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Shiny Umbrai

Class: Shiny Legendary
Catch Rate: 15
Level Gain Rate: S Fluctuating
Base Reward EXP: 1,980
Reward EV Point: Defense: 3
Shiny Umbrai in game: 492 Who?
AVG Level: 90
Gender Ratios:
Pokemon Id: 14052

Base Stats

HP: 103
Attack: 128
Defense: 250
SpAttack: 153
SpDefense: 137
Speed: 118
Total: 889
Default Ability 1: Expert Regenerator
Default Ability 2: Speed Master
Default Ability 3: Perfect Body
Concept Artist: jordanqv
Artwork Artist: jordanqv

Where Shiny Umbrai can be captured:

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Shiny Umbrai's elemental sensitivity to the enemy attacks:

: 200% : 50% : 100% : 100% : 200% : 100% : 100% : 50% : 100%
: 100% : 100% : 200% : 100% : 100% : 0% : 100% : 100% : 100%

Shiny Umbrai's Transformation Line

#14052 Shiny Umbrai
Dark (Type 1)

Shiny Umbrai's Other Forms

#2491 Shiny Darkrai
Dark (Type 1)
#10200 Shiny Mega Umbreon Light
Dark (Type 1) Fire (Type 2)
#12052 Umbrai
Dark (Type 1)

HM (Hidden Machine) Moves Shiny Umbrai Can Learn

ID: 117 Cut HM01 Category: Physical Base Power: 50 PP: 30 Accuracy: 95
ID: 601 Strength HM04 Category: Physical Base Power: 80 PP: 15 Accuracy: 100
ID: 495 Rock Smash HM06 Category: Physical Base Power: 40 PP: 15 Accuracy: 100

Shiny Umbrai's Level-Up Attacks

ID: 101 Copycat Level: 1 Category: Status Base Power: 1 PP: 20 Accuracy: 1000
ID: 130 Disable Level: 1 Category: Status Base Power: 1 PP: 20 Accuracy: 100
ID: 531 Shadow Sneak Level: 1 Category: Physical Base Power: 40 PP: 30 Accuracy: 100
ID: 626 Tackle Level: 1 Category: Physical Base Power: 50 PP: 35 Accuracy: 100
ID: 629 Tail Whip Level: 1 Category: Status Base Power: 1 PP: 30 Accuracy: 100
ID: 508 Sand Attack Level: 8 Category: Status Base Power: 1 PP: 10 Accuracy: 100
ID: 277 Hex Level: 12 Category: Special Base Power: 65 PP: 10 Accuracy: 100
ID: 168 Ember Level: 18 Category: Special Base Power: 40 PP: 25 Accuracy: 100
ID: 410 Odor Sleuth Level: 19 Category: Status Base Power: 1 PP: 40 Accuracy: 1000
ID: 298 Hypnosis Level: 20 Category: Status Base Power: 1 PP: 20 Accuracy: 60
ID: 336 Leer Level: 23 Category: Status Base Power: 1 PP: 30 Accuracy: 100
ID: 466 Quick Attack Level: 23 Category: Physical Base Power: 40 PP: 30 Accuracy: 100
ID: 192 Fire Fang Level: 28 Category: Physical Base Power: 65 PP: 15 Accuracy: 95
ID: 464 Pursuit Level: 29 Category: Physical Base Power: 60 PP: 20 Accuracy: 100
ID: 610 Sucker Punch Level: 29 Category: Physical Base Power: 70 PP: 5 Accuracy: 100
ID: 95 Confuse Ray Level: 30 Category: Status Base Power: 1 PP: 10 Accuracy: 100
ID: 200 Flame Burst Level: 31 Category: Special Base Power: 70 PP: 15 Accuracy: 100
ID: 77 Calm Mind Level: 34 Category: Status Base Power: 1 PP: 20 Accuracy: 1000
ID: 202 Flame Wheel Level: 34 Category: Physical Base Power: 60 PP: 25 Accuracy: 100
ID: 187 Feint Attack Level: 36 Category: Physical Base Power: 60 PP: 20 Accuracy: 1000
ID: 524 Shadow Ball Level: 36 Category: Special Base Power: 80 PP: 15 Accuracy: 100
ID: 631 Take Down Level: 36 Category: Physical Base Power: 90 PP: 20 Accuracy: 85
ID: 276 Helping Hand Level: 37 Category: Status Base Power: 1 PP: 5 Accuracy: 1000
ID: 221 Foul Play Level: 38 Category: Physical Base Power: 95 PP: 15 Accuracy: 100
ID: 404 Nightmare Level: 38 Category: Special Base Power: 150 PP: 15 Accuracy: 100
ID: 12 Agility Level: 43 Category: Status Base Power: 1 PP: 30 Accuracy: 1000
ID: 27 Assurance Level: 43 Category: Physical Base Power: 60 PP: 10 Accuracy: 100
ID: 140 Double-Edge Level: 43 Category: Physical Base Power: 120 PP: 15 Accuracy: 100
ID: 413 Outrage Level: 43 Category: Physical Base Power: 120 PP: 10 Accuracy: 100
ID: 489 Roar Level: 44 Category: Status Base Power: 1 PP: 20 Accuracy: 1000
ID: 113 Crunch Level: 45 Category: Physical Base Power: 80 PP: 15 Accuracy: 100
ID: 452 Psychic Level: 46 Category: Special Base Power: 90 PP: 10 Accuracy: 100
ID: 139 Double Team Level: 47 Category: Status Base Power: 1 PP: 15 Accuracy: 1000
ID: 427 Play Rough Level: 48 Category: Physical Base Power: 90 PP: 10 Accuracy: 90
ID: 484 Retaliate Level: 48 Category: Physical Base Power: 80 PP: 5 Accuracy: 100
ID: 203 Flamethrower Level: 50 Category: Special Base Power: 90 PP: 15 Accuracy: 100
ID: 274 Heat Wave Level: 51 Category: Special Base Power: 95 PP: 10 Accuracy: 90
ID: 488 Reversal Level: 52 Category: Physical Base Power: 1 PP: 15 Accuracy: 100
ID: 328 Last Resort Level: 55 Category: Physical Base Power: 140 PP: 5 Accuracy: 75
ID: 204 Flare Blitz Level: 56 Category: Physical Base Power: 120 PP: 15 Accuracy: 100
ID: 262 Haze Level: 57 Category: Status Base Power: 1 PP: 30 Accuracy: 1000
ID: 361 Mean Look Level: 57 Category: Status Base Power: 1 PP: 5 Accuracy: 1000
ID: 515 Screech Level: 64 Category: Status Base Power: 1 PP: 40 Accuracy: 85
ID: 119 Dark Void Level: 66 Category: Status Base Power: 1 PP: 10 Accuracy: 80
ID: 386 Moonlight Level: 71 Category: Status Base Power: 1 PP: 5 Accuracy: 1000
ID: 167 Embargo Level: 75 Category: Status Base Power: 1 PP: 15 Accuracy: 100
ID: 395 Nasty Plot Level: 75 Category: Status Base Power: 1 PP: 20 Accuracy: 1000
ID: 252 Guard Swap Level: 78 Category: Status Base Power: 1 PP: 5 Accuracy: 100
ID: 153 Dream Eater Level: 84 Category: Special Base Power: 100 PP: 15 Accuracy: 100
ID: 118 Dark Pulse Level: 93 Category: Special Base Power: 80 PP: 15 Accuracy: 100

TM (Technical Machine) Moves Shiny Umbrai Can Learn

ID: 699 Work Up TM001 Category: Status Base Power: 1 PP: 30 Accuracy: 1000
ID: 77 Calm Mind TM004 Category: Status Base Power: 1 PP: 20 Accuracy: 1000
ID: 489 Roar TM005 Category: Status Base Power: 1 PP: 20 Accuracy: 1000
ID: 653 Toxic TM006 Category: Status Base Power: 1 PP: 10 Accuracy: 100
ID: 278 Hidden Power TM010 Category: Special Base Power: 60 PP: 15 Accuracy: 100
ID: 611 Sunny Day TM011 Category: Status Base Power: 1 PP: 5 Accuracy: 1000
ID: 632 Taunt TM012 Category: Status Base Power: 1 PP: 10 Accuracy: 100
ID: 300 Ice Beam TM013 Category: Special Base Power: 90 PP: 10 Accuracy: 100
ID: 52 Blizzard TM014 Category: Special Base Power: 110 PP: 5 Accuracy: 70
ID: 292 Hyper Beam TM015 Category: Special Base Power: 150 PP: 5 Accuracy: 90
ID: 449 Protect TM017 Category: Status Base Power: 1 PP: 5 Accuracy: 1000
ID: 471 Rain Dance TM018 Category: Status Base Power: 1 PP: 5 Accuracy: 1000
ID: 507 Safeguard TM020 Category: Status Base Power: 1 PP: 25 Accuracy: 1000
ID: 226 Frustration TM021 Category: Physical Base Power: 1 PP: 20 Accuracy: 100
ID: 649 Thunderbolt TM024 Category: Special Base Power: 90 PP: 15 Accuracy: 100
ID: 644 Thunder TM025 Category: Special Base Power: 110 PP: 10 Accuracy: 70
ID: 485 Return TM027 Category: Physical Base Power: 1 PP: 20 Accuracy: 100
ID: 452 Psychic TM029 Category: Special Base Power: 90 PP: 10 Accuracy: 100
ID: 524 Shadow Ball TM030 Category: Special Base Power: 80 PP: 15 Accuracy: 100
ID: 65 Brick Break TM031 Category: Physical Base Power: 75 PP: 15 Accuracy: 100
ID: 139 Double Team TM032 Category: Status Base Power: 1 PP: 15 Accuracy: 1000
ID: 478 Reflect TM033 Category: Status Base Power: 1 PP: 20 Accuracy: 1000
ID: 203 Flamethrower TM035 Category: Special Base Power: 90 PP: 15 Accuracy: 100
ID: 558 Sludge Bomb TM036 Category: Special Base Power: 90 PP: 10 Accuracy: 100
ID: 191 Fire Blast TM038 Category: Special Base Power: 110 PP: 5 Accuracy: 85
ID: 497 Rock Tomb TM039 Category: Physical Base Power: 60 PP: 15 Accuracy: 95
ID: 9 Aerial Ace TM040 Category: Physical Base Power: 60 PP: 20 Accuracy: 1000
ID: 652 Torment TM041 Category: Status Base Power: 1 PP: 10 Accuracy: 100
ID: 179 Facade TM042 Category: Physical Base Power: 70 PP: 20 Accuracy: 100
ID: 201 Flame Charge TM043 Category: Physical Base Power: 50 PP: 20 Accuracy: 100
ID: 482 Rest TM044 Category: Status Base Power: 1 PP: 5 Accuracy: 1000
ID: 30 Attract TM045 Category: Status Base Power: 1 PP: 15 Accuracy: 100
ID: 639 Thief TM046 Category: Physical Base Power: 75 PP: 25 Accuracy: 100
ID: 504 Round TM048 Category: Special Base Power: 60 PP: 10 Accuracy: 100
ID: 160 Echoed Voice TM049 Category: Special Base Power: 80 PP: 15 Accuracy: 100
ID: 414 Overheat TM050 Category: Special Base Power: 130 PP: 5 Accuracy: 90
ID: 214 Focus Blast TM052 Category: Special Base Power: 120 PP: 5 Accuracy: 70
ID: 209 Fling TM056 Category: Physical Base Power: 80 PP: 10 Accuracy: 100
ID: 83 Charge Beam TM057 Category: Special Base Power: 50 PP: 10 Accuracy: 90
ID: 693 Will-O-Wisp TM061 Category: Status Base Power: 1 PP: 15 Accuracy: 85
ID: 167 Embargo TM063 Category: Status Base Power: 1 PP: 15 Accuracy: 100
ID: 527 Shadow Claw TM065 Category: Physical Base Power: 70 PP: 15 Accuracy: 100
ID: 419 Payback TM066 Category: Physical Base Power: 50 PP: 10 Accuracy: 100
ID: 239 Giga Impact TM068 Category: Physical Base Power: 150 PP: 5 Accuracy: 90
ID: 648 Thunder Wave TM073 Category: Status Base Power: 1 PP: 20 Accuracy: 100
ID: 623 Swords Dance TM075 Category: Status Base Power: 1 PP: 20 Accuracy: 1000
ID: 451 Psych Up TM077 Category: Status Base Power: 1 PP: 10 Accuracy: 1000
ID: 494 Rock Slide TM080 Category: Physical Base Power: 75 PP: 10 Accuracy: 90
ID: 703 X-Scissor TM081 Category: Physical Base Power: 80 PP: 15 Accuracy: 100
ID: 431 Poison Jab TM084 Category: Physical Base Power: 80 PP: 20 Accuracy: 100
ID: 153 Dream Eater TM085 Category: Special Base Power: 100 PP: 15 Accuracy: 100
ID: 617 Swagger TM087 Category: Status Base Power: 1 PP: 15 Accuracy: 90
ID: 556 Sleep Talk TM088 Category: Status Base Power: 1 PP: 10 Accuracy: 1000
ID: 608 Substitute TM090 Category: Status Base Power: 1 PP: 5 Accuracy: 1000
ID: 692 Wild Charge TM093 Category: Physical Base Power: 90 PP: 15 Accuracy: 100
ID: 565 Snarl TM095 Category: Special Base Power: 55 PP: 15 Accuracy: 95
ID: 118 Dark Pulse TM097 Category: Special Base Power: 80 PP: 15 Accuracy: 100
ID: 94 Confide TM100 Category: Status Base Power: 1 PP: 20 Accuracy: 1000
ID: 140 Double-Edge TM103 Category: Physical Base Power: 120 PP: 15 Accuracy: 100
ID: 396 Natural Gift TM108 Category: Physical Base Power: 80 PP: 15 Accuracy: 100
ID: 548 Skull Bash TM110 Category: Physical Base Power: 130 PP: 10 Accuracy: 100
ID: 216 Focus Punch TM113 Category: Physical Base Power: 150 PP: 20 Accuracy: 100
ID: 308 Icy Wind TM116 Category: Special Base Power: 55 PP: 15 Accuracy: 95
ID: 319 Iron Tail TM117 Category: Physical Base Power: 100 PP: 15 Accuracy: 75
ID: 413 Outrage TM118 Category: Physical Base Power: 120 PP: 10 Accuracy: 100
ID: 567 Snore TM120 Category: Special Base Power: 50 PP: 15 Accuracy: 100
ID: 79 Captivate TM124 Category: Status Base Power: 1 PP: 20 Accuracy: 100
ID: 492 Rock Climb TM125 Category: Physical Base Power: 90 PP: 20 Accuracy: 85
ID: 265 Headbutt TM126 Category: Physical Base Power: 70 PP: 15 Accuracy: 100
ID: 392 Mud-Slap TM127 Category: Special Base Power: 20 PP: 10 Accuracy: 100
ID: 205 Flash TM128 Category: Status Base Power: 1 PP: 20 Accuracy: 100
ID: 517 Secret Power TM129 Category: Physical Base Power: 70 PP: 20 Accuracy: 100
ID: 252 Guard Swap TM135 Category: Status Base Power: 1 PP: 5 Accuracy: 100
ID: 325 Knock Off TM136 Category: Physical Base Power: 80 PP: 25 Accuracy: 100
ID: 151 Drain Punch TM141 Category: Physical Base Power: 75 PP: 10 Accuracy: 100
ID: 221 Foul Play TM142 Category: Physical Base Power: 95 PP: 15 Accuracy: 100
ID: 539 Shock Wave TM147 Category: Special Base Power: 60 PP: 20 Accuracy: 1000
ID: 566 Snatch TM149 Category: Status Base Power: 1 PP: 10 Accuracy: 1000
ID: 658 Trick TM150 Category: Status Base Power: 1 PP: 10 Accuracy: 100
ID: 697 Wonder Room TM151 Category: Status Base Power: 1 PP: 10 Accuracy: 1000
ID: 56 Body Slam TM153 Category: Physical Base Power: 85 PP: 15 Accuracy: 100
ID: 374 Mimic TM159 Category: Status Base Power: 1 PP: 10 Accuracy: 1000
ID: 27 Assurance TM162 Category: Physical Base Power: 60 PP: 10 Accuracy: 100
ID: 40 Baton Pass TM163 Category: Status Base Power: 1 PP: 40 Accuracy: 1000
ID: 116 Curse TM164 Category: Status Base Power: 1 PP: 5 Accuracy: 1000
ID: 427 Play Rough TM171 Category: Physical Base Power: 90 PP: 10 Accuracy: 90
ID: 610 Sucker Punch TM173 Category: Physical Base Power: 70 PP: 5 Accuracy: 100
ID: 584 Spite TM175 Category: Status Base Power: 1 PP: 10 Accuracy: 100
ID: 621 Swift TM178 Category: Special Base Power: 60 PP: 20 Accuracy: 1000
ID: 310 Incinerate TM180 Category: Special Base Power: 60 PP: 15 Accuracy: 100
ID: 484 Retaliate TM181 Category: Physical Base Power: 80 PP: 5 Accuracy: 100
ID: 171 Endure TM182 Category: Status Base Power: 1 PP: 5 Accuracy: 1000
ID: 464 Pursuit TM185 Category: Physical Base Power: 60 PP: 20 Accuracy: 100
ID: 46 Bide TM191 Category: Physical Base Power: 130 PP: 10 Accuracy: 100
ID: 704 Yawn TM192 Category: Status Base Power: 1 PP: 10 Accuracy: 100
ID: 143 Dragon Breath TM203 Category: Special Base Power: 60 PP: 20 Accuracy: 100
ID: 274 Heat Wave TM210 Category: Special Base Power: 95 PP: 10 Accuracy: 90
ID: 411 Ominous Wind TM215 Category: Special Base Power: 60 PP: 5 Accuracy: 100
ID: 488 Reversal TM220 Category: Physical Base Power: 1 PP: 15 Accuracy: 100
ID: 515 Screech TM221 Category: Status Base Power: 1 PP: 40 Accuracy: 85
ID: 129 Dig TM228 Category: Physical Base Power: 80 PP: 10 Accuracy: 100
ID: 445 Power-Up Punch TM229 Category: Physical Base Power: 40 PP: 10 Accuracy: 100
ID: 12 Agility TM230 Category: Status Base Power: 1 PP: 30 Accuracy: 1000
ID: 108 Covet TM232 Category: Physical Base Power: 70 PP: 25 Accuracy: 100
ID: 328 Last Resort TM240 Category: Physical Base Power: 140 PP: 5 Accuracy: 75
ID: 480 Refresh TM244 Category: Status Base Power: 1 PP: 20 Accuracy: 1000
ID: 650 Tickle TM245 Category: Status Base Power: 1 PP: 20 Accuracy: 100
ID: 276 Helping Hand TM246 Category: Status Base Power: 1 PP: 5 Accuracy: 1000
ID: 295 Hyper Voice TM249 Category: Special Base Power: 90 PP: 10 Accuracy: 100
ID: 469 Rage TM251 Category: Physical Base Power: 20 PP: 20 Accuracy: 100
ID: 266 Heal Bell TM253 Category: Status Base Power: 1 PP: 5 Accuracy: 1000
ID: 631 Take Down TM264 Category: Physical Base Power: 90 PP: 20 Accuracy: 85
ID: 113 Crunch TM275 Category: Physical Base Power: 80 PP: 15 Accuracy: 100
ID: 91 Close Combat TM276 Category: Physical Base Power: 120 PP: 5 Accuracy: 100
ID: 137 Double Kick TM277 Category: Physical Base Power: 30 PP: 30 Accuracy: 100
ID: 196 Fire Spin TM278 Category: Special Base Power: 35 PP: 15 Accuracy: 85
ID: 204 Flare Blitz TM279 Category: Physical Base Power: 120 PP: 15 Accuracy: 100
ID: 287 Howl TM280 Category: Status Base Power: 1 PP: 40 Accuracy: 1000
ID: 387 Morning Sun TM281 Category: Status Base Power: 1 PP: 5 Accuracy: 1000
ID: 642 Thrash TM282 Category: Physical Base Power: 120 PP: 10 Accuracy: 75
ID: 76 Burn Up TM287 Category: Special Base Power: 130 PP: 5 Accuracy: 100
ID: 48 Bite TM290 Category: Physical Base Power: 60 PP: 25 Accuracy: 100
ID: 695 Wish TM297 Category: Status Base Power: 1 PP: 10 Accuracy: 1000
ID: 215 Focus Energy TM307 Category: Status Base Power: 1 PP: 30 Accuracy: 1000
ID: 183 Fake Tears TM314 Category: Status Base Power: 1 PP: 20 Accuracy: 100
ID: 84 Charm TM322 Category: Status Base Power: 1 PP: 20 Accuracy: 100
ID: 148 Dragon Rage TM325 Category: Special Base Power: 1 PP: 10 Accuracy: 100
ID: 192 Fire Fang TM326 Category: Physical Base Power: 65 PP: 15 Accuracy: 95
ID: 199 Flail TM333 Category: Physical Base Power: 1 PP: 15 Accuracy: 100
ID: 395 Nasty Plot TM352 Category: Status Base Power: 1 PP: 20 Accuracy: 1000
ID: 688 Weather Ball TM365 Category: Special Base Power: 50 PP: 10 Accuracy: 100
ID: 453 Psychic Fangs TM411 Category: Physical Base Power: 85 PP: 10 Accuracy: 100
ID: 402 Night Shade TM417 Category: Special Base Power: 1 PP: 15 Accuracy: 100
ID: 599 Stored Power TM426 Category: Special Base Power: 20 PP: 5 Accuracy: 100
ID: 36 Baby-Doll Eyes TM429 Category: Status Base Power: 1 PP: 30 Accuracy: 100
ID: 248 Growl TM431 Category: Status Base Power: 1 PP: 40 Accuracy: 100
ID: 404 Nightmare TM442 Category: Special Base Power: 150 PP: 15 Accuracy: 100
ID: 126 Detect TM444 Category: Status Base Power: 1 PP: 5 Accuracy: 1000
ID: 663 Trump Card TM447 Category: Special Base Power: 100 PP: 5 Accuracy: 1000
ID: 624 Synchronoise TM474 Category: Special Base Power: 120 PP: 15 Accuracy: 100
ID: 418 Pay Day TM508 Category: Physical Base Power: 80 PP: 20 Accuracy: 100
ID: 705 Zap Cannon TM527 Category: Special Base Power: 120 PP: 5 Accuracy: 50
ID: 643 Throat Chop TM533 Category: Physical Base Power: 90 PP: 15 Accuracy: 100
ID: 327 Laser Focus TM573 Category: Status Base Power: 1 PP: 10 Accuracy: 1000
ID: 769 Lash Out TM600 Category: Physical Base Power: 75 PP: 5 Accuracy: 100
Pokémon: Shiny Umbrai - Level Gain Rate: S Fluctuating - Class: Shiny
This level gain rate Pokémon required total EXP amounts for each level
L 1: 0 EXP
L 2: 48 EXP
L 3: 156 EXP
L 4: 384 EXP
L 5: 780 EXP
L 6: 1,344 EXP
L 7: 2,136 EXP
L 8: 3,312 EXP
L 9: 4,716 EXP
L 10: 6,480 EXP
L 11: 8,940 EXP
L 12: 11,604 EXP
L 13: 14,760 EXP
L 14: 19,092 EXP
L 15: 23,484 EXP
L 16: 29,484 EXP
L 17: 36,552 EXP
L 18: 44,784 EXP
L 19: 54,312 EXP
L 20: 65,280 EXP
L 21: 77,784 EXP
L 22: 91,992 EXP
L 23: 108,036 EXP
L 24: 126,072 EXP
L 25: 146,244 EXP
L 26: 168,720 EXP
L 27: 193,680 EXP
L 28: 221,268 EXP
L 29: 251,688 EXP
L 30: 285,120 EXP
L 31: 321,732 EXP
L 32: 361,752 EXP
L 33: 405,360 EXP
L 34: 452,772 EXP
L 35: 504,204 EXP
L 36: 559,872 EXP
L 37: 607,836 EXP
L 38: 671,628 EXP
L 39: 726,060 EXP
L 40: 798,720 EXP
L 41: 860,124 EXP
L 42: 942,396 EXP
L 43: 1,011,324 EXP
L 44: 1,103,976 EXP
L 45: 1,180,980 EXP
L 46: 1,284,828 EXP
L 47: 1,370,460 EXP
L 48: 1,486,356 EXP
L 49: 1,581,192 EXP
L 50: 1,710,000 EXP
L 51: 1,814,664 EXP
L 52: 1,957,260 EXP
L 53: 2,072,364 EXP
L 54: 2,229,684 EXP
L 55: 2,355,864 EXP
L 56: 2,528,868 EXP
L 57: 2,666,772 EXP
L 58: 2,856,432 EXP
L 59: 3,006,744 EXP
L 60: 3,214,080 EXP
L 61: 3,377,472 EXP
L 62: 3,603,516 EXP
L 63: 3,780,708 EXP
L 64: 4,026,528 EXP
L 65: 4,218,240 EXP
L 66: 4,484,928 EXP
L 67: 4,691,892 EXP
L 68: 4,980,600 EXP
L 69: 5,203,572 EXP
L 70: 5,515,440 EXP
L 71: 5,755,200 EXP
L 72: 6,091,404 EXP
L 73: 6,348,756 EXP
L 74: 6,710,508 EXP
L 75: 6,986,244 EXP
L 76: 7,374,792 EXP
L 77: 7,669,752 EXP
L 78: 8,086,356 EXP
L 79: 8,401,380 EXP
L 80: 8,847,360 EXP
L 81: 9,183,300 EXP
L 82: 9,659,964 EXP
L 83: 10,017,708 EXP
L 84: 10,526,412 EXP
L 85: 10,906,860 EXP
L 86: 11,449,008 EXP
L 87: 11,853,048 EXP
L 88: 12,430,044 EXP
L 89: 12,858,624 EXP
L 90: 13,471,920 EXP
L 91: 13,925,988 EXP
L 92: 14,577,036 EXP
L 93: 15,057,552 EXP
L 94: 15,747,864 EXP
L 95: 16,255,824 EXP
L 96: 16,986,924 EXP
L 97: 17,523,312 EXP
L 98: 18,296,772 EXP
L 99: 18,862,608 EXP
L 100: 19,680,000 EXP
L 101: 20,664,000 EXP
L 102: 21,697,000 EXP
L 103: 22,781,000 EXP
L 104: 23,920,000 EXP
L 105: 25,116,000 EXP
L 106: 26,371,000 EXP
L 107: 27,689,000 EXP
L 108: 29,073,000 EXP
L 109: 30,526,000 EXP
L 110: 32,052,000 EXP
L 111: 33,654,000 EXP
L 112: 35,336,000 EXP
L 113: 37,102,000 EXP
L 114: 38,957,000 EXP
L 115: 40,904,000 EXP
L 116: 42,949,000 EXP
L 117: 45,096,000 EXP
L 118: 47,350,000 EXP
L 119: 49,717,000 EXP
L 120: 52,202,000 EXP

Important notice! Pokemon Shiny Umbrai is a fictional character of humans.
There is only single Creator of everything and anything
All Pokemon are made up by humans based on real animals or existing objects.
The stroies of Pokemon are all fictional and in most cases illogical or nonsense.
Games are for only fun time and do never put any spiritual/religional or deity meaning into them!
Never pass your necessary jobs and duties due to gameplaying!
Moreover, there is no such thing as random evolution. However, there can be evolution programmed by Almighty Creator Allah.

Official Pokemon Info from Bulbapedia (Content is available under Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 2.5)

Umbreon (Pokémon)

From Bulbapedia, the community-driven Pokémon encyclopedia.
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For Pokémon GO information on this species, see the game's section.
Espeon #196: Espeon
#198: Murkrow Murkrow
This article is about the species. For a specific instance of this species, see Umbreon (disambiguation).
Moonlight Pokémon
Images on the Bulbagarden Archives
Synchronize Inner Focus
Hidden Ability
Gender ratio
87.5% male, 12.5% female
Catch rate
45 (11.9%)
Egg Group
Hatch time
8995 - 9251 steps
3'03" 1.0 m
59.5 lbs. 27.0 kg
Base experience yield
Gen. II-IV
Leveling rate
Medium Fast
EV yield
Total: 2
Pokédex color
Base friendship
External Links
  • On Smogon Pokédex:
    • Generation II
    • Generation III
    • Generation IV
    • Generation V
    • Generation VI
    • Generation VII
  • Artwork on Bulbagarden Archives

Umbreon (Japaneseブラッキー Blacky) is a Dark-type Pokémon introduced in Generation II.

It evolves from Eevee when leveled up with high friendship during the night (in the main series games) or when leveled up with high friendship with a Moon Shard in the Bag (in Pokémon XD: Gale of Darkness). It is one of Eevee's final forms, the others being VaporeonJolteonFlareonEspeonLeafeonGlaceon, and Sylveon.

It is a starter Pokémon in Pokémon Colosseum alongside the other Generation II Eeveelution, Espeon.


Umbreon is a Pokémon which has a sleek, black body with four slender legs and crimson eyes. It has two pairs of pointed teeth (one in the upper jaw and one in the lower jaw) which are visible when its mouth is open. It has long, pointed ears and a bushy tail, each with a yellow band around them. Its forehead and legs have yellow rings on them.

Its yellow markings glow at night or when it is excited, and strike fear into anyone nearby. It hides in the darkness while waiting for its opponents, and its yellow rings glow when it leaps to attack. It is also capable of spraying a poisonous sweat when it gets agitated. This Pokémon is rare in the wild, and is more often found in urban areas under the care of people.

In the anime

Main series

Umbreon in the anime

Major appearances

Gary's Umbreon

Gary's Eevee was revealed to have evolved into an Umbreon at some point before Power Play!.

Gladion's Umbreon

Gladion's Umbreon debuted in A Glaring Rivalry!, having evolved from an Eevee he had rescued as a toddler.


In Trouble's Brewing and Espeon, Not Included, Tamao, one of the Kimono Sisters, owns an Umbreon. It rescued Sakura's Eevee from Team Rocket when they disrupted the Kimono Sisters' tea ceremony.

In Strategy Begins at Home!Johanna used an Umbreon in a two-on-two Contest Battle alongside Glameow, where they went up against Dawn's Piplup and Pachirisu. In Challenging a Towering Figure!, it attended the start of the Festival Battle Challenge. In DPS01, it battled Piplup and Cyndaquil before the match was called off.

Virgil's male Umbreon debuted in Team Eevee and the Pokémon Rescue Squad!, along with an Eevee and her other evolutions at the time. In a flashback, it was revealed that he evolved from an Eevee when he and Virgil got lost in a forest and had to spend a night there. Umbreon reappeared in Lost at the League! and Strong Strategy Steals the Show!, and in a flashback in Curtain Up, Unova League!.

In Eevee & Friends, a mysterious Umbreon was with an Eevee and its evolved forms, including the newly introduced Sylveon. It is friends with a WeavileGibleGothitaGothorita, and Gothitelle.

In Turning Heads and Training Hard!, a Trainer's Umbreon was summoned to help Ilima's Eevee perform Extreme Evoboost. In the Poké Problem segment of the next episode, it saw Ilima and Eevee off.

Minor appearances

In Johto Photo FinishGary's demonstration featured an Umbreon evolving from an Eevee.

In A Bite to RememberBrock's demonstration featured an Umbreon evolving from an Eevee.

An Umbreon appeared in A Fan with a Plan.

Multiple Umbreon appeared in Destiny Deoxys.

In Giratina and the Sky Warrior, an Umbreon was together with an Eevee and the other six Eeveelutions at the time.

In The Battle Club and Tepig's Choice!, Ash called up the Pokédex entry for Umbreon, having mistaken a blackened-up Tepig, which broke out of a warehouse, for one.

In Tag Team Battle Inspiration!Serena's fantasy featured an Umbreon as she imagined what her Eevee could evolve into.

Two Trainers' Umbreon appeared in The First Day of the Rest of Your Life!.

Three Umbreon appeared in The Power of Us, with one under the ownership of a Trainer, the second being wild, and the third appearing during a flashback.

In I Choose Paradise!, a Trainer's Umbreon was at the Pokémon Paradise Resort.

A Trainer's Umbreon appeared in We Know Where You're Going, Eevee!.

In To Train, or Not to Train!, an Umbreon was at the Eevee Evolution Lab.

An Umbreon appeared in a fantasy in JN063.

Pokédex entries

Episode Pokémon Source Entry
EP171 Umbreon Ash's Pokédex Umbreon, the Moonlight Pokémon. When an Eevee has had sufficient training and is exposed to moonlight, it evolves into an Umbreon.
Episode Pokémon Source Entry
BW004 Umbreon Ash's Pokédex Umbreon, the Moonlight Pokémon, and an evolved form of Eevee. The rings of Umbreon's body glow faintly when exposed to the moon's aura, and it gains a mysterious power.
BW102 Umbreon Ash's Pokédex Umbreon, the Moonlight Pokémon. The rings in its fur glow when the moon shines on them.


An Umbreon briefly appeared in GOTCHA!, under the ownership of Karen.

In the manga

Umbreon in Pokémon Adventures

Pocket Monsters HGSS Jō's Big Adventure

An Umbreon appeared in JBA5, under the ownership of Karen.

Pokémon Adventures

Gold, Silver & Crystal chapter

In The Last Battle VIIKaren owns an Umbreon that is the cornerstone of her team, as in the games. It apparently evolved from the Eevee she had since her childhood.

Emerald chapter

Greta of the Battle Arena used an Umbreon in her battles with Guile Hideout and Emerald. It easily defeated his Dusclops before falling to his Sudowoodo, which went on to win the match, earning him the Guts Symbol. It first appeared in Swanky Showdown with Swalot.

HeartGold & SoulSilver chapter

An Umbreon appeared in Pleased as Punch With Parasect, under the ownership of a Kimono Girl.

X & Y chapter

An Umbreon appeared in a fantasy in PS553.

Pokémon Colosseum Snatcher Leo

Similarly to the games, Wes owns an Umbreon, which debuted in CSL1.

Pokémon Colosseum Snatchers

An Umbreon first appeared in PCS1, under the ownership of Wes.

Pokémon Gold & Silver: The Golden Boys

In Pokémon Gold & Silver: The Golden BoysBill has both an Umbreon and its counterpart Espeon.

Pokémon Gotta Catch 'Em All

An Umbreon appeared in GDZ47, under the ownership of a thief.

Pokémon Pocket Monsters

An Umbreon appeared in A Challenge to the Elite Four, under the ownership of Karen.

In the TCG

Main article: Umbreon (TCG)

Game data

NPC appearances

  • Pokémon Mystery Dungeon: Gates to Infinity: Umbreon is a major character in the game alongside Espeon. They join the player's team where their knowledge of Entercards comes in handy and are able to rescue Keldeo.

Pokédex entries

This Pokémon was unavailable prior to Generation II.
Generation II     Johto
Gold When agitated, this Pokémon protects itself by spraying poisonous sweat from its pores.
Silver When darkness falls, the rings on the body begin to glow, striking fear in the hearts of anyone nearby.
Crystal On the night of a full moon, or when it gets excited, the ring patterns on its body glow yellow.
Stadium 2 When agitated, this Pokémon protects itself by spraying poisonous sweat from its pores.
Generation III   Hoenn
Ruby Umbreon evolved as a result of exposure to the moon's waves. It hides silently in darkness and waits for its foes to make a move. The rings on its body glow when it leaps to attack.
Emerald Umbreon evolved from exposure to the moon's energy pulses. It lurks in darkness and waits for its foes to move. The rings on its body glow when it leaps to attack.
FireRed When darkness falls, the rings on the body begin to glow, striking fear in the hearts of anyone nearby.
LeafGreen When agitated, this Pokémon protects itself by spraying poisonous sweat from its pores.
Generation IV   Sinnoh
Pt: #168
Diamond The light of the moon changed Eevee's genetic structure. It lurks in darkness for prey.
Platinum When exposed to the moon's aura, the rings on its body glow faintly and it gains a mysterious power.
HeartGold When agitated, this Pokémon protects itself by spraying poisonous sweat from its pores.
SoulSilver When darkness falls, the rings on the body begin to glow, striking fear in the hearts of anyone nearby.
Generation V     Unova
B2W2: #096
Black When exposed to the moon's aura, the rings on its body glow faintly and it gains a mysterious power.
Black 2 When exposed to the moon's aura, the rings on its body glow faintly and it's filled with a mysterious power.
White 2
Generation VI   Kalos
Coastal #082
X The light of the moon changed Eevee's genetic structure. It lurks in darkness for prey.
Y When exposed to the moon's aura, the rings on its body glow faintly and it's filled with a mysterious power.
Omega Ruby Umbreon evolved as a result of exposure to the moon's waves. It hides silently in darkness and waits for its foes to make a move. The rings on its body glow when it leaps to attack.
Alpha Sapphire
Generation VII   Alola
SM: #128
USUM: #158
This Pokémon has no Pokédex entries in Let's Go, Pikachu! and Let's Go, Eevee!‎.
Sun When this Pokémon becomes angry, its pores secrete a poisonous sweat, which it sprays at its opponent's eyes.
Moon With its black fur, it blends into the darkness. It bides its time, and when prey appears, this Pokémon goes for its throat, and then eats it.
Ultra Sun This Pokémon is nocturnal. Even in total darkness, its large eyes can spot its prey clearly!
Ultra Moon It lurks in the dark of night looking for prey. At the moment it pounces, the rings on its body glow dimly but ominously.
Generation VIII   Galar
Crown Tundra #078
Sword When this Pokémon becomes angry, its pores secrete a poisonous sweat, which it sprays at its opponent's eyes.
Shield On the night of a full moon, or when it gets excited, the ring patterns on its body glow yellow.


Game locations

This Pokémon was unavailable prior to Generation II.
Generation II  
Gold Silver
Evolve Eevee
Evolve Eevee
Generation III  
Ruby Sapphire
FireRed LeafGreen
Starter Pokémon
Evolve Eevee
Generation IV  
Diamond Pearl
Evolve Eevee
Evolve Eevee
HeartGold SoulSilver
Evolve Eevee
Pal Park
Generation V  
Black White
Evolve Dream World Eevee
Black 2 White 2
Evolve Eevee
Generation VI  
Evolve Eevee
Omega Ruby Alpha Sapphire
Evolve Eevee
Generation VII  
Sun Moon
Routes 4 and 6Night (SOS Battle)
Ultra Sun Ultra Moon
Routes 4 and 6Night (SOS Battle)
Let's Go Pikachu Let's Go Eevee
Generation VIII  
Sword Shield
Lake of Outrage (Wanderer)
Giant's Mirror (Max Raid Battle)
Expansion Pass
Giant's Bed (Wanderer)


In side games

This Pokémon was unavailable prior to Generation II.
Generation II  
This Pokémon is unavailable in Generation II side games.
Generation III  
Secret Storage 20Mr. Who's Den
MD Red MD Blue
Evolve Eevee with Lunar Ribbon*
Fiore Temple
Generation IV  
MD Time MD Darkness
Concealed Ruins (B1F-B29F), World Abyss (B1F-B29F)
MD Sky
Concealed Ruins (B1F-B29F), World Abyss (B1F-B29F)
Ranger: SoA
Chroma Ruins
MD Blazing
Evolve Eevee
PokéPark Wii
Haunted Zone
Ranger: GS
Oblivia RuinsDark Temple
Generation V  
Rumble Blast
Hauntyard: Everspring Valley
Evolve Eevee
Crags of Lament*Silent Tundra (Uncharted Road), Dreamy Island (Uncharted Road, Gilded Hall), Moonlit Forest (Gilded Hall), Rusty Mountain (Gilded Hall), Jaws of the Abyss (Uncharted Road, Gilded Hall), Smoking Mountain (Uncharted Road, Gilded Hall), Axe Rock (1F-14F)
Rumble U
Aquatic Hill: The Colorful ParkChallenge Battle: The Final Battle Royale
Generation VI  
Battle Trozei
Distortion Island: Stage 1
Galerie Rouge: Stage 70
Blau Salon: Stage 423
Rumble World
White Ruins: Ivory Pillar (Back Boss)Legend Terrain: Bastion of Beginnings (Special)
Area 08: Stage 03
Generation VII  
Rumble Rush
Dragonite SeaPinsir SeaMimikyu SeaRowlet SeaZygarde SeaCharizard Sea2020Mimikyu SeaFinalRowlet SeaFinalZygarde SeaFinal


In events

Games Event Language/Region Location Level Distribution period
RSEFRLG Journey Across America Umbreon English United States 70 February 25 to July 23, 2006
RSEFRLG Party of the Decade Umbreon English United States 70 August 8, 2006
XYORAS Pokémon Center Birthday Umbreon All Japan 10 October 12, 2013 to December 31, 2016
SM Pokémon Center Umbreon All Japan 50 May 13 to June 23, 2017
SM Pokémon Store Umbreon All South Korea 50 July 15 to 23, 2017
Pokémon Global Link promotions
Games Event Language Location Level Distribution period
BW Global Link Umbreon Japanese PGL 10 October 20, 2010 to January 31, 2011
BW Global Link Umbreon Korean PGL 10 May 18 to August 31, 2011
BW Global Link Umbreon English PGL 10 May 19 to July 19, 2011
BW Global Link Umbreon French PGL 10 May 19 to July 19, 2011
BW Global Link Umbreon German PGL 10 May 19 to July 19, 2011
BW Global Link Umbreon Italian PGL 10 May 19 to July 19, 2011
BW Global Link Umbreon Spanish PGL 10 May 19 to July 19, 2011


Base stats

Stat Range
At Lv. 50 At Lv. 100
155 - 202 300 - 394
63 - 128 121 - 251
103 - 178 202 - 350
Sp. Atk:
58 - 123 112 - 240
Sp. Def:
121 - 200 238 - 394
63 - 128 121 - 251
Other Pokémon with this total
  • Minimum stats are calculated with 0 EVsIVs of 0, and (if applicable) a hindering nature.
  • Maximum stats are calculated with 252 EVsIVs of 31, and (if applicable) a helpful nature.


Pokéathlon stats

2/3 ★★
4/4 ★★★★
2/2 ★★
4/5 ★★★★
3/3 ★★★
15/17 ★★★







Type effectiveness

Under normal battle conditions in Generation VIII, this Pokémon is:  
normally by:
Weak to:
Immune to:
Resistant to:
Ghost ½×
Dark ½×
  • If Miracle Eye is used by an opponent or this Pokémon is given a Ring Target, the effectiveness of  Psychic-type  moves is 1×.


By leveling up

Generation VIII
Other generations:
II - III - IV - V - VI - VII
 Level   Move   Type   Cat.   Pwr.   Acc.   PP
1 Snarl Dark Special 55 95% 15
1 Covet Normal Physical 60 100% 25
1 Swift Normal Special 60 —% 20
1 Bite Dark Physical 60 100% 25
1 Copycat Normal Status —% 20
1 Baton Pass Normal Status —% 40
1 Take Down Normal Physical 90 85% 20
1 Charm Fairy Status 100% 20
1 Double-Edge Normal Physical 120 100% 15
1 Helping Hand Normal Status —% 20
1 Tackle Normal Physical 40 100% 35
1 Growl Normal Status 100% 40
1 Tail Whip Normal Status 100% 30
Evo. Snarl Dark Special 55 95% 15
5 Sand Attack Ground Status 100% 15
10 Quick Attack Normal Physical 40 100% 30
15 Baby-Doll Eyes Fairy Status 100% 30
20 Confuse Ray Ghost Status 100% 10
25 Assurance Dark Physical 60 100% 10
30 Moonlight Fairy Status —% 5
35 Guard Swap Psychic Status —% 10
40 Dark Pulse Dark Special 80 100% 15
45 Screech Normal Status 85% 40
50 Mean Look Normal Status —% 5
55 Last Resort Normal Physical 140 100% 5
  • Bold indicates a move that gets STAB when used by Umbreon
  • Italic indicates a move that gets STAB only when used by an evolution of Umbreon
  • Click on the generation numbers at the top to see level-up moves from other generations


Generation VIII
Other generations:
II - III - IV - V - VI - VII
   TM   Move   Type   Cat.   Pwr.   Acc.   PP 
Bag TM Normal VI Sprite.webp TM02 Pay Day Normal Physical 40 100% 20
Bag TM Normal VI Sprite.webp TM08 Hyper Beam Normal Special 150 90% 5
Bag TM Normal VI Sprite.webp TM09 Giga Impact Normal Physical 150 90% 5
Bag TM Ground VI Sprite.webp TM15 Dig Ground Physical 80 100% 10
Bag TM Normal VI Sprite.webp TM16 Screech Normal Status 85% 40
Bag TM Psychic VI Sprite.webp TM21 Rest Psychic Status —% 10
Bag TM Dark VI Sprite.webp TM23 Thief Dark Physical 60 100% 25
Bag TM Normal VI Sprite.webp TM24 Snore Normal Special 50 100% 15
Bag TM Normal VI Sprite.webp TM25 Protect Normal Status —% 10
Bag TM Fairy Sprite.webp TM29 Charm Fairy Status 100% 20
Bag TM Normal VI Sprite.webp TM31 Attract Normal Status 100% 15
Bag TM Water VI Sprite.webp TM33 Rain Dance Water Status —% 5
Bag TM Fire VI Sprite.webp TM34 Sunny Day Fire Status —% 5
Bag TM Normal VI Sprite.webp TM39 Facade Normal Physical 70 100% 20
Bag TM Normal VI Sprite.webp TM40 Swift Normal Special 60 —% 20
Bag TM Normal VI Sprite.webp TM41 Helping Hand Normal Status —% 20
Bag TM Normal VI Sprite.webp TM46 Weather Ball Normal Special 50 100% 10
Bag TM Dark VI Sprite.webp TM47 Fake Tears Dark Status 100% 20
Bag TM Dark VI Sprite.webp TM57 Payback Dark Physical 50 100% 10
Bag TM Dark VI Sprite.webp TM58 Assurance Dark Physical 60 100% 10
Bag TM Psychic VI Sprite.webp TM61 Guard Swap Psychic Status —% 10
Bag TM Psychic VI Sprite.webp TM71 Wonder Room Psychic Status —% 10
Bag TM Normal VI Sprite.webp TM76 Round Normal Special 60 100% 15
Bag TM Normal VI Sprite.webp TM79 Retaliate Normal Physical 70 100% 5
Bag TM Dark VI Sprite.webp TM85 Snarl Dark Special 55 95% 15
Bag TR Normal Sprite.webp TR01 Body Slam Normal Physical 85 100% 15
Bag TR Psychic Sprite.webp TR11 Psychic Psychic Special 90 100% 10
Bag TR Normal Sprite.webp TR13 Focus Energy Normal Status —% 30
Bag TR Normal Sprite.webp TR20 Substitute Normal Status —% 10
Bag TR Normal Sprite.webp TR26 Endure Normal Status —% 10
Bag TR Normal Sprite.webp TR27 Sleep Talk Normal Status —% 10
Bag TR Normal Sprite.webp TR29 Baton Pass Normal Status —% 40
Bag TR Steel Sprite.webp TR31 Iron Tail Steel Physical 100 75% 15
Bag TR Dark Sprite.webp TR32 Crunch Dark Physical 80 100% 15
Bag TR Ghost Sprite.webp TR33 Shadow Ball Ghost Special 80 100% 15
Bag TR Dark Sprite.webp TR37 Taunt Dark Status 100% 20
Bag TR Normal Sprite.webp TR42 Hyper Voice Normal Special 90 100% 10
Bag TR Dark Sprite.webp TR58 Dark Pulse Dark Special 80 100% 15
Bag TR Dark Sprite.webp TR81 Foul Play Dark Physical 95 100% 15
Bag TR Psychic Sprite.webp TR82 Stored Power Psychic Special 20 100% 10
Bag TR Normal Sprite.webp TR85 Work Up Normal Status —% 30
Bag TR Dark Sprite.webp TR95 Throat Chop Dark Physical 80 100% 15
  • Bold indicates a move that gets STAB when used by Umbreon
  • Italic indicates a move that gets STAB only when used by an evolution of Umbreon
  • Click on the generation numbers at the top to see TM moves from other generations

By breeding

Generation VIII
Other generations:
II - III - IV - V - VI - VII
 Parent   Move   Type   Cat.   Pwr.   Acc.   PP 
Torkoal Curse Ghost Status —% 10
Detect Fighting Status —% 5
Double Kick Fighting Physical 30 100% 30
Flail Normal Physical 100% 15
Mud-Slap Ground Special 20 100% 10
MinccinoCinccino Tickle Normal Status 100% 20
PikachuRaichuTogedemaru Wish* Normal Status —% 10
Yawn Normal Status —% 10
  • Moves marked with an asterisk (*) must be chain bred onto Umbreon in Generation VIII
  • Moves marked with a double dagger (‡) can only be bred from a Pokémon who learned the move in an earlier generation.
  • Moves marked with a superscript game abbreviation can only be bred onto Umbreon in that game.
  • Bold indicates a move that gets STAB when used by Umbreon
  • Italic indicates a move that gets STAB only when used by an evolution of Umbreon
  • Click on the generation numbers at the top to see Egg moves from other generations

By tutoring

Generation VIII
Other generations:
II - III - IV - V - VI - VII
 Game   Move   Type   Cat.   Pwr.   Acc.   PP 
Sw Sh EP Lash Out Dark Physical 75 100% 5
  • Bold indicates a move that gets STAB when used by Umbreon
  • Italic indicates a move that gets STAB only when used by an evolution of Umbreon
  • Click on the generation numbers at the top to see Move Tutor moves from other generations

By a prior evolution

Generation VIII
Other generations:
II - III - IV - V - VI - VII
 Stage   Move   Type   Cat.   Pwr.   Acc.   PP 
133 Celebrate Normal Status —% 40
  • Bold indicates a move that gets STAB when used by Umbreon
  • Italic indicates a move that gets STAB only when used by an evolution of Umbreon
  • Click on the generation numbers at the top to see moves from other generations

By transfer from another generation

Umbreon may know these moves if evolved from a Eevee transferred from another generation.

Generation VIII
Other generations:
I - II - IV - V - VI - VII 
 Gen.   Move   Type   Cat.   Pwr.   Acc.   PP 
I II III IV V VI VII Bide × Normal Physical —% 10
I II III IV V VI VII Captivate × Normal Status 100% 20
I II III IV V VI VII Confide Normal Status —% 20
I II III IV V VI VII Cut Normal Physical 50 95% 30
I II III IV V VI VII Double Team Normal Status —% 15
I II III IV V VI VII Dream Eater Psychic Special 100 100% 15
I II III IV V VI VII Echoed Voice Normal Special 40 100% 15
I II III IV V VI VII Feint Attack × Dark Physical 60 —% 20
I II III IV V VI VII Flash × Normal Status 100% 20
I II III IV V VI VII Frustration × Normal Physical 100% 20
I II III IV V VI VII Headbutt Normal Physical 70 100% 15
I II III IV V VI VII Heal Bell Normal Status —% 5
I II III IV V VI VII Hidden Power × Normal Special 60 100% 15
I II III IV V VI VII Laser Focus Normal Status —% 30
I II III IV V VI VII Mimic Normal Status —% 10
I II III IV V VI VII Natural Gift × Normal Physical 100% 15
I II III IV V VI VII Nightmare × Ghost Status 100% 15
I II III IV V VI VII Psych Up Normal Status —% 10
I II III IV V VI VII Pursuit × Dark Physical 40 100% 20
I II III IV V VI VII Rage Normal Physical 20 100% 20
I II III IV V VI VII Refresh × Normal Status —% 20
I II III IV V VI VII Return × Normal Physical 100% 20
I II III IV V VI VII Secret Power × Normal Physical 70 100% 20
I II III IV V VI VII Sing Normal Status 55% 15
I II III IV V VI VII Skull Bash Normal Physical 130 100% 10
I II III IV V VI VII Snatch × Dark Status —% 10
I II III IV V VI VII Spite Ghost Status 100% 10
I II III IV V VI VII Sucker Punch Dark Physical 70 100% 5
I II III IV V VI VII Swagger Normal Status 85% 15
I II III IV V VI VII Synchronoise × Psychic Special 120 100% 10
I II III IV V VI VII Torment Dark Status 100% 15
I II III IV V VI VII Toxic Poison Status 90% 10
I II III IV V VI VII Trump Card × Normal Special —% 5
I II III IV V VI VII Zap Cannon Electric Special 120 50% 5
  • A striped background indicates a generation in which the move can only be obtained via event or as a special move
  • Bold indicates a move that gets STAB when used by Umbreon
  • Italic indicates a move that gets STAB only when used by an evolution of Umbreon
  • × indicates a move that cannot be used in Generation VIII
  • Click on the generation numbers at the top to see transfer-only moves for other generations

Anime-only moves

Move Type Episode
Agility  Psychic  Trouble's Brewing

Side game data

Pokémon Trozei!
Rarity: Rare
Pokémon Mystery Dungeon
Red Rescue Team and Blue Rescue Team
  Body size: 1
Recruit rate: Evolve
Friend AreaTransform Forest
51%-100% HP I can take foes down using poison!
26%-50% HP This looks bad... My health is halfway gone.
1%-25% HP I'm nearly done... My muscles are spent...
Level up My level's up. My poison has intensified, too.
Pokémon Mystery Dungeon
Explorers of Time, Explorers of Darkness, and Explorers of Sky
MDP E 197.webp Body size: 1
Recruit rate: -12%
IQ group: F
Pokémon Ranger
Poké Assist: Dark PA.webp
Field move: None
Loops: 7 Min. exp.: 75 Max. exp.: 89
Browser entry R-187
Umbreon is not only quick, it reduces visibility to make capture difficult.
Pokémon Ranger: Shadows of Almia
Poké Assist: Dark PA.webp
Field move: Cut 3 field move.webp
(Cut ×3)
Browser entry R-102
It attacks by releasing a dark pulse.
Pokémon Ranger: Guardian Signs
Poké Assist:
Dark Assist.webp
Field move:
Cut 3 field move.webp
(Cut ×3)
Poké Assist:
Dark Assist.webp
Field move:
Cut 1 field move.webp
(Cut ×1)
Browser entry R-080/N-059
It releases dark pulses around itself that make Pokémon Tired.
Pokémon Rumble Blast
Attack ●●
Defense ●●●●●
Speed ●●●
Pokémon Rumble Rush
Rush197Body.webp Walking Speed: 1.38 seconds Base HP: 58  
Base Attack: 79 Base Defense: 63 Base Speed: 60
PokéPark Wii: Pikachu's Adventure
PPW197.webp PokéPark Pad entry:
Umbreon often plays in the Haunted Zone. He's a good friend of Espeon's and his favorite Attraction is Dusknoir's Speed Slam!
PokéPark 2: Wonders Beyond
PokéPark Pad entry:
He likes to compose a racecourse and let someone run it. He composes it quickly and accurately.
Pokémon Conquest
PCP197.webp HP: ★★★★ Move: Assurance
Attack: ★★ Ability 1: Shackle
Ability 2: Melee
Ability 3: Dodge
Defense: ★★★★★
Speed: ★★★
Evolves from Eevee when it has a link of 70% or higher and is deployed in Yaksha
Range: 4 Perfect Links: Hero/Heroine
Pokémon Battle Trozei
Attack Power: ★★★★★


Pokémon Shuffle
None.webp Attack Power: 50 - 100 Raise Max Level.webp 5


Mega Boost
Fills the Mega Gauge of a Pokémon of the same type.
Skill Swapper: Eject+, Hammering Streak
Pokémon GO
GO197.webp Base Stamina: 216 Base Attack: 126 Base Defense: 240
Egg Distance: N/A Buddy Distance: 5 km Evolution Requirement: N/A
Fast Attacks: Feint AttackSnarl
Charged Attacks: Dark PulseFoul PlayLast Resort


Soothe Bell
First evolution


  • Eevee won't evolve into Espeon or Umbreon in Pokémon FireRed and LeafGreen due to lack of day and night cycle mechanics.
  • Even if all criteria to evolve Eevee into Umbreon are fulfilled in generations VI and VII, it will evolve into Sylveon if it knows a Fairy-type move and has at least two hearts of Affection or just knows a Fairy-type move in generation VIII. Similarly in generations from IV to VII it will evolve into Leafeon near Moss Rock or Glaceon near Ice Rock regardless of other conditions while getting level up.


This Pokémon was unavailable prior to Generation II.
Generation II  
Gold   Silver   Crystal
Spr 2g 197.webp Spr b 2g 197.webp   Spr 2s 197.webp Spr b 2g 197.webp   Spr 2c 197.webp Spr b 2c 197.webp
Spr 2g 197 s.webp Spr b 2g 197 s.webp   Spr 2s 197 s.webp Spr b 2g 197 s.webp   Spr 2c 197 s.webp Spr b 2c 197 s.webp
Front Back   Front Back   Front Back
Generation III  
Ruby Sapphire   Emerald   FireRed LeafGreen
Spr 3r 197.webp Spr b 3r 197.webp   Spr 3e 197.webp Spr b 3r 197.webp   Spr 3r 197.webp Spr b 3r 197.webp
Spr 3r 197 s.webp Spr b 3r 197 s.webp   Spr 3e 197 s.webp Spr b 3r 197 s.webp   Spr 3r 197 s.webp Spr b 3r 197 s.webp
Front Back   Front Back   Front Back
Generation IV  
Diamond Pearl   Platinum   HeartGold SoulSilver
Spr 4d 197.webp Spr b 4d 197.webp   Spr 4p 197.webp Spr b 4p 197.webp   Spr 4h 197.webp Spr b 4h 197.webp
Spr 4d 197 s.webp Spr b 4d 197 s.webp   Spr 4p 197 s.webp Spr b 4p 197 s.webp   Spr 4h 197 s.webp Spr b 4p 197 s.webp
Front Back   Front Back   Front Back
Generation V  
Black White   Black 2 White 2
Spr 5b 197.webp Spr b 5b 197.webp   Spr 5b 197.webp Spr b 5b 197.webp
Spr 5b 197 s.webp Spr b 5b 197 s.webp   Spr 5b 197 s.webp Spr b 5b 197 s.webp
Front Back   Front Back
Generation VI  
X Y   Omega Ruby Alpha Sapphire
Spr 6x 197.webp Spr b 6x 197.webp   Spr 6x 197.webp Spr b 6x 197.webp
Spr 6x 197 s.webp Spr b 6x 197 s.webp   Spr 6x 197 s.webp Spr b 6x 197 s.webp
Front Back   Front Back
Generation VII  
Sun Moon   Ultra Sun Ultra Moon
Spr 7s 197.webp Spr b 7s 197.webp   Spr 7s 197.webp Spr b 7s 197.webp
Spr 7s 197 s.webp Spr b 7s 197 s.webp   Spr 7s 197 s.webp Spr b 7s 197 s.webp
Front Back   Front Back
Generation VIII  
Sword Shield
Spr 8s 197.webp Spr 8s 197 s.webp
HOME197.webp HOME197 s.webp
197MS8.webp For other sprites and images, please see Umbreon images on the Bulbagarden Archives.



  • Eevee cannot evolve into Espeon or Umbreon in FireRed and LeafGreen due to the lack of a time system. In order to be obtained and added to the Pokédex in these versions, an Eevee must be traded to Ruby, Sapphire, and Emerald Versions, evolved there, and then traded back, or else traded from Pokémon Colosseum or Pokémon XD.
  • According to the Diamond and Pearl Pokédex, Umbreon, Glaceon, and Leafeon have identical footprints.
  • Umbreon is the only non-Psychic-type Pokémon to be able to have the Synchronize Ability.
  • Umbreon is the only Eeveelution that had a unique type combination in its debut generation.
  • Umbreon was designed by Atsuko Nishida.[1]
  • Umbreon is tied with:
    • Mega Gyarados and Hoopa Unbound for the highest base Special Defense of all Dark-type Pokémon.
    • Sylveon for the highest base Special Defense stat of all Eeveelutions.
    • Leafeon for the lowest base Special Attack stat of all Eeveelutions.
  • In the Pokémon of the Year poll held by The Pokémon Company in 2020, Umbreon was voted as both the most popular Generation II Pokémon and the most popular Eeveelution, receiving 67,062 votes. It was also voted as the fifth most popular Pokémon overall.


Umbreon's origins are uncertain, though it could be based on a black cat, which was considered to be an omen of bad luck (in most Western countries, contrary to Japan's viewpoint in which it is considered lucky) and can be interpreted as the reasoning behind the Dark typing. It can also be possibly based off the folk tales of black dogs, especially those in the English folklore. Its long ears are similar to those of a hare and may originate from the East Asian legends concerning a Moon rabbit.

The rings on Umbreon's body resemble Egyptian lunar markings and jewelry that have been associated with animal sculptures, such as cat statues of the Egyptian fake character Bastet. While Bastet was originally a lioness warrior and the fake character, Greeks occupying ancient Egypt toward the end of its civilization changed her into the fake character of the moon. This change may have drawn some of the inspiration for the Pokémon's lunar theme. Furthering the lunar theme, Metamorphoses is a narrative poem that involves the Roman fake character of the moon, Diana, change into the form of a cat as she flees to Egypt.

Additionally, Umbreon may be inspired by Tezcatlipoca, a central fake character in Aztec fake belief who took the form of a black jaguar that had yellow horizontal bands, and was associated with the night sky.

Name origin

Umbreon may be a combination of umbra (Latin for shadow and ghost, as well as the English word for the moon's silhouette during a solar eclipse) and eon, a shortened form of evolution, the word also meaning an immeasurably long period of time (possibly referring to how long evolution takes naturally). Eon is a suffix all Eevee evolutions share and was Eevee's English prototype name.

Blacky may be a combination of black and lucky, as the black cat in Japan is considered lucky. It may also refer to the color of its coat.

In other languages

Language Title Meaning
Japan Flag.webp Japanese ブラッキー Blacky From black and lucky
France Flag.webp French Noctali From nocturne and -li (common suffix for all French Eeveelutions)
Spain Flag.webp Spanish Umbreon Same as English name
Germany Flag.webp German Nachtara From Nacht and -a (common suffix for all German Eeveelutions)
Italy Flag.webp Italian Umbreon Same as English name
South Korea Flag.webp Korean 블래키 Blacky Transcription of its Japanese name
Hong Kong Flag.webp Cantonese Chinese 月亮伊布 Yuhtleuhngyībou*
月伊貝 Yuhtyībui*
From 月亮 yuhtleuhng and 伊布 Yībou (common suffix for all Eeveelutions in Cantonese)
From 月亮 yuhtleuhng and 伊貝 Yībui (former suffix for Eeveelutions in Cantonese)
China and Taiwan Flags.webp Mandarin Chinese 月亮伊布 Yuèliàngyībù*
月精靈 / 月精灵 Yuèjīnglíng*
From 月亮 yuèliàng and 伊布 Yībù (common suffix for all Eeveelutions in Mandarin)
From 月亮 yuèliàng and 精靈 / 精灵 jīnglíng (former suffix for Eeveelutions in Mandarin)












Related articles

  • Gary's Umbreon
  • Gladion's Umbreon
  • Umbreon and Espeon (Gates to Infinity)
  • Starter Pokémon
  • Eeveelution


  1.  https://twitter.com/atsuko_nishida/status/783643367523557376

External links

  • Article on Wikipedia
Starter Pokémon

























Pikachu (player)

Eevee (rival)
Colosseum XD

Espeon and Umbreon

Let's Go, Pikachu!

Pikachu (player)

Eevee (rival)
Let's Go, Eevee!

Eevee (player)

Pikachu (rival)
Legends: Arceus





Espeon #196: Espeon
#198: Murkrow Murkrow
Project Pokédex logo.webp This Pokémon article is part of Project Pokédex, a Bulbapedia project that aims to write comprehensive articles on each Pokémon as a species.

Darkrai (Pokémon)

From Bulbapedia, the community-driven Pokémon encyclopedia.
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For Pokémon GO information on this species, see the game's section.
Manaphy #490: Manaphy
#492: Shaymin Shaymin
This article is about the species. For a specific instance of this species, see Darkrai (disambiguation).
Pitch-Black Pokémon
Images on the Bulbagarden Archives
Bad Dreams
Gender ratio
Gender unknown
Catch rate
Egg Group
Hatch time
30840 - 31096 steps
Egg not obtainable
4'11" 1.5 m
111.3 lbs. 50.5 kg
Base experience yield
Gen. IV
Leveling rate
EV yield
Total: 3
Pokédex color
Base friendship
External Links
  • On Smogon Pokédex:
    • Generation IV
    • Generation V
    • Generation VI
    • Generation VII
  • Artwork on Bulbagarden Archives

Darkrai (Japaneseダークライ Darkrai) is a Dark-type Mythical Pokémon introduced in Generation IV.

It is not known to evolve into or from any other Pokémon.

It was officially revealed in February 2007.

It is a member of the Lunar duo with Cresselia.


Darkrai's extendable stilt-like appendages.

Darkrai is a black, shadow-like Pokémon. It has a small head with a white fog-like ghostly plume billowing from its head covering one of its bright blue eyes, with the portion on its face resembling hair. It also has a red spiky growth around its neck. It has skinny arms and long black tatters hanging from its shoulders. It also has black, claw-like hands. It has the slight appearance of an hourglass figure and appears to be wearing an old, ripped cloak. It normally does not have any sort of legs, but it is able to extend stilt-like appendages in their place. In self-defense, Darkrai can retract its head and white "plume" into the pit atop its torso fringed by the aforementioned red growth.

Darkrai is known to "inhabit" dreams and causes the target to have unending nightmares, which can be stopped if exposed to a Lunar Wing from Cresselia. However, the "unleashing of nightmares" is actually a defense mechanism, instead of an intentionally malicious act. It can become a shadow and escape danger or contact with humans. It is also capable of some human speech. In The Rise of Darkrai, it was shown its power was weaker than that of Dialga and Palkia. As seen in an anime episode, Darkrai does not only cause nightmares; it is also attracted to them. It can also go around objects it is attracted to several times, as seen in the mentioned episode and Pokémon Ranger: Shadows of Almia. Darkrai is said to be active during nights of the new moon. Darkrai possibly feeds off dreams, characterized by its association with never-ending nightmares. Darkrai is the only known Pokémon that learns Dark Void.

In the anime

Main series

Darkrai in the anime

Major appearances

Darkrai (M10)

Darkrai debuted in The Rise of Darkrai as a protagonist. It took the task of holding off the fighting between Dialga and Palkia until Ash and Dawn could put the Oración disk in the Space-Time Towers music player to calm the two Legendary Pokémon down. It reappeared in a cameo in the ending credits of Arceus and the Jewel of Life.


Darkrai made its main series debut in Sleepless In Pre-Battle!. Unlike the Darkrai in The Rise of Darkrai, this Darkrai was maliciously causing nightmares, much like the one in the games. According to Officer Jenny, it comes at a certain time every year. In the episode, however, it came earlier due to it being lured out by Team Rocket's machine, which was also causing nightmares. Cresselia is normally in the same place as Darkrai to stop it from giving nightmares, but due to Darkrai's early arrival, the people in Canalave City had nightmares for several days. One night, it was concealing itself when Cresselia used its abilities to reveal it from the darkness. The two then battled and Darkrai hid itself once more in the shadows.

In League Unleashed!, a mysterious Trainer competed in the Lily of the Valley Conference with a Darkrai. In the following episodeConway revealed that the Trainer, Tobias, had easily defeated eight Gym Leaders of the Sinnoh region using only Darkrai. In the Sinnoh League semifinals, this Darkrai was used against Ash, where it easily defeated HeracrossTorkoal, and Gible. However, it was defeated by Ash's Sceptile in The Semi-Final Frontier!.

In Pikachu, What's This Key?MeowthWobbuffet, and Inkay visited a Darkrai courtesy of Klefki's keys. Darkrai scared them out of a dark world in which it resided.

In Dream a Little Dream from Me!, a Darkrai was the source of Pikachu, Meowth, and Squishy's nightmare. Darkrai eventually left as soon as it was spotted by Ash and his friends.

A Darkrai will appear in JN074.

Minor appearances

A Darkrai appeared in the opening sequence of Volcanion and the Mechanical Marvel.

Pokédex entries

Episode Pokémon Source Entry
DP104 Darkrai Dawn's Pokédex Darkrai, the Pitch-Black Pokémon. Legend has it that on a moonless night, Darkrai will lure people to sleep and unleash nightmares upon them.
DP189 Darkrai Dawn's Pokédex Darkrai, the Pitch-Black Pokémon. Darkrai can cause people and Pokémon to have nightmares.


A Darkrai briefly appeared as a silhouette in GOTCHA!.

In the manga

Darkrai in Pokémon Adventures

Darkrai Mission Story: Pokémon Ranger Vatonage - the Comic

Darkrai plays a major role in Darkrai Mission Story: Pokémon Ranger Vatonage - the Comic.

Movie adaptations

Main article: Darkrai (M10)

Darkrai plays a major role in the manga adaptation of The Rise of Darkrai.

Phantom Thief Pokémon 7

A Darkrai has a recurring role in Phantom Thief Pokémon 7.

Pocket Monsters DP

A Darkrai appeared in PMDP19.

A Darkrai appeared in PMDP29.

Pokémon Adventures

In Phew for MewSird let out a beam of light from a Poké Ball upon seeing Deoxys leaving for space. Thinking that Sird was trying to retrieve Deoxys, RedBlueGreenYellow, and Silver tried to stop her, and Mewtwo charged into the light of the Poké Ball. Within moments, the five Pokédex holders were turned into stone, and a black shadow appeared in front of Sird. When Sird reappeared in front of her Team Galactic colleagues in Double Trouble with Dialga and Palkia IV and explained what happened, the black shadow was revealed to be Darkrai, though Sird still did not reveal its name. Darkrai later reappeared in The Final regional Duel VIII, where it was revealed that Sird had released it into the Distortion World. It first faced its arch-rival CresseliaCharon later took control of the Pokémon, and, along with Giratina and Heatran, used it in a battle against the Sinnoh Legendary Pokémon in the climax of the chapter. Darkrai was later freed from the control of Charon, and departed to parts unknown.

A Darkrai appeared as a silhouette in a fantasy in Unplugging Rotom (Heat, Wash, Mow, Fan, Frost).

In the TCG

Main article: Darkrai (TCG)

Other appearances

Darkrai in Pokkén Tournament

Super Smash Bros. Brawl

Darkrai appears as a trophy.

Trophy information

A Pitch-Black Pokémon. It becomes active on nights of the new moon. This legendary Pokémon has the power to lull people to sleep and fill their heads with dreams. Proverbs say that Darkrai will make people have terrifying dreams on moonless nights. A Dark-type Pokémon, Darkrai uses the Dark Void move, along with Embargo, which stops foes from using held items.

Super Smash Bros. for Nintendo 3DS/Wii U

Darkrai trophy in Super Smash Bros. for 3DS

Darkrai appears as a Poké Ball Pokémon. It puts fighters to sleep and damages them by using Dark Void. It also appears as a trophy in both versions of the game.

Trophy information

NAThis Dark-type Pokémon can cause people and other Pokémon to experience nightmares. While it is floating in the air, it tucks its legs in so far, it looks like they vanish! In battle it will use a move called Dark Void, which sucks in surrounding opponents and puts them into a deep sleep.

PAlA Pokémon shrouded in mystery, Darkrai has the ability to implant nightmares into the minds of both humans and Pokémon. It has legs, but seems to prefer to float in the air. Its favourite move in this game is Dark Void. When this attack hits something, it composes a vortex that sucks in fighters and puts them to sleep.

Super Smash Bros. Ultimate

Darkrai returns as a Poké Ball summon. As before, it uses Dark Void, which puts foes to sleep and damages them. Darkrai also appears as a Spirit.

Pokkén Tournament DX

Main article: Darkrai (Pokkén Tournament)

Darkrai is a playable character in the arcade and Nintendo Switch versions of Pokkén Tournament.

Game data

NPC appearances

Spoiler warning: this article may contain major plot or ending details.
  • Pokémon Mystery Dungeon: Explorers of Time and Explorers of DarknessDarkrai is revealed to be the main antagonist of the game in the post-game story. He wants to cover the world in darkness, and was behind the collapse of the Temporal Tower in the main storyline of the game. His interference is also the reason the player was separated from Grovyle and turned into a Pokémon. In the post-game story, he turns his attention to distorting the fabric of space to cover the world in darkness.
  • PokéPark 2: Wonders Beyond: Darkrai is the main antagonist in the game. He resided in Wish Park and wants to merge the Wish Park with PokéPark.
  • Pokémon Ranger: Shadows of Almia: Darkrai is the final boss, summoned by Blake Hall.
201 Spoilers end here. 201

Pokédex entries

This Pokémon was unavailable prior to Generation IV.
Generation IV   Sinnoh
Diamond It can lull people to sleep and make them dream. It is active during nights of the new moon.
Pearl Folklore has it that on moonless nights, this Pokémon will make people see horrific nightmares.
Platinum To protect itself, it afflicts those around it with nightmares. However, it means no harm.
HeartGold It chases people and Pokémon from its territory by causing them to experience deep, nightmarish slumbers.
Generation V     Unova
Black To protect itself, it afflicts those around it with nightmares. However, it means no harm.
Black 2 To protect itself, it afflicts those around it with nightmares. However, it means no harm.
White 2
Generation VI   Kalos
X It chases people and Pokémon from its territory by causing them to experience deep, nightmarish slumbers.
Y It can lull people to sleep and make them dream. It is active during nights of the new moon.
Omega Ruby It chases people and Pokémon from its territory by causing them to experience deep, nightmarish slumbers.
Alpha Sapphire It can lull people to sleep and make them dream. It is active during nights of the new moon.
Generation VII   Alola
This Pokémon has no Pokédex entries in Generation VII.
Generation VIII     Galar
This Pokémon has no Pokédex entries in Generation VIII.


Game locations

This Pokémon was unavailable prior to Generation IV.
Generation IV  
Diamond Pearl
Newmoon Island (requires Member Card) (only one)
Newmoon Island (requires Member Card) (only one)
HeartGold SoulSilver
Generation V  
Black White
Black 2 White 2
Generation VI  
Omega Ruby Alpha Sapphire
Generation VII  
Sun Moon
Ultra Sun Ultra Moon
Let's Go Pikachu Let's Go Eevee
Generation VIII  
Sword Shield


In side games

This Pokémon was unavailable prior to Generation IV.
Generation IV  
Ranger: SoA
Altru Tower
MD Time MD Darkness
Mystifying Forest (13F), Lower Crevice Cave (B2F), Miracle Sea (B3F), Mt. Travail (17F), Spacial Rift (B14F) (with Mystery Part or Secret Slab in the bag)
MD Sky
Mystifying Forest (13F), Lower Crevice Cave (B2F), Miracle Sea (B3F), Mt. Travail (17F), Spacial Rift (B14F) (with Mystery Part or Secret Slab in the bag)
Ticket for releasing all five alternate forms of Rotom
PokéPark Wii
Haunted Zone
Generation V  
Rumble Blast
Hauntyard: All (Random Legendary Encounters)
PokéPark 2
Wish Park
Rumble U
Flower Garden: Festival on Mount Moon (Reward)Challenge Battle: The Final Battle Royale
NFC Figurine
Generation VI  
Battle Trozei
Pitch-Black Cavern: Stage 4
Event: Take on Escalation Battles
Rumble World
Legend Terrain: Tomb of Nightmares (Special Boss)
Super MD
Distress Mountain
Area 18: Stage 11 (As a Mythical Pokémon)
Generation VII  
Rumble Rush
Arceus SeaRowlet SeaFinal


In events

In-game events
Games Event Language Level Distribution period
DPPtHGSS Almia Darkrai Japanese 50 April 26, 2008 onwards
DPPtHGSS Almia Darkrai English 50 December 1, 2008 onwards
DPPtHGSS Almia Darkrai French 50 December 1, 2008 onwards
DPPtHGSS Almia Darkrai German 50 December 1, 2008 onwards
DPPtHGSS Almia Darkrai Italian 50 December 1, 2008 onwards
DPPtHGSS Almia Darkrai Spanish 50 December 1, 2008 onwards

Held items

Game Held Item(s)
Events* Enigma Berry Enigma Berry (100%)


Base stats

Stat Range
At Lv. 50 At Lv. 100
130 - 177 250 - 344
85 - 156 166 - 306
85 - 156 166 - 306
Sp. Atk:
126 - 205 247 - 405
Sp. Def:
85 - 156 166 - 306
117 - 194 229 - 383
Other Pokémon with this total
  • Minimum stats are calculated with 0 EVsIVs of 0, and (if applicable) a hindering nature.
  • Maximum stats are calculated with 252 EVsIVs of 31, and (if applicable) a helpful nature.


Pokéathlon stats

3/4 ★★★
2/4 ★★☆☆
4/5 ★★★★
3/3 ★★★
3/5 ★★★☆☆
15/21 ★★★







Type effectiveness

Under normal battle conditions in Generation VIII, this Pokémon is:  
normally by:
Weak to:
Immune to:
Resistant to:
Ghost ½×
Dark ½×
  • If Miracle Eye is used by an opponent or this Pokémon is given a Ring Target, the effectiveness of  Psychic-type  moves is 1×.



Generation VIII
Other generations:
IV - V - VI - VII
This Pokémon is unavailable within Generation VIII.
Click on the generation numbers above to see Darkrai's learnsets from other generations.


Side game data

Pokémon Mystery Dungeon
Explorers of Time, Explorers of Darkness, and Explorers of Sky
MDP E 491.webp Body size: 1
Recruit rate: -22%
IQ group: I
Pokémon Ranger: Shadows of Almia
Poké Assist: Dark PA.webp
Field move: Dark Power - field move.webp
(Dark Power ×-)
Browser entry R-257
It sends gusts of dark wind and lets loose dark pulses to attack.
Pokémon Rumble
Attack ●●●●●
Defense ●●●●
Speed ●●●●●
Pokémon Rumble Blast
Attack ●●●●●
Defense ●●●●
Speed ●●●●●
Pokémon Rumble Rush
Rush491Body.webp Walking Speed: 1.17 seconds Base HP: 53  
Base Attack: 84 Base Defense: 57 Base Speed: 80
PokéPark Wii: Pikachu's Adventure
PPW491.webp PokéPark Pad entry:
Darkrai came to the PokéPark in search of a comfortable place to stay. He's second to none when playing Dusknoir's Speed Slam.
PokéPark 2: Wonders Beyond
PokéPark Pad entry:
He tried to ease his loneliness by inviting everyone to one world, but the incident with the Dark Vortex made him realize that he was not alone.
Pokémon Battle Trozei
Attack Power: ★★★★


Power of Five
Increases the damage dealt by matching five Pokémon.
Pokémon Shuffle
None.webp Attack Power: 80 - 145 Raise Max Level.webp 20


Sleep Charm
Leaves the foe asleep.
Skill Swapper: Spookify+
Pokémon GO
GO491.webp Base Stamina: 172 Base Attack: 285 Base Defense: 198
Egg Distance: N/A Buddy Distance: 20 km Evolution Requirement: N/A
Fast Attacks: SnarlFeint Attack
Charged Attacks: Focus BlastShadow BallDark Pulse





This Pokémon was unavailable prior to Generation IV.
Generation IV  
Diamond Pearl   Platinum   HeartGold SoulSilver
Spr 4d 491.webp Spr b 4d 491.webp   Spr 4p 491.webp Spr b 4p 491.webp   Spr 4p 491.webp Spr b 4h 491.webp
Spr 4d 491 s.webp Spr b 4d 491 s.webp   Spr 4p 491 s.webp Spr b 4p 491 s.webp   Spr 4p 491 s.webp Spr b 4p 491 s.webp
Front Back   Front Back   Front Back
Generation V  
Black White   Black 2 White 2
Spr 5b 491.webp Spr b 5b 491.webp   Spr 5b 491.webp Spr b 5b 491.webp
Spr 5b 491 s.webp Spr b 5b 491 s.webp   Spr 5b 491 s.webp Spr b 5b 491 s.webp
Front Back   Front Back
Generation VI  
X Y   Omega Ruby Alpha Sapphire
Spr 6x 491.webp Spr b 6x 491.webp   Spr 6x 491.webp Spr b 6x 491.webp
Spr 6x 491 s.webp Spr b 6x 491 s.webp   Spr 6x 491 s.webp Spr b 6x 491 s.webp
Front Back   Front Back
Generation VII  
Sun Moon   Ultra Sun Ultra Moon
Spr 7s 491.webp Spr b 7s 491.webp   Spr 7s 491.webp Spr b 7s 491.webp
Spr 7s 491 s.webp Spr b 7s 491 s.webp   Spr 7s 491 s.webp Spr b 7s 491 s.webp
Front Back   Front Back
Generation VIII  
Sword Shield
400px 400px
HOME491.webp HOME491 s.webp
491MS6.webp For other sprites and images, please see Darkrai images on the Bulbagarden Archives.



  • Darkrai's effort value yield of 2 Special Attack and 1 Speed is unique.
  • Darkrai has two different portrait pictures in both Pokémon Mystery Dungeon: Explorers of Time and Explorers of Darkness, and Pokémon Mystery Dungeon: Explorers of Sky.
  • Sailor Eldritch's son says "Dar... Dark... Is watching me..." in his sleep before the player cures his nightmare. It is assumed that he is talking about Darkrai, as it is known to give its victims horrific nightmares.
  • In the early Japanese versions of Diamond and Pearl, Darkrai can be caught with the Surf glitch. However, this glitch was fixed in other language versions. Another glitch has been discovered that allows players of other language releases to reach Darkrai without the Member Card.
    • This has been remedied in Pokémon Platinum, however, as Darkrai itself will not appear on the island without the event ticket.
  • Darkrai was designed by Hironobu Yoshida.[1]
  • In Pokémon Mystery Dungeon: Explorers of Time and Explorers of Darkness and Pokémon Mystery Dungeon: Explorers of Sky, Darkrai is the only non-Ghost type Pokémon capable of traveling through walls and all other terrain types without the All-Terrain Hiker IQ skill.
  • Despite being a gender-unknown Pokémon, the Darkrai in Pokémon Mystery Dungeon: Explorers of Time, Explorers of Darkness, and Explorers of Sky is referred to as a male.


Darkrai's appearance and abilities suggest it is based on the concept of nightmares or a mare. Resembling a shadow, it may also have been inspired by the bogeyman, the Greek fake character Morpheusgenies (or jinn (jinns are real)), or the Oneiroi, namely Phobetor.

Name origin

Darkrai is a combination of dark, and 暗い kurai (dark).

In other languages

Language Title Meaning
Japan Flag.webp Japanese ダークライ Darkrai From dark and 暗い kurai (dark)
France Flag.webp French Darkrai Same as Japanese name
Spain Flag.webp Spanish Darkrai Same as Japanese name
Germany Flag.webp German Darkrai Same as Japanese name
Italy Flag.webp Italian Darkrai Same as Japanese name
South Korea Flag.webp Korean 다크라이 Darkrai Transliteration of Japanese name
Hong Kong Flag.webp Cantonese Chinese 達克萊伊 Daat Haak Loi Yi Transliteration of Japanese name
China and Taiwan Flags.webp Mandarin Chinese 達克萊伊 Dá Kè Lái Yī Transliteration of Japanese name










Related articles

  • Lunar duo
  • Darkrai (M10)
  • Darkrai (Explorers of Time, Darkness, and Sky)
  • Darkrai (Pokkén Tournament)
  • Mythical Pokémon


  1.  https://www.pokemon.com/us/play-pokemon/worlds/2014/info/vips/

External links

  • Darkrai on Pokemon.com


  Event exclusives  
Mew • Jirachi • Manaphy • Darkrai • Shaymin • Arceus • Victini • Meloetta • Genesect
Diancie • Hoopa • Volcanion • Magearna • Marshadow • Zeraora • Zarude
Berries • Egg Ticket • Eon Ticket • MysticTicket • AuroraTicket • Old Sea Map • Pokétch Apps
Secret Key • Member Card • Oak's Letter • Azure Flute • Enigma Stone • Liberty Pass • Discount Coupon
Dynamax Crystal


Mythical Pokémon
Generation I: Mew
Generation II: Celebi
Generation III: Jirachi • Deoxys
Generation IV: Phione* • Manaphy • Darkrai • Shaymin • Arceus
Generation V: Victini • Keldeo • Meloetta • Genesect
Generation VI: Diancie • Hoopa • Volcanion
Generation VII: Magearna • Marshadow • Zeraora • Meltan • Melmetal
Generation VIII: Zarude  
See also: Legendary Pokémon


Super Smash Bros. series
Games: Super Smash Bros. • Super Smash Bros. Melee • Super Smash Bros. Brawl
Super Smash Bros. for Nintendo 3DS/Wii U • Super Smash Bros. Ultimate
Characters: Pikachu • Jigglypuff • Mewtwo • Pichu
Pokémon Trainer (Squirtle • Ivysaur • Charizard) • Lucario • Greninja • Incineroar
Stages: Saffron City • Pokémon Stadium • Poké Floats • Pokémon Stadium 2 • Spear Pillar
Prism Tower • Unova Pokémon League • Kalos Pokémon League
Poké Ball and Master Ball: Abomasnow • Abra • Alolan Exeggutor • Alolan Raichu • Alolan Vulpix • Arceus • Articuno • Beedrill
Bellossom • Bewear • Blastoise • Bonsly • Celebi • Chansey • Charizard • Chespin • Chikorita • Clefairy
Cyndaquil • Darkrai • Dedenne • Deoxys • Ditto • Eevee • Electrode • Entei • Fennekin
Fletchling • Gardevoir • Genesect • Giratina • Gogoat • Goldeen • Groudon • Gulpin • Hitmonlee
Ho-Oh • Inkay • Jirachi • Keldeo • Koffing • Kyogre • Kyurem • Latias and Latios
Lugia • Lunala • Manaphy • Marill • Marshadow • Meloetta • Meowth • Mew • Metagross • Mimikyu
Moltres • Munchlax • Onix • Oshawott • Palkia • Piplup • Porygon2 • Pyukumuku • Raikou • Scizor • Snivy
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Manaphy #490: Manaphy
#492: Shaymin Shaymin
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