up |
Normal |
Status |
— |
—% |
30 |
TR86 |
Wild Charge |
Electric |
Physical |
90 |
100% |
15 |
TR90 |
Play Rough |
Fairy |
Physical |
90 |
90% |
10 |
TR92 |
Dazzling Gleam |
Fairy |
Special |
80 |
100% |
10 |
- Bold indicates a move that gets STAB when used by Jigglypuff
- Italic indicates a move that gets STAB only when used by an evolution of Jigglypuff
- Click on the generation numbers at the top to see TM moves from other generations
By breeding
Move |
Covet |
Normal |
Physical |
60 |
100% |
25 |
Gravity |
Psychic |
Status |
— |
—% |
5 |
Heal Pulse |
Psychic |
Status |
— |
—% |
10 |
Last Resort |
Normal |
Physical |
140 |
100% |
5 |
Perish Song* |
Normal |
Status |
— |
—% |
5 |
Present* |
Normal |
Physical |
— |
90% |
15 |
Rollout |
Rock |
Physical |
30 |
90% |
20 |
Wish |
Normal |
Status |
— |
—% |
10 |
- Moves marked with an asterisk (*) must be chain bred onto Jigglypuff in Generation VIII
- Moves marked with a double dagger (‡) can only be bred from a Pokémon who learned the move in an earlier generation.
- Moves marked with a superscript game abbreviation can only be bred onto Jigglypuff in that game.
- Bold indicates a move that gets STAB when used by Jigglypuff
- Italic indicates a move that gets STAB only when used by an evolution of Jigglypuff
- Click on the generation numbers at the top to see Egg moves from other generations
By tutoring
Move |
Sw |
Sh |
EP |
Misty Explosion |
Fairy |
Special |
100 |
100% |
5 |
Sw |
Sh |
EP |
Steel Roller |
Steel |
Physical |
130 |
100% |
5 |
- Bold indicates a move that gets STAB when used by Jigglypuff
- Italic indicates a move that gets STAB only when used by an evolution of Jigglypuff
- Click on the generation numbers at the top to see Move Tutor moves from other generations
By a prior evolution
Stage |
Move |
Type |
Cat. |
Pwr. |
Acc. |
PP |
This Pokémon has no moves exclusive to prior evolutions. |
- Bold indicates a move that gets STAB when used by Jigglypuff
- Italic indicates a move that gets STAB only when used by an evolution of Jigglypuff
- Click on the generation numbers at the top to see moves from other generations
By transfer from another generation
Gen. |
I |
II |
IV |
V |
VI |
Bide × |
Normal |
Physical |
— |
—% |
10 |
I |
II |
IV |
V |
VI |
Bubble Beam |
Water |
Special |
65 |
100% |
20 |
I |
II |
IV |
V |
VI |
Captivate × |
Normal |
Status |
— |
100% |
20 |
I |
II |
IV |
V |
VI |
Charge Beam |
Electric |
Special |
50 |
90% |
10 |
I |
II |
IV |
V |
VI |
Confide |
Normal |
Status |
— |
—% |
20 |
I |
II |
IV |
V |
VI |
Counter |
Fighting |
Physical |
— |
100% |
20 |
I |
II |
IV |
V |
VI |
Curse |
Ghost |
Status |
— |
—% |
10 |
I |
II |
IV |
V |
VI |
Detect |
Fighting |
Status |
— |
—% |
5 |
I |
II |
IV |
V |
VI |
Double Slap × |
Normal |
Physical |
15 |
85% |
10 |
I |
II |
IV |
V |
VI |
Double Team |
Normal |
Status |
— |
—% |
15 |
I |
II |
IV |
V |
VI |
Dream Eater |
Psychic |
Special |
100 |
100% |
15 |
I |
II |
IV |
V |
VI |
Dynamic Punch |
Fighting |
Physical |
100 |
50% |
5 |
I |
II |
IV |
V |
VI |
Endeavor |
Normal |
Physical |
— |
100% |
5 |
I |
II |
IV |
V |
VI |
Feint Attack × |
Dark |
Physical |
60 |
—% |
20 |
I |
II |
IV |
V |
VI |
Flash × |
Normal |
Status |
— |
100% |
20 |
I |
II |
IV |
V |
VI |
Focus Punch |
Fighting |
Physical |
150 |
100% |
20 |
I |
II |
IV |
V |
VI |
Frustration × |
Normal |
Physical |
— |
100% |
20 |
I |
II |
IV |
V |
VI |
Headbutt |
Normal |
Physical |
70 |
100% |
15 |
I |
II |
IV |
V |
VI |
Heal Bell |
Normal |
Status |
— |
—% |
5 |
I |
II |
IV |
V |
VI |
Hidden Power × |
Normal |
Special |
60 |
100% |
15 |
I |
II |
IV |
V |
VI |
Incinerate |
Fire |
Special |
60 |
100% |
15 |
I |
II |
IV |
V |
VI |
Knock Off |
Dark |
Physical |
65 |
100% |
20 |
I |
II |
IV |
V |
VI |
Magic Coat |
Psychic |
Status |
— |
—% |
15 |
I |
II |
IV |
V |
VI |
Mud-Slap |
Ground |
Special |
20 |
100% |
10 |
I |
II |
IV |
V |
VI |
Natural Gift × |
Normal |
Physical |
— |
100% |
15 |
I |
II |
IV |
V |
VI |
Nightmare × |
Ghost |
Status |
— |
100% |
15 |
I |
II |
IV |
V |
VI |
Pain Split |
Normal |
Status |
— |
—% |
20 |
I |
II |
IV |
V |
VI |
Play Nice |
Normal |
Status |
— |
—% |
20 |
I |
II |
IV |
V |
VI |
Power-Up Punch |
Fighting |
Physical |
40 |
100% |
20 |
I |
II |
IV |
V |
VI |
Psych Up |
Normal |
Status |
— |
—% |
10 |
I |
II |
IV |
V |
VI |
Psywave × |
Psychic |
Special |
— |
100% |
15 |
I |
II |
IV |
V |
VI |
Punishment × |
Dark |
Physical |
— |
100% |
5 |
I |
II |
IV |
V |
VI |
Rage × |
Normal |
Physical |
20 |
100% |
20 |
I |
II |
IV |
V |
VI |
Recycle |
Normal |
Status |
— |
—% |
10 |
I |
II |
IV |
V |
VI |
Return × |
Normal |
Physical |
— |
100% |
20 |
I |
II |
IV |
V |
VI |
Role Play |
Psychic |
Status |
— |
—% |
10 |
I |
II |
IV |
V |
VI |
Secret Power × |
Normal |
Physical |
70 |
100% |
20 |
I |
II |
IV |
V |
VI |
Seismic Toss |
Fighting |
Physical |
— |
100% |
20 |
I |
II |
IV |
V |
VI |
Shock Wave |
Electric |
Special |
60 |
—% |
20 |
I |
II |
IV |
V |
VI |
Skull Bash |
Normal |
Physical |
130 |
100% |
10 |
I |
II |
IV |
V |
VI |
Snatch × |
Dark |
Status |
— |
—% |
10 |
I |
II |
IV |
V |
VI |
Strength |
Normal |
Physical |
80 |
100% |
15 |
I |
II |
IV |
V |
VI |
Submission |
Fighting |
Physical |
80 |
80% |
20 |
I |
II |
IV |
V |
VI |
Swagger |
Normal |
Status |
— |
85% |
15 |
I |
II |
IV |
V |
VI |
Take Down |
Normal |
Physical |
90 |
85% |
20 |
I |
II |
IV |
V |
VI |
Telekinesis × |
Psychic |
Status |
— |
—% |
15 |
I |
II |
IV |
V |
VI |
Teleport |
Psychic |
Status |
— |
—% |
20 |
I |
II |
IV |
V |
VI |
Tickle |
Normal |
Status |
— |
100% |
20 |
I |
II |
IV |
V |
VI |
Toxic |
Poison |
Status |
— |
90% |
10 |
I |
II |
IV |
V |
VI |
Wake-Up Slap × |
Fighting |
Physical |
70 |
100% |
10 |
I |
II |
IV |
V |
VI |
Water Gun |
Water |
Special |
40 |
100% |
25 |
I |
II |
IV |
V |
VI |
Water Pulse |
Water |
Special |
60 |
100% |
20 |
I |
II |
IV |
V |
VI |
Zap Cannon |
Electric |
Special |
120 |
50% |
5 |
- A striped background indicates a generation in which the move can only be obtained via event or as a special move
- Bold indicates a move that gets STAB when used by Jigglypuff
- Italic indicates a move that gets STAB only when used by an evolution of Jigglypuff
- × indicates a move that cannot be used in Generation VIII
- Click on the generation numbers at the top to see transfer-only moves for other generations
Side game data
Pokémon Pinball
Acquisition: Catch |
Pokémon Pinball RS
Acquisition: Catch |
Pokémon Trozei!
Rarity: Rare |
Pokémon Mystery Dungeon
Red Rescue Team and Blue Rescue Team
Body size: 1 |
Recruit rate: -19% |
Friend Area: Sky Blue Plains |
Phrases |
51%-100% HP |
Please don't fall asleep when I sing! |
26%-50% HP |
This is too hard! I only have half my HP already. |
1%-25% HP |
No, no, no more... I feel faint... |
Level up |
Oh, yes! Leveled up! |
Pokémon Mystery Dungeon
Explorers of Time, Explorers of Darkness, and Explorers of Sky
Body size: 1 |
Recruit rate: -4.5% |
IQ group: B |
Pokémon Ranger
Group: |
Poké Assist: |
None |
Field move: |
None |
Loops: 7 |
Min. exp.: 23 |
Max. exp.: 73 |
Browser entry R-100 |
Jigglypuff bounces about as if it were dancing. It sometimes strolls in towns. |
Pokémon Ranger: Shadows of Almia
Group: |
Poké Assist: |
None |
Field move: |

(Tackle ×1) |
Browser entry R-203 |
It attacks by singing to send out musical notes. |
Pokémon Rumble
Attack |
● |
Defense |
● |
Speed |
●● |
Pokémon Rumble Blast
Attack |
● |
Defense |
● |
Speed |
●● |
Pokémon Rumble Rush
Walking Speed: 1.97 seconds |
Base HP: 62 |
Base Attack: 65 |
Base Defense: 37 |
Base Speed: 50 |
Pokémon Conquest
HP: |
★★★★★ |
Move: DoubleSlap |
Attack: |
★ |
Ability 1: Lullaby
Ability 2: Mood Maker
Ability 3: Confidence |
Defense: |
★ |
Speed: |
★ |
Evolves from Igglybuff when it has a link of 50% or higher
Evolves into Wigglytuff after battling while its Warrior is equipped with a Moon Stone |
Range: 3 |
Perfect Links: Chiyo, Hatsu, and Oichi |
Pokémon Battle Trozei
Attack Power: |
★★★★★ |

Pokémon GO
Base Stamina: 251 |
Base Attack: 80 |
Base Defense: 41 |
Egg Distance: N/A* |
Buddy Distance: 1 km |
Evolution Requirement: 50 |
Fast Attacks: Pound, Feint Attack |
Charged Attacks: Disarming Voice, Gyro Ball*, Dazzling Gleam*, Play Rough†, Body Slam† |


→ |

Moon Stone
→ |
Generation I |
Red |
Blue |
Yellow |
Red |
Green |
Front |
Back |
Front |
Back |
Front |
Back |
Generation II |
Gold |
Silver |
Crystal |
Front |
Back |
Front |
Back |
Front |
Back |
Generation III |
Ruby |
Sapphire |
Emerald |
FireRed |
LeafGreen |
Front |
Back |
Front |
Back |
Front |
Back |
Generation IV |
Diamond |
Pearl |
Platinum |
HeartGold |
SoulSilver |
Front |
Back |
Front |
Back |
Front |
Back |
Generation V |
Black |
White |
Black 2 |
White 2 |
Front |
Back |
Front |
Back |
Generation VI |
X |
Y |
Omega Ruby |
Alpha Sapphire |
Front |
Back |
Front |
Back |
Generation VII |
Sun |
Moon |
Ultra Sun |
Ultra Moon |
Front |
Back |
Front |
Back |

For other sprites and images, please see
Jigglypuff images on the Bulbagarden Archives.
- Jigglypuff is typically depicted in the Super Smash Bros. series and Ken Sugimori's artwork with green eyes and tea rose pink fur, more closely resembling its Shiny form. It also appeared with green eyes in Rough, Tough Jigglypuff and The Legend of Thunder!.
- Jigglypuff and its evolutionary relatives share their category name with Qwilfish and Drifloon. They are all known as the Balloon Pokémon.
Jigglypuff seems to be based on a balloon due to its inflatable body. Its soft fur and singing ability may be based on plush toys that play music to help children fall asleep. Its round shape resembles a powder puff or a cream puff; and its pink color, rubbery skin, and ability to learn Bounce are similar to a rubber ball. It may also be inspired by the mythical moon rabbit due to its evolved form Wigglytuff's large ears; Fairy type, which tends to be associated with the Moon; and the fact that it evolves using a Moon Stone.
Name origin
Jigglypuff may be a combination of jiggly and puff (to swell in size, or a burst of air).
Purin may literally be プリン purin (pudding; referring to its soft body). It may also involve プチ puchi (petit), ぷりぷり puripuri (angrily or in a huff; referring to its personality), and 風船 fūsen (balloon).
In other languages
Language |
Title |
Meaning |
Japanese |
プリン Purin |
From プリン purin, プチ puchi, ぷりぷり puripuri, and 風船 fūsen. |
French |
Rondoudou |
From rond and roudoudou, doux |
Spanish |
Jigglypuff |
Same as English name |
German |
Pummeluff |
From pummelig and fluff |
Italian |
Jigglypuff |
Same as English name |
Korean |
푸린 Purin |
Transliteration of Japanese name |
Cantonese Chinese |
波波球 Bōbōkàuh |
Corruption of Japanese name. The character 球 kàuh means "ball" |
Mandarin Chinese |
胖丁 Pàngdīng |
From 胖 pàng and 布丁 bùdīng |
[hide]More languages |
Greek |
Τζίγκλιπουφ Tzíglipuf |
From English name |
Hebrew |
ג'יגליפאף Jigglipaff |
Transcription of English name |
Hindi |
जिगलीपफ Jigglypuff |
Transcription of English name |
Lithuanian |
Džiglipafas |
From English name |
Russian |
Джигглипафф Dzhigglipaff |
Transcription of English name |
Thai |
พูริน Phurin |
Transcription of Japanese name |
Related articles
- Jigglypuff (anime)
- Jiggly
- Jigglypuff (MPJ)
- Jigglypuff (Super Smash Bros.)
External links
This Pokémon article is part of Project Pokédex, a Bulbapedia project that aims to write comprehensive articles on each Pokémon as a species. |